Anyone who has read about gangland Chicago under Alphonse Gabriel “Scarface” Capone knows that Capone was an organizer. He assembled the various gang bosses into a mutually beneficial society that operated above the law by getting their own people elected to government positions, while creating a forum to settle internal disputes and dictate policies to member gangs.
It was incredibly effective, offering membership benefits through strictly enforced territories, freeing up resources for expansion and reinforecement of the system, and protecting the entire operation from political interference by government.
Folks who went along with Capone’s organization saw crime reduced, business traffic increase, financial assistance, access to netoworks to expand trade, and social safety nets for life’s little bumps. All these folks had to do was pay a monthly fee and a percentage of the new revenue sources. Oh, and if one’s allegiance faltered, bad things might start happening.
Capone’s organization worked great for a long time. Loyal individuals received lots of benefits, the organization itself could get favorable laws passed as well as have the police held at bay, and ultimately Capone ran all of Illinois, with networks spread out across the nation.
He was eventually taken down by the tax office for not paying a sufficient amount of protection money to the boys in Washington DC.
I point all this out because the world as we know it today is little more than Capone’s business model on an international scale. A group called the World Economic Forum (WEF) has brought gangland bosses (national leaders) together, promising lots of bright shiny baubles in exchange for loyalty and service.
The WEF itself is composed of various extra-governmental gangs, like WHO, “climate” mobs and the Davos gang of corporate enforcers. Each of the member gangs get power, authority and money, while operating with impunity without borders. The politicians get money and power through marketing efforts that build their images as “leaders” and important figures.
Many of us peons buy into all of this, because we get jobs and “security” and social safety nets that protect us from life’s little bumps. As long as we pay our monthly protection fee and a percentage of our revenues, we stay fat, dumb and happy, playing with our devices.
The Gang of Gangs (i.e. WEF) apparently believes it now has sufficient power, influence and control to emerge from the shadows and take an open role in steering global events. This is analagous to Capone coming out of the shadows and taking his place as Chicago’s power center and king-maker.
Gangs who don’t play by WEF rules are marginalized, defunded and banished to obscurity. As examples, we might look to Greenpeace or World Wildlife Fund - gangs that once had significant influence and authority now unable to out market a teenage girl and almost forgotten. Even their former bosses speak out against the new gang bosses.
Here in Indonesia, by way of example, a political party will take over a particular ministry, and the parties are beholden to their biggest benefactors. The benefactors are rewarded with favorable regulations that enhance their business interests, while limiting competition and enforcement, and juicy contracts are awarded to those in favor.
A peon who needs a license or permission for his business may bribe an individual aparatcnik to “smooth out” the process. But all this really does is get the peon’s paperwork transferred to another aparatchik, who also wants some cash, and another and so on.
The peon must go to the party boss in that ministry and bribe him, and not only will the paperwork get done expediciously, but the funds will be distributed equitably. Note also that the peon’s business is now “owned” by the gang, and if the peon fails to fork over a cut, well…all that paperwork can magically get cancelled.
This is how the entire planet now operates. There are no nations, just rival gangs. There are no governments, just gangland thugs and enforcers. The real leaders are heads of mob organizations, who get their pwople in the right places and positions, and end up with billions of dollars in tithes flowing in from governments around the world.
The gangland organization cranks out “position papers,” which is the current euphamism for “marching orders”. If the member gangs don’t play along, by golly something terrible will happen and mob bosses will lose face and access to all the great parties and lavish annual events. Why, they may even get deathly ill or something.
Here’s the deal. We peons created governments to protect us. Somewhere along the line, we elected gang members to high offices, who brought their croneys with them. They started siphoning off the public trough to feed both the organization and themselves, rather than protect the interests of us peons. So essentially, we created the means by which the gangs took over, and now we think that the same structures that caused the problem will be the means to cure it.
It’s kind of like a social vaccine: you inject yourself with a little bit of a pathogen to make yourself a little bit sick, in the hopes that it will keep you from being a whole lot sick later.
The problem is, we will never know if it worked, since we were sick the entire time, and there’s no way to know if we would have gotten sick without it.
In other words, we keep turning to government for solutions, when government is the problem, and we will never know how well things could run without it, because we cab;t unagine trying it. We have always been sick, so we can’t imagine beng healthy.
If you listen closely, you can hear Scarface laughing from beyond the grave.
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