pandemos (Greek, noun) of or relating to all people, public, common; from pan (all, whole) and demos (the people); origin of “pandemic” of or realting to all people
kybernan (Greek, verb) to steer, pilot, control; origin of English “govern”
mentis (Latin, noun) of or pertaining to the mind, mental, reason; origin of English suffix “-ment" for conceptual nouns
government (Englisn noun) mind control
The most dangerous disease ever unleashed on humanity happened thousands of years ago, and is still killing people by the millions today. We did it to ourselves and we willingly infect ourselves generation after generation. There is no apparent cure, and folks don’t seem willing or able to cure themselves. And year after year, we accept the piles of bodies with helpless resignation, telling ourselves it’s just the way things are.
Yet, we can stop this carnage with nothing more than a choice - a decision that we will not allow ourselves and our progeny to become infected with this disease, ever again.
The disease is government. In the 20th century alone, government killed at least a quarter of a billion people. In the past three years, the government has killed many millions, though there is no public will yet to count the true destruction. It would be possible, though horrific, to quantify how people government has killed throughout history, and it would most likely be in the billions.
There have been many variants of this disease - autocracy, plutocracy, democraaacy, monarchy, republicanism, fascism, socialism, communism, &c. - and the outcome has always been the same. No matter how high-minded the rhetoric, how profound the reasoning, how limited the scope, how beneficent the intent, all government everywhere and at all times evolves into a horrific disease of mass murder and destruction.
And the answer is always to build a different version, which ultimtely ends the same way.
We’ve tried breeding good government, appointing good government and electing good government. We’ve tried innoculation, quarantine and natural immunity. We’ve written prescriptions, protocols and precautions.
And it always ends with a pile of bodies.
The most deadly form of government is when it is allowed to concentrate in one place. The least dangerous is when it is scattered to the four winds. In every case, however, it is always deadly and always communicable.
At no time in history have so many people been aware of the danger of government than right now. If you listen closely, though, you will hear people proffering the same remedies - if we just (elect, appoint, limit) government the right way, it will all be fine again. What folks fail to realize is that things have never been fine. Lurking just under the surface is another outbreak of government, waiting to burst forth to slay millions more when conditions are right.
There is no good government. There may be variants that are benign for a time, and people’s immunity might be high after defeating a particularly virulent outbreak, but eventually folks let their guard down - forgetting to wash their hands of this disease - and the cycle of infection starts again.
Name any major calabity in history, and I’ll guarantee governement caused it, took advantage of it to spread infection, and/or made it worse.
Every single one.
So how do we defeat this disease?
The answer has always lay in the ability of humans to be self-governing and to make choices in their self-interest that are beneficial to everyone around them. But there’s a new twist now that has never been in play.
My full proposal will take an entire essay to lay out, but simply we have a unique opportunity to use the tools at hand to craft a truly new world order. We have to ability to create small autonomous communities that can combine their skills and resources to trade with out communities anywhere in the world, enriching everyone through a sound natural economy.
The world would function more or less the way it does now, in terms of opportunities and products available, with one major difference - no government.
I know, hard to imagine right? That’s because you and I have lived for so long with the government infection, we can hardly envision a world freee of infection. But it can happen and we can do it right now.
Stay tuned for my plan of dedomination, and if you have some thoughts on topic, leave them in the comments below. We have to start somewhere, why not here? We have to start sometime, why not now?
Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.
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