“Quick, Watson, not a moment to lose! There’s bumbledickery afoot.” And with that, our intrepid hero became part blood hound, jutting his ample proboscis into the moist London air, as he spun ‘round and began chasing the trail of fetid rancidity into the dense fog.
Since Merka’s Election Month and a Half, my Bumbledick associates — particularly in the US — have grown increasingly quiet. This from folks who have been berating and haranguing me for the better part of a decade, because I refuse to genuflect and cross myself before reading from the Holy Scripture of the New York Times.
2019 - Me: Biden is a demented tottering old pathological liar. Them: You have Biden Derangement Syndrome, you’re a Trump-loving idiot, and your mother dresses you funny. 2024 - Them: Biden who?
2020 - Me: KaMAla Harris is a gaseous Diversity Hire put in place as Biden Life Insurance. Them: You are a racist, misogynist, capitalist non-drinker of Kool-Aid. 2024 - Them: KaMAla who?
2021 - Me: What about Hunter’s Laptop? Joe will have to pardon Hunter to cover his own Blessed Assurance. Them - You are a vile, Putin-loving Alex Jones conspiracy theorist, and you watch Fox News. 2024 - Them: Crickets and prairie dogs.
2023 - Me: The GeezerMedia is dead, long-form independent podcasters are the new gatekeepers, and anyone with a phone camera is the new live remote reporter. Them: You are a gullible snobbish pseudo-intellectual fool who worships Tucker Carlson. 2024 - Them: Be sure to subscribe, like and share all my YouTube content. Me: Now that you’ve discovered YouTube, you should probably know that Rumble and TikTok are the hot new platforms. Them: ???
The one thing you can absolutely depend on Bumbledicks never to do is apologize for years of scraping you off their shoes. If they acknowledge that anything has changed at all, it is likely to take credit for having foreseen all of it with great clarity and alacrity.
Bumbledicks are an odd breed. They stumble through life with rose-colored blinders, unable to follow their own labyrinthine logic, perceive the glaring fallacies of their predicates, or acknowledge the inherent hypocrisy of their Sacred Cows.
The more absurd a Bumbledick “fact” is, the more they will hang themselves over edge of the Abyss to defend it. In fact, you can tell just how twisted a Bumbledick assertion is, by the vehemence with which they espouse it. The really bizarre ones become a kind of mantra, repeatedly chanted as if desperately trying to convince themselves it is true.
It all seems to have begun in the Reagan years as Political Correctness (PC). The term was first used humorously or ironically in leftist circles during the mid-20th century to critique overly rigid adherence to progressive ideology.
PC gained mainstream attention in the 1980s and 1990s, particularly in the US and UK, as conservatives criticized it for stifling free speech and fostering excessive sensitivity.
The irony of bumbledickery’s origins cannot be more apparent. The civil rights and free speech movements on the left in the 1960s, led the to complete collapse of civil rights and free speech in the 2020s. There is a direct ideological genealogy from Haight-Ashbury in 1967, to the disastrous administration of Biden-Harris, which I enjoy calling the Hiden Administration.
The more Old Think was shushed and marginalized, the more New Think’s intellectual sphere shrank, until the Bumbledicks literally did not have the vocabulary to defend their ideology, and thus were reduced to vacuous sloganeering and mindless chanting. Unable to verbally express themselves, they have become an endless and entertaining stream of shrieking three-minute videos.
The fundamental flaw of Socialism has always been “equality of outcome”. By removing incentives for advancement, Socialism always becomes an ever-decreasing world of stagnate equally miserable slaves with equal amounts of nothing.
The constant redefining of language ultimately leads to no one having the ability to precisely express ideas, nor a clue as to what anyone else is saying. Words like “mercantilism” and “capitalism” merge, with the evils of the former supplanting the virtues of the latter. Birthrights become civil rights that can be granted or withdrawn at the whim of the ruling class.
The level playing field of equal opportunity becomes the tilted table of preferred minorities, and the term “minority” ironically lumps humans into ever-increasing blobs of vaguely related interests (see LGBTQIAH++). At what point does a marginalized minority become simply a large group of people who want more stuff than other people?
Out here in fly-over world, there is a perceptible and growing sigh of relief. Folks feel real hope for real change, after decades of being pounded with jingoistic hammers. Regardless of whether you like or even care about Donald Trump, the wider message is that us normal folks really are the majority, and we really can change the course of events. One senses a growing feeling of empowerment to take back the country and the culture from the monkeys with megaphones.
The greatest victory of the last year has been the defeat of the GeezerMedia. There are still mop-up battles all across the front lines, but the Age of Deception is coming to a close. The malicious monotonous mantra of bumbledickery is slowly giving way to millions of stifled voices suddenly taking flight.
As Claudius Caesar wrote while sitting on the “throne”, "A poisoned egg hatches out of the mud, and the reptile is born." We finally have that reptile in our talons, like the emblem on the Mexican flag.
There is a sweet odor of freedom wafting on the invigorating breeze of emancipation, like Mom baking toll house cookies on a spring afternoon.
Today’s cinematic uplift comes from the brilliant film Braveheart (1995), starring David O’Hara as the pivotal character Stephen, and some other people too. This is one of my Top 10s, not only because the title is the precise translation of my name, but also because it is guaranteed to awaken the Inner Male and get some adrenaline pumping for the battle. Honey? Where’s my woad?
Girding our loins on the Far Side:
E-book: Paper Golem: Corporate Personhood & the Legal Fiction
Contact Bernard Grover: luap.jkt (at) gmail . com
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I was reading the other day that even Scientific American has lost many loyal readers because it has been repurposed to transmit woke ideology rather than educate readers about science. The editor had a meltdown when Trump won and had to be replaced.
But this is the least of our problems: the rot is systemic and not confined to the media. German car makers are in the midst of mass layoffs, and strikes are rocking the country. They seem unable to fathom that the problem is not with management or Chinese imports but the 500% rise in electricity. They are unable to put two and two together.
They have voted in leaders who advocate going broke for the sake of virtue signaling. And yet somehow they are shocked by the outcome.
People seem unable to connect failed policies to the ensuing outcomes. As their standard of living declines, they attribute it to forces beyond their control. We have entered a new dark ages in which people do not comprehend their own interests. It almost seems to justify the corruption of our new crop of leaders. Audiences have become so polarized that if there was a professional neutral news organization, no one would tune in simply because it does not pander to their ideology. Viewers have become cheerleaders for their particular cause.
The really chilling question is not whether being woke has led to being broke --- but rather whether being woke is simply a ramification of a society in decline, i.e. it is not a cause but in effect. If this is the case, then there is nothing that can be done.
The midweek sermon-But we have hope in the new vision of the DOGE masters. They are going turn into the new lean mean puffing machine of efficiency run by Tesla robots! Just think, an AI to guide Drumpf and his reformers to victory for the Bumbleticks! MAGA is the real deal.