Mar 31Liked by Radio Far Side

The best definition of socialism is simply “The endless war against merit.”

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Did I miss anything?

YES you did... The master is (was?!) an Ukrainian!



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Mar 31Liked by Radio Far Side

Love this article. History, Present and Future. Brains, Heart, and Humor. Anger, Sympathy, and Reason.

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Mar 31Liked by Radio Far Side

I thought I should mention that the salvage crew is now saying that there is a natural gas pipeline that crosses the harbour under the place where that motor vessel Dali hit the bridge. Its presence will further complicate the salvage operation. No word yet on whether the Bumbledick team that was responsible for blowing up the natural gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea, Nordstream, are even aware at this point that the bridge collapse involves an underwater natural gas pipeline. But the levels of irony here do reach unto heaven. God provides. Some days, God provides hilarity. Amen.

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Mar 31Liked by Radio Far Side

Why did the Dali change course directly toward the pylon before it lost power?

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Mar 31Liked by Radio Far Side

Wow. That is a brain teasing list of inter connectivity. Of course it's all just random no conspiracies, plans or designs what so ever. I think the DEI crowd should follow language convention and use DIE . It has a certain fitting intonation to it. April 15th Taxes due , April 19th is the anniversary of the Concord Bridge battle of Revolutionary war, and the Waco Texas massacre of Religious freedoms by the BATFE and FBI.

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Rufus: SOP for a ship that loses power in a shipping channel is to put the engine in neutral and drop the anchors. This will slow the ship and steering control is maintained. The ship may well hit the shore or something on the shore but the bridge will not be hit. The ship was put into emergency reverse (plume of black smoke). This causes the ship to lose steering control and veer off course.

The ship was named after Salvador Dali the surrealist painter.

Baltimore is a shithole of crime and DEI. The Inner Harbor was a vibrant rebuilt business area but thanks to Covid edicts and high crime, only one or two business remain in the Inner Harbor. One of these businesses is Hooters. The gangs must have declared that Hooters was a safety zone. All the gang bangers like their buffalo wings and young girls with cute asses and tits.

Personally, I hope Washington DC suffers from the closing of Baltimore's port. The whole East Coast can go to Hell as far as I'm concerned.

PS: I still can't pay for a subscription on RadioFarSide.

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Mar 31·edited Mar 31Liked by Radio Far Side

"drifted into a support pylon..." So. Radio Far Side is a mouthpiece for the Government. propaganda. Good to know. I won't waste my time reading any additional bullshit under this title.


I misread "you have heard...drifted into a pylon..." as RFS saying that. I'm backed up. My apologies.

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