PS: I watched "Ad Astra" again tonight. It's the best Sci-Fi movie ever made imo. Brad Pitt does a great job of acting. Maybe the script resonated with him.

There are no other civilizations in the universe. And we all know why not. Carl Sagan was right. Eventually, civilizations kill themselves or some calamity occurs. Space travel is very difficult if not impossible. The Earth is like a weed in the sidewalk and anything can happen to it.

The human race may survive the coming catastrophes (I doubt if the insurance companies will.)

But then what?

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I have to watch "Ad Astra" again. Pitt is a great actor, when you take away his cigarettes and make him earn a living.

The Universe is really big, and to say we are it is a bit of a stretch. I also think humans became a multi-planet species back during the Pliocene Epoch. There are habitable spaces all over the Solar System that have been rediscovered and likely reinhabited. The most likely Hidey Holes are in the Moon and Mars. My bet for what the "elites" have been spending their trillions on is restarting and restocking those "arks". This also implies that "they" rediscovered certain technologies for generating power and interplanetary travel. What "they" are doing here on Earth is preserving as much of the biome as possible (seed banks, DNA archives) so they can rebuild the planet in their image...to start the whole mess over again.

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Rufus: Solar System space travel is difficult, but possible. Leaving the Solar System for Alpha Centauri or another star system is impossible. As we used to say in Lincoln while growing up, "Look at those pretty rich girls. They might as well be on the moon."

Sure, aliens might exist, but does it matter if there is no way for them or us to meet?

So "They" want to rebuild the arks and do it all over again. They must enjoy the power over others to the point of it being their only purpose in existing.

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Ha! Rich girls indeed.

Your underlying assumption is that the only means of propulsion in space is farting hot gasses out the hind end of a tube. I'm assuming "they" know of and possibly possess electro-magnetic drives that make vast distances almost negligible, and that is one technology being funded by the huge amounts of money being sloshed around. Electro-magnetism travels at something like 20 trillion times the speed of light (instantaneous for all practical purposes). Add to that sufficient cause to think that humanity has long been in contact with off-world entities, though whether they originate in our back yard or elsewhere is an open question. The Voyagers have left the Solar System using nothing but momentum - after the initial squirt of hot gasses. It's slow and tedious, but obviously possible to leave.

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Rufus: The machines can make the journey, but the human body couldn't handle the stresses.

There is a Wormhole Cafe in the Castro District of San Francisco. Maybe that's where the Portal is located.

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I would hazard to guess there are many wormholes to be found there, but I doubt any of them are The Portal. After all, SanFran seems to operate on the premise of wormhole quantity, rather than quality.

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Jun 24Liked by Radio Far Side

Dawkins is a D-bag and not that bright ….though a really good BS artist. He’s been consistently wrong on just about everything

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I don't disagree with your assessment of Dawkins, but even morons can make a profound statement once in a while, and that's the case with the cited quote. It does indeed summarize Western theological thought and, by extension, all of Western civilization. I certainly have never cited any other utterance by the man, but I gotta grant him one insightful quip.

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Jun 24Liked by Radio Far Side

Kindof like even the blind squirrel sometimes finds a nut. Ok point taken. The only time I might peruse something he’s said is for a laugh.

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I agree, and I would not have come across the cited quote had it not been for Christopher Hitchens using it on several occasions. The line does succinctly summarize the concept of Original Sin and Augustine of Hippo's musings on the topic.

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Jun 24Liked by Radio Far Side

Let’s cut to the chase… AGW was a fraud from day one, designed by the assorted communist/socialist organizations around the world to undermine the weak west. Case closed. Pax

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I rather think AGW is an extension of Original Sin, where we are collectively guilty of a sin committed millennia ago, and we must not only be punished collectively, but must make it right. As Richard Dawkins says, "We are born sick and commanded to be well." I don't disagree with the communist/socialist aspect, but I am of the opinion that collectivism is as much Western as Eastern...more so in some ways.

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Jun 23Liked by Radio Far Side

Pluto stopped being a planet because there are countless similar and identical bodies in the Kuiper belt beyond.

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You're right in one sense - Pluto-Charon is a double planet, since the barycenter is outside both bodies. The number of a type of planet has nothing to do with it. A planet orbits the Sun, and a moon orbits a planet. A planet is in spherical equilibrium, as well. Pluto-Charon meets all the criteria, as well as having an active geology, an atmosphere, and four moons. The IAU can jump off an asteroid for all they are worth. Sedna is a likely planet too, though we know little about it. Quaoar and MakeMake and the rest appear to not have spherical shapes, so I'll grant there are not planets, but that could change.

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Jun 23Liked by Radio Far Side

Most of the Kuiper belt is orbiting the sun and qualify as planets.

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Which is why we also take into account spherical equilibrium. Titan and the Galilean moons would be a planet if they were in independent solar orbits, and Mercury would be a moon if it were orbiting Venus. I also consider Ceres and Eris to be planets, as they fit the classical definition as such.

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Jun 23Liked by Radio Far Side

Mercury was probably in a stable orbit when Venus came into the solar system as a comet, grazed Mars and took its water and atmosphere, leaving the water on Earth on its way by (Noah event) and dissipating the latter into space, according to James McCanney.

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Of course, that is the Velikovsky Theory, based on global mythology. No way to know at this point, though the circumstantial evidence is compelling. It dovetails with Thornhill's Proto-Saturn hypothesis, Talbot's "Symbols of an Alien Sky" series does a fine job of expanding on Velikovsky. Personally, I subscribe to Mars being a moon of Planet V, and the global catastrophe that killed it was a result of Planet V's demise.

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Jun 24Liked by Radio Far Side

Where is Planet V?

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Hi Rufus, So that is what the planetary locker room looks like. Cool.

So, the elites know that the Solar System is going through a big change. The elites know that the shit is going to hit the fan and Earth will be less habitable soon.

What do the elites do to save their collective asses?

A: Eliminate competition (that's how they got rich) i. e. drop the population.

B: Develop energy sources not dependent on many people or a grid system ("green" energy sources).

C: Cover up the coming and happening disaster with a bullshit propaganda story e.g. Climate Change.

D: Build bunkers in out of the way places with good soil, water, and climate.

E: Put the seeds in a seed bank in some frozen vault in Norway.

Did I miss anything?

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Hey, the planets gotta have some privacy while they're changing.

A. True / B. The alt sources are feeble and require scads more resources than oil. They have aether generators and the alt energy scam is just fleecing the global treasuries. / C. They have access to ancient archives we aren't allowed to see, and they think they have a leg up. / D. Check. / E. Check. And probably on the Moon, as well.

Looks like you got it covered. I figure the Georgia Guidestones gave away too many spoilers and had to be rubblized.

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Rufus: The idea that anyone would build "Guidestones" in Georgia always cracked me up.

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On the surface, it looks absurd, but then you look at the ley lines... Also, the astronomical alignments were insanely precise, and the expense of the project means someone went to a lot of trouble to put it right where it was. And THEN there was the "clean up" that was nearly instantaneous without a proper investigation into the bombing, which is the same MO for 9/11, OKC, and the ritual mass shootings. All around weirdness.

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Rufus: Yes, the Guidestones themselves are fascinating. But to place them in Georgia seems bizarre. It smells like an elaborate hoax by a mad astronomer with money. Brian May, the guitarist for Queen, is an amateur astronomer. Maybe May put up the stones. LOL.

"We are the Champions of the World!"

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I wouldn't put it past May to do that. My thinking is that putting them in an urban center would make them just part of the landscape, like most urban art. Sticking them in the middle of a remote corn field made them enigmatic, which likely drew more attention and thought than competing with some random Miro.

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Rufus: May should have put the Guidestones next to the large statue of Lenin in the Fremont District of Seattle.

Tourist 1: "Those Guidestones don't read like the Communist Manifesto."

Tourist 2: "I think something was lost in translation from Russian."

Tourist 3: "I think some artist in Seattle is have a laugh."

Tourist 4: "The Seattle City Council paid $5 million for these Guidestones."

Tourist 1: "Well, it's another Roadside Attraction."

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I think you are right my friend. I've been researching the Grand Solar Minimum,...for a while,.....listening to Dr. Valentina Zharkova's speech to the Global Warming Nazi's IPCC, and reading every week day as Cap Allon is documenting the GSM on Electroverse.info. I learned about the Beaufort Gyre from Martin Armstrong at Armstrong Economics,......I think we are heading into another deep global Cooling. I

f the Gyre releases, it's way over due, and that massive amount of Icy, Cold Fresh water enters the North Atlantic it will block the warm Jet Stream from getting to Europe,....Europeans will freeze with their Croissants still in their hands.

China knows this, they are building Power plants 1 per week! They see what's coming. I think Putin does too, he's building Nuclear Ice Breaker ships and drilling very DEEP Oil Wells like crazy.

Here in the USA and the WEST? The powerful ones, the 1% global elite, are working to make the Cooling much worse. I think they see it as another way to cull the WESTERN population. Starvation, lack of heat,.....lack of any kind of energy,.....they are setting the West up to lose BILLIONS of people in the next 30 years. And they won't have to lift a finger after they set it all up.

Europe is going to have massive problems already this coming winter, because the things that modified the cold this last winter are pretty much one....Hunga Tonga's nice water blanket kept the heat in, and the 11 year Solar Maximum is about finished.

Trump's "Drill baby Drill" may be the only reason I vote for him, if we even get to have an election.

I'd much rather vote for RFK Jr.....at least he is talking about practical stuff,...like paying Mothers to stay home and care for their babies. But he's not saying much about energy, I think he knows Global Warming is a Scam, but he thinks Big Oil is polluting the planet and they are, so they have to be stopped. But I don't think Civilization can survive this coming Grand Solar Minimum without a huge increase in power plants of all kinds and drilling.

The biggest problem is going to be energy for heat and lack of food. If it gets that cold and stays there, our food animals will need to be brought indoors and so will our agriculture. And NO ONE IS WORKING on that at all. :( And if governments in the WEST don't get together and start to work on that,....which they won't because they are being paid not to,.....we will have 30 plus years of people dying from Famines and freezing to death. It's going to be very bad.

And the elite will ride it all out in their glorious deep underground Bunkers with all the Amenities. I almost wish I didn't have Grandchildren! What a horrible future they are looking at. They are scared all the time already about the "global warming" BS! And they are stubborn about it too. I guess they've been told that their Parents might try to changed their minds and that they should ignore us. :) Do you have kids and grand kids Bernard? Scary future.

About the metal Core of the Earth not moving,...thanks for that link, it was an interesting article,...you know Clif talked about how the Core grows when the solar system rises above the Galactic plane and we get a lot more Cosmic Rays. He said that all that energy makes the core grow and the liquid that the plates rest on get more liquidy. He says that's why there are more volcanos erupting and more earth quakes, plus the GSM increases them too.

I worry because people are talking about Pole Flips. That would shake up the planet like crazy! It would be an almost extinction level event. Maybe that's what the elite are scared of? Maybe they are building Arcs,....to ride all this out in. Almost anything is possible these days.


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