I linked to your essay about child slavery in my latest. Also put a link to it on my new Twitter.


I don't think the United States exists. It's only a collection of grifts at this point.

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Thank you, good sir. Much appreciated, and I will seek out your new TwiX account, as well. As far as I'm concerned, the US ceased to be a lawful de jure government under Lincoln, and it drove further off the cliff in 1913, but certainly since November 1963, it has been under the full control of the Deep State.

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I went to Tweetie bird app just now and followed yer account. Or some Radio Far Side. 🎇😎

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Not quite. "the United States" is the Pope's Municipal corp. Just as "the United States of America" is Britains Territorial corp. Who do you think has been squatting in D.C. all these years? And both with unlawful State-of-State franchises no less. Right under everybody's nose.

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I also disagree with your take. I have heard this argument from others, and I was never convinced.

People have said that we are still a British colony, or that some president or other in the past gave over control of the United States and its citizens to some foreign entity. Is that about right?

My question is, where did any president get the authority to do that? This situation might be de facto the case, but it certainly isn't de jure. Where does anybody get the authority to do that?

Do the incorporation docs exist? Can I see them? Can you cite the law that supposedly gave a president the authority to do that?

I think these are legal fictions. They can't exist in a world that is governed by real contracts, by consent of the parties involved. I remain unconvinced.

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The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 is often cited as the moment D.C. was incorporated as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, as opposed to the de jure united States of America. I'm no legal expert, but there is definitely a point in post-war America when the States became subservient to D.C., rather than the other way around. This inverted relationship was sealed with the 16th, 17th and 23rd Amendments, and the formation of the Federal Reserve and IRS on 24 December 1913. The topic is worthy of a deep dive: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/District_of_Columbia_Organic_Act_of_1871

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You do research. The other two just ran their fucking mouths and then ran off to hide. If Antonio wants the paperwork, he can go to the damn Vatican or London. It's their damn system. Wendy's is legal fiction too, but it has franchises, employees and even food! A big FU to little Jimmy and Antonio.

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I'm not hiding, you little man. I just don't think you're worth the time.

Do you really think I'm going to the Vatican or London to track down these documents? Did you do that? I highly doubt that.

I'm just asking questions, man. You are way too defensive just because somebody disagrees with you. Can't you answer one question without getting all riled up?

I asked who had the power to do any of those things, and I get a big middle finger and get called names. Is that your idea of dialogue or give and take?

Man, are you wound too tight!

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Who has the power to incorporate? Anybody who starts a business, dipshit. D.C. has always belonged to Britain and Rome. The American federal government was in Philly. You could have answered all those questions yourself, little man.

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It's not my take. The Titles are written right on the damn Constitutions for all to see. Three separate service agreements, three separate entities: the States of America, the United States of America, and the United States. I said nothing other than "the United States" is a corporation.

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I've heard some commentators discuss the bankruptcy of the USA and subsequent receivership. This event seems to be coordinated with the change from English Common Law to Administrative and Maritime Law. It is a highly complex and obfuscated line of research. Lysander Spooner and Bill Cooper offer compelling arguments.

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Lets see....it has officers with Titles like: President, Vice President, Treasurer, etc. It has employees. It can sue and be sued. It has Dunns number, as do all of it's "agencies". EID#'s, pensions, uses UCC, etc. Government shutdowns are great cover for bankruptcies. Licenses, registrations, "government" contracts, and "government" Lawyers. Federal = Contract. As in contract government providing services they charge for. What else has all that, and does all that shit? Hmmmm...... Edit: Silly, uneducated and charming me... I forgot to mention the Board of Directors...every good company needs one of those! May "Congress" forgive my oversight. They've certainly forgiven/exempted themselves enough.

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You refer to legal fictions as if they have existence. I think that's a charming notion, but they are not worth the flash paper they were printed on. Like I said, it's nothing but a collection of grifts at this point.

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It's a corporation. That's what I said. And it's the truth, whether you like it or not.

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No, it's a falsehood. It's a fiction. It's a lie told by grifters.

"The corporation cannot be held liable because it has sovereign immunity." These are things liars say. We also call them lawyers, same thing.

There is no "the government." It's a group of liars who rape, steal, murder, and defraud other people and claim that they get away with it because of lies they tell. And no, I don't like it because I am not a demon worshipper. I don't like your ideology or beliefs. Try scrubbing harder next time you wash. kthxbye

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Pack it, you pompous ass. You haven't convinced me of anything other than you're full of yourself. You don't know jack about my beliefs, or anything else for that matter. Just another pontificating shitbag.

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You are both arguing the same point with different vocabulary. If I may be so bold, it seems that we are all saying these "persons" have no reality outside our credulity, and their power is limited to what we grant them. We've all been sold a bill of goods. The next step is what do we do about it? Continue to throw good money after bad?

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Most Americans have absolutely no understand of the Founding Documents, immigration, or the level of corruption and malfeasance in their Regime.

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Sadly so true, but I think that is changing quickly, as the immigration problem is no longer confined to the southwestern States, but is profoundly affecting places that have never had to deal with the problem. The general public is not known to be autodidactic, but I think many people are getting a crash course in civics as they desperately try to figure out what the hell went wrong and why the usual ostrich response isn't working.

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Actually they've been coming over the northern borders for years too. We always saw the Jamaicans in the fall. They would come to clean at the ski areas and also pick vegetables. Ever since these scumbag State legislators passed the fraudulent motor voter laws, it's gotten worse.

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This is the modus operandi of the Bumbledicks. They get people used to things, like seasonal workers, that folks find useful. Times are good and the locals don't want the menial jobs. Then the tide becomes a tsunami, property values drop, crime shoots up, and banksters swoop in and buy up the assets for pennies on the dollar. It's an old and effective grift.

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"All of this is to say that the US federal government has clearly and unmistakably abdicated its primary and organic responsibility to both protect the country from invasion and to uphold the laws in a fair and unbiased manner. All other considerations aside, such as stolen elections and illegitimate office holders, the Legislative branch is funding the invasion, the Executive branch is facilitating it, and the Judicial branch is rubber stamping it. This clearly violates every provision of the Constitution and negates the “social contract” with the electorate, thus making the national power center a rogue entity with no legitimate authority."

Indeed. This is what I have been thinking, and saying to anyone who will listen, for along time. In short form, my appeal is, since they (the federal government) have clearly broken the "contract" or compact, we are not bound to obey either them or the agreement. It is dissolved because the agent refuses to do its duty under the compact.

I can't even say that a party to the compact has violated it because the federal government isn't a party to the compact. The several States are the parties. The federal government is a creation of the compact, not a party to it. This is where this starts to get murky. If the feds are not parties to the agreement, then who has in fact broken the compact? Is it not the States themselves? They have broken the compact with each other. They should do the right thing and abrogate the compact and let each State go its own way.

Similarly, each State has broken faith with its own citizens in that they have taken an active part in not doing their duties, as the citizens have delegated them. Why do we need the States? Each polity in every State should go its own way.

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You are correct. The States have failed in their fiduciary duty to enforce the terms of the contract, and have abdicated their power to the central government. As originally conceived, the feds should have zero power over individuals, much less the States. This change happened when Lincoln went to war (without declaration by Congress) with the southern States, and forced them at the point of a gun to remain in the Union. It seems to me that the whole thing has become such a mess that it is time for the people to step up, dissolve the feds (at a minimum) and start fresh. But that opens up an entirely new can of worms.

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Well, we will never get anywhere when you won't even mention the jews that are behind it all.

They own almost every media company and publishers. No one knows the true history of them and Christians support them over their own.

Listen to Barbara Spectre admit they are behind it.

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I have written extensively on the history and identity of those who drape the name "Jew" over themselves to hide their crimes behind the veil of religion. For the most part, the Sephardic and Ashkenazic people are just as duped as the general public in this regard. For that reason, I view most "Jews" as abused people suffering from Stockholm Syndrome at the hands of their own leaders, much like the rest of us. I am of the opinion that many of these types of deceptions will be revealled in the near future. Hold on for the ride of a lifetime.

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Anybody calling themselves a "Jew" would be better served to take a DNA test first. And you can't nail everybody to the wall anyway.

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So much here just gets passed over without unpacking. A note about my background, I was born in Los Angeles, moved to Peru in 2004, married a Peruvian in 2006, and returned to the US in 2017. I live in Arizona, a border state, with my wife and kids. It was both easy and difficult to move to Peru. Despite my immigrant status, I was immediately hired as an English teacher and was very popular with the student, all of whom wanted a native speaker. But, the government didn't want me there under the theory that there were Peruvians who speak English, so the job should go to one of them. The mere idea that some government bureaucrat is more qualified to decide who is best for the job than the owner is nonsensical and a point that is just passed over lightly in your essay as though the controversy didn't even exist.

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Thanks for the comment. I had a choice between comparing and contrasting two systems, or looking in depth at just one. I could easily expand this essay into a book with my experiences in Ireland, England, Germany, and Spain, as well.

I have had similar experiences to yours, especially here in Indonesia, and I know many teachers who've gone through similar things. My specialty is entertainment, event and venue management, but my skill set is transferable to any project management position. I oversaw construction and start-up of the country's very first international-standard theatres and there was literally no one in country who had operated such venues, and still I got plenty of grief for taking a job that supposedly "anyone could do".

Certainly a topic worth expanding on. Click subscribe and stick around. I'm sure it will come up eventually. :)

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A good sermon titled “Biblical Law and immigration” can be found at sermonaudio.com

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Thanks for the tip. I'll certainly take a look. Cheers!

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Thank you for this enlightening glimpse into how another country protects its citizens.

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