Another brilliant and righteous essay my friend.

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Thank you, my good man. I appreciate the up-vote!

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You're welcome brother. One day in a free country.

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Thank you Jim for tagging me!

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Glad to be of service. Friend Bernard is starting a new cabaret in Jakarta. Fun for the whole family.

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The world is a show!

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's truth

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Something something all the world's a stage and all the people merely players etc etc

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Jan 16Liked by Radio Far Side

I'm there!

Now, what to wear....🤔🤔🎵🎵

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LOL! Yes, the eternal dilemma - white socks or black.

All the world's a stage,

And all the men and women merely players;

They have their exits and their entrances;

And one man in his time plays many parts...

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Jan 16Liked by Radio Far Side

And so do women, all to the surprise and horror of their long-suffering counterparts.

Shakespeare certainly knew his subjects.

btw...I'd go with the black.

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I bow to your superior fashion sense. If I had my druthers, I wouldn't wear socks at all.

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Jan 14Liked by Radio Far Side

Sounds like the entire Covid Plan/scamdemic to me.

Thanks! 🤙

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Thank you for reading! Yes, you got my point exactly. Generate fear to manipulate behavior. Don't give the power, won't have the power. Cheers!

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Jan 15Liked by Radio Far Side

It's so refreshing to come to sites like this...very though-provoking and irrelevant, might I say.

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Jan 15Liked by Radio Far Side

Whoops... that would be "thought-provoking and irreverent".

my eyes are what they used to be. 😳😂

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Jan 15·edited Jan 15Author

Ha! Makes two of us (he says squinting at the screen). You are very kind and I am honored to have thoughtful and intelligent readers such as yourself. I try to blow away some of the fog and smoke, and you are a big help.

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Jan 15Liked by Radio Far Side

Oh, you say that to all the girls!


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Only the smart ones. :)

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The worlds expert and best builders of automatons is illusion maker John Gaughn. He owns some amazing ones he’s refurbished and performed. There is an automaton museum in Monte Carlo which is usually only showing too special guests. One time while I was in Monte Carlo I was taken there to visit. It’s an incredible place! Go if you ever get the chance

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John Gaughn is a legend! He's created some of my favorite illusions and I would leap at the chance to work with him on an idea I'm developing with a local magician - Copperfield scale. Blaine and Teller are also among my favorites. I've only been to Monte Carlo once, and sadly I didn't know about the museum at that time. I would never pass up a chance to see such a display. I love special effects. The last one I got to watch was the transformation of the Beast into the Prince in Disney's "Beauty and the Beast". Remarkable illusion. Thanks for stopping by!

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Jan 15Liked by Radio Far Side

Yup. On the money. Couldn't agree more! And I would say the reason some people are simple enough to believe a piece of software can come to life and become self-aware , is because they've already chosen fake life, and all it's mindless pursuits and distraction, over real life. They don't live in reality and never did. That is why it is so easy for them to get sucked into these bad sci-fi scenarios/military psyops. They're ripe for it because they've already suspended disbelief and don't know any better...and it's their own damn faults.

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To certain extent, they can be absolved because they've been indoctrinated into the Cult of Science. However, they have free will and the opportunity to continue learning beyond schooling, and don't. I think of how many people have never left the city and seen the real world. They think this planet is overcrowded and running out of everything, but if they bothered to take a few steps outside their prison cells, they'd see an entirely different Universe. It's sad that these folks have been locked in their cells, but even sadder that they don't realize the lock is broken and they can leave any time.

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Jan 15Liked by Radio Far Side

It's a wonder to me they think at all. They just won't think for themselves. It is hard for me to respect that. I had this conversation with a friend. There is enough information available to everybody now that they've been fed a steady diet of shit over the course of their lives. If they continue to eat it, who is to blame?

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I cannot imagine a life mired in sport scores and endless consumption. I consider that to be Hell on Earth. I only feel alive when I create things and ponder the Eternal. I am certainly not opposed to entertainment - it's my bread and butter, but it should be a momentary diversion from reality, not reality itself. Mostly, I feel sad for empty people.

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Jan 16Liked by Radio Far Side

I know what you meant. I have to be careful these days or I can get pissed off and ugly towards such people. That is one of my hang-ups at present. I am starting to feel rage and contempt for such people and I don't like that or need that in my life. I don't want to be like that.

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Man, don't I know exactly how you feel. The only thing I can do is repeat a prayer my mother kept pinned to the refrigerator for decades:

Lord, so far today I haven't

Sworn, cursed, or committed a violent act,

But in a moment, Lord,

I'm going to have to get out of bed,

And then I'm really going to need your help.

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That's a good one. Two thumbs up.

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