Apr 4Liked by Radio Far Side

“I’d buy that for a dollar!”

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Apr 3Liked by Radio Far Side

A most excellent explanation. For those still not convinced Here are some very good sources of information;

https://mises.org/library. https://mises.org/free-market/problem-fascism. https://store.fee.org/ .

'I,Pencil', 'The Law', and 'Economics in One lesson' I have for many decades considered the acronym CIA to be Corporate Insurgency Agency as nearly everything the do and have done From the murder of JFK to every conflict has been to further the Fascist control of the banks and corporations. Even if by some miracle we could end the US empire of lies. I am quite sure the very lucrative secret societies that garner most of the power would reappear, it's human nature. Rise of the Ruthless psychopaths and sociopaths.

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Apr 3Liked by Radio Far Side

Rufus: "How do we stop it?"

Italy had the fewest births last year in the modern age. Japan's births are very low, too.

Opt out. Don't reproduce.

So far, the State can't make it's own slaves though the Big Swinging Dicks are working hard on a solution to that problem.

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