If you believe, as I do, that the Universe is created by information, then data cannot be destroyed...ever...but it can be rerouted and repurposed. My approach is to "spoof" as much of my personal data as I can. I try to use tools like VPNs, relays, multiple identities, and other tricks to create as much confusion about who, where and what I am across all points where data is collected. There is a certain amount of bother involved in doing this, since it requires extra steps and constant monitoring, and it reduces the convenience and precision of some services, but I find it worth the hassle. One project is an old mobile phone that I rooted, de-googled, and converted to a Unix-based OS. That phone is untraceable and the data tracks it leaves cannot be connected to me. Lots of tinkering, but a fun hobby project that has its benefits.
Your ability to spoof your data is admirable, but what happens when the powers that should not be decide to implement their next narrative which they've already gamed out which is to claim Korea, Russia, fill in the blank_____, just hacked into the techno-sphere and blew up either the internet or the whole banking system? They're going to make sure everyone and their IP address is vetted. No more pseudonyms will be allowed. The lawyers have already drawn up the bills which will be voted and approved immediately so we can all feel safe again.
Years ago, the Jakarta government instituted a 3-in-1 carpool rule in the city center. Rather than the intended effect of reducing traffic, it spawned a cottage industry of "jockeys" who lined the roads into town and were available as a 3rd body for a small fee.
There is one aspect of human nature on which I absolutely rely, and that is our boundless creativity in circumventing silly laws. I am equally certain there are individuals who devote their lives to poking holes in cyber walls, if for no other reason than sheer bloody-mindedness.
God bless the contrarians and grant them long life and boundless success!
My recommendation is based on the claims that it contains the contents of its predecessor, which I donated to a library after reading it. Since I'm already on board with its premise, there has been no need to read the successor. I'm waiting for it to become popular enough to cause widespread reports of theologian's heads exploding.
Rufus: I should have been more specific. I meant destroy the data collected by the State in its computer server farms.
During the French Revolution, the peasants burned down the Tax Bureau and all of its records on the Seine River. I think the Tax Bureau was on the Left Bank.
The rebels also guillotined every worker and bureaucrat at the Tax Bureau.
When Napoleon came to power he lamented that all the tax records had been destroyed and it made if very difficult for his French Empire to collect taxes.
When Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of the Earth, he was off by 10%, because he used the Egyptian stadium, which had been inflated by 10% to extract more property tax.
Unfortunately, gov't records are no longer site specific nor paper-based, so destroying that information would be problematic, and they might be useful from an historic point of view in any case. My approach is to screw with the accuracy, rather than the existence. For instance, on past census forms, I always selected "Other" and wrote in Irish-Texan for my race. A small but serviceable example of how small but significant changes in data accuracy can lead to great things -- or forced chipping, depending on your perspective of water volume in the glass.
Rufus: Aye, the government data is no longer on paper or site specific. So, like Samson, do we tear down the temple we are chained to with us in it?
We can change the data a little and send in an overflow of data, but the techo wizards working for the State will find algorithms to separate the wheat from the chaff.
I think the whole digital world has to go. And if we want liberty, it has to be in an analog world.
I will grant one thing to digital -- I am able to have a library of tens of thousands of high-quality movies, books, albums, and audio books in a 3" x 5" box that I can copy without generational loss. My old analog library took up an entire room with a small fraction of the titles. That said, I am a dyed-in-the-wool analog boy from way back. There doesn't seem to be a happy middle ground in this case.
Of course, I use encryption with ridiculously convoluted keys for critical comms, so I feel reasonably safe in that regard. I do take precautions when prudent to minimize prying eyes. My rooted phone gives me most of the functions I need without leaving tracks in the snow. I know from working on the other side of the marketing wall just how little data I leave laying around, and most of what I do leave is by choice toward a specific end.
As for how to make it all go away, Sampson is about a good analogy as any. I've said many times that the only way forward is to bring it all down and start fresh, but to do that with some reasonable assurance of the outcome is much harder than it sounds.
Rufus: I've read that the NSA data center is in Utah and it needs a ton of coolant a day or the servers overheat. Does the US government have a backup for all of the data at the NSA data center in Utah? Maybe the NSA data center in Utah is the backup.
Shut off the water supply and servers melt and data lost.
I daresay there are off-world backups as well, most likely in geosynch satellites. Any data security expert will tell you to keep a backup physically separate from your main storage at a minimum, and on another continent in a location with completely different geo and weather risks. Beyond that, it gets much more complicated, and that's just what I know about corporate data security. I'm sure gov't efforts match if not exceed that.
The latency of geosynchronous satellites precludes their use as efficient backup platforms, even if they had had access to cheap flash memory to provide it. Starlink eliminates the need for off-planet backups by eliminating the latency, having a lower latency than transoceanic cables, due to its satellite to satellite relay system.
All true, though I suspect StarLink has little onboard storage capacity, given their sizes and need for transmission apparatus. However, the system does provide the capacity for near-real time mirroring to multiple sites in a sort of gigantic RAID array.
All the way back in Anno Domini 1804 the people of Haiti overthrew the terrible plantation owner filth of French aristocracy who were busy watching events in Europe at the time. The French have hated, and ranted, and throw little hissy fits about Haiti ever since. The French have deliberately arranged for the impoverishment of their former colony out of spite and revenge and bad manners and ill grace.
Then in 1831 a guy named Nat Turner began to put together a revolt of the slave population of Virginia. It didn't go well. But thereafter, slaves were regarded as dangerous in a way not felt in the years prior. So the slave carries a slave "pass" which is a document provided by their owner indicating who the slave is and giving the owner's approval for the slave to be out and about, off the plantation or reservation, as it were.
The sheriffs of America use a star patterned on those of the slave patrols of the old South, because they are slave patrols. They don't protect and serve the people, they protect and serve the owners. Which is why you can report a crime and still be waiting half an hour later for a cop to bother to show up.
They don't trust us. They have reasons to be afraid. They are parasites. They depend on us. We don't need them. And when we get rid of them, they will die, or adapt to new conditions. But they would rather destroy the entire world than have to work for a living.
The French are not known for their military prowess, which is how Napoleon blindsided Europe, but his Russian campaign did give us oleo margarine, and his efforts to keep his officers from wiping their mouths on their sleeves gave men's suit coats useless buttons on the cuffs.
As for police, ugh! Not only are they nothing more than prison guards keeping the inmates confined, they are vaguely disguised revenuers collecting tithes for the elite fisc via an ever-growing list of infractions of imaginary crimes against the public decorum. No love lost there.
The incredible part is that Russia has used similar tactics over the last 300 years, and still the NUTO/Pentacon war colleges have just chucked history out the window and learned absolutely nothing from it.
Russia has had a multitude of governments over the last 300 years with little continuity.
Russia's SMO is a direct result of the US, the EU, and NATO disregarding many attempts by Russia to secure peace in a diplomatic process following the initiation of a CIA colour revolution in Kiev that the Ukraine participated in the negotiation of, but then refused to sign or honor it.
Russia has had a number of governments, but the Russian mind and spirit have not changed significantly in 300 years. All cultures have a consistent approach to strategic thinking, and Russia has generally pursued quid pro quo in military affairs, with attrition (last man standing) being the overarching long-term goal.
As for Russia's record of response to the situation in the Ukraine, I agree completely and point to my remarks in the previous paragraph.
It's called humidity or lack thereof. If humid, contrails will last much longer. If dry, they'll disappear much quicker. I've seen a couple times (here in Maine) when the atmosphere has been streaked with drier air and less dry air. Jets flew through those zones and they each (3 of them) had contrails that lasted - let's just say a fairly long time - while sections of their trails in the dry zones disappeared quickly. No, I don't think all three jets were turning off their "nozzles" at just the right time. Hey I get that they're playing with the atmosphere and trying to affect weather and all, but I don't go along with those that point to every contrail and say "chemtrails" with otherwise no proof. Someone I trust quite well says their effective rate of changing weather is in the 4% range. Too many seem to think that they can just change any weather at will. That kind of stuff doesn't help the cause of trying to shut it down, it just justifies their calling people 'conspiracy theorists.'
There are distinct differences between contrails and chemtrails. Contrails are formed when cold water droplets adhere to hot jet exhaust. They generally disappear within seconds to minutes and don't spread.
Chemtrails last for hours, spread across the sky, and the are often laid down in a patchwork pattern that does not follow any standard air traffic lanes. The cylindrical plumes usually have a cottony, roiling look as they spread, eventually evening out into a uniform mist over several hours. Many times, a "rainbow" effect can be seen in the trails as they spread.
Well, maybe I've never seen real chemtrails. Where I am in Maine, it's a reasonably traveled route. I'd assume most coming in from Europe to Boston or NY (or v.v). Sometimes the trails last until the wind takes them out of sight, sometimes they are gone within seconds of leaving the engine. I do know a few people who will point to any contrail and call it a chemtrail. Have a great day over there on the other side of the planet.
Chemtrails are quite easy to distinguish. Contrails will fade away, but chemtrails persist and spread. Chemtrails also tend to get laid down in a cross-hatch pattern, completely different from aviation routes/lanes. In any case, if you're not seeing them, count yourself lucky. I haven't seen any here in 16 years, which leads me to believe "they" are targeting specific regions.
Over here, it's the middle of Ramadhan and monsoon together, so there's a lot of soggy unhappy people around. Otherwise, just the usual pissin' and moanin' about new tax regimes -- like the recent import tax on all personal belongings brought into the country by travellers. We'll see how long that lasts, but my guess is the end of Ramadhan.
Indeed. Chemtrails will stretch across the sky and disperse in roiling oily clouds. If there are enough of them, the sky will turn light grey and your skin will start to itch within 24 hours. Sometimes, you can perceive a kerosine or diesel smell in the hours following heavy sprays.
Chemtrails do not require clouds, but they certainly make them, though I daresay those clouds contain little moisture.
As for my spelling, I often confuse kerosine and kerosene, the latter being more viscous with a higher flashpoint. I suppose one day I will clarify these terms in my head. I do the same thing with "tuju/tujuh" and "mura/murah" in Indonesian.
Re: "Our personal identities have been merged with objects like forms, cards and booklets, so that we don’t officially exist without them." As bad as this may seem, it's significantly worse when one realizes that what "we" commonly refers to doesn't actually exist either. "We" choose to identify with a physical body to the point where we believe we are that physical body, but our language gives the game away. It cannot be both something we possess and who we are. To conflate the Verb to Be with the Genitive of Possession is grammatical blasphemy. It's also a popular and persistent delusion.
Then there's the alternative which places one in a position to identify instead with an abstract construction of the mind. As closely related as identification is to identity, identification is not identity. It's troubling to investigate the relationship between a physical body and an abstract construction of the mind to determine just where 'you' or 'I' fit in.
The person (from 'persona') is what objectively exists, but not subjectively who one is. Again, the definition of persona is "a mask; what is presented to the world". Who one is can only be determined when the mask is removed. It is the removal of one's self image. It manifests through self denial, i.e. not denying oneself of the luxuries of life, vices, etc., but the denial of the self itself which automatically strikes at the root cause of the problem and eliminates the selfish effects. Obviously easier said than done.
What you so perceptively present is a natural consequence or extension of this persistent delusion.
I may have to withdraw and grok with Spinoza for a time after this comment.
Indeed, the persona is the Self that we project, but it is not necessarily our True Self. The situation you describe is similar to asking someone, "What do you do?" and not expecting a list of verbs. The relationship of the individual with language is a rather fascinating topic, and one worth exploring further. Our perceptions of everything are founded on our ability to express them. Thus, the Bumbledicks are psychopathically focused on language, and particularly vocabulary and which words we may not use. Thanks for today's high-density ponder.
While I agree with your conclusion, I'm not sure why it would necessarily follow from "Our perceptions of everything are founded on our ability to express them." Perhaps it is because I seem much more perceptive or intelligent (especially to others) when I'm engaged in silent contemplation. Then again, I can see your point with regards to the differences in linguistic convention. When I broke my leg, my acquaintances in North America would ask, "How did you do that?", but those I know down in Mexico simply ask, "Porque?" which is a far more intelligent line of inquiry than being asked to provide instructions.
There is an fascinating YouBoob channel called NativLang. He did a series on how different languages del with time. For my own linguistic entertainment (I am fluent in 4 and conversant in another 5 or so), I focus on the way different languages use propositions and express emotions. Can we be said to know or experience something if we have no means of expressing it? In German, I can feel "gemuetlicheit," but I cannot in English. In Mayan, I can express the circular nature of time, but in English I cannot. In Indonesian, there are dozens of pronouns and honorifics that express not only gender but relationship that English cannot express. Many languages distinguish between "we" without you, and "we" with you. If "we" can't say something in our native tongue, can it be experienced in our daily lives?
This reminds me of the tribe having no word for "rape" and thus no ability to comprehend the act much less carry it out. If it doesn't enter into one's mind, it doesn't seem likely to manifest either.
However, Descartes assumed his thoughts proved his existence. He assumes that he is the one who thinks, but never proves that he is the one who is thinking. He doesn't have to if everyone accepts it as a Given.
The mystic, the poet, the seer, and the prophet will be the first to openly admit that the inspiration, musings, or revelations they receive are not of their own making. They neither created them, nor are they theirs to possess.
However, it does not then follow that we cannot create anything. In fact, the first thing we create actually follows from what all infants create. The mind forms an intellectual bowel movement in the form of its own identity.
From there, this intellectual turd simply assumes every idea that appears before it is of it's own making. It is all intellectual waste, and is incapable of inspiration of any kind.
The idea, the id, the identity are what is produced, and therefore can never be the source of inspiration.
By the same token, they can never be worthy of redemption. These silly ideas are destined, like Satan burned to ashes in an incinerating toilet; to a brief and harried life of flatulent ratiocination.
The field of consciousness is much more comprehensive than that of intelligibility. Intelligence is nothing more than consciousness covered by the veil of ignorance. Even though we may not understand it, the unintelligible not only exists, but is also something that we can be made aware of in our daily lives.
I am reminded on the whale improbably manifested several miles above a planet, which explores the meaning of "self" as it plunges toward its death, as humorously related by Douglas Adams. I am more like the bowl of petunias alongside the whale, "Oh no, not again."
Individuation is an interesting phenomenon, especially in our society's current framework of being apart from Universe itself. We conceptualize "unnatural" acts, when clearly there can be no such thing. Humanity's unique contribution may in fact, as George Carlin pointed out, be the invention of plastics.
In any case, few humans make it to the point of identifying our common assumptions, much less exploring their implications. The sheer volume of things we collectively take for granted is rather astounding, though we cannot take them for granted without first giving them a name. Thus, my proposal that something does not exist in our minds, except that we first give it a word, the Logos by which the Universe spoke itself into being.
I read the Hitchhiker's Guide, watched the movie, and as many episodes on tv as I could manage when I was a kid, but don't recall the whale story. It sounds like a potent commentary on the massive inertia, force and impact of the ego to establish its existence. He's one of my favorites of the sci/fi humor genre, up there with Kilgore Trout's "Venus on the Half Shell."
Contemplating the meaning of something in addition to the thing itself adds an additional layer of perplexity to the question of individuation. A separate individual is an oxymoron. Individual comes from the root indivisible. The double slit experiment should have put to rest the fact that the scientific observer cannot extricate himself from any of their experiments.
The reality of the whole is not the whole of reality. Reality and consciousness may not be identical, but it's difficult to separate them. The Whole (by definition) cannot "have" or "be" anything "outside" of itself but it may "have" or "be" many "things" "inside" itself not reached by consciousness. As the Tao says, "Once the Whole is divided, the parts need names." From this it would appear that this process of division takes place prior rather than after the creation of any identifying words.
I'm interested in how your ability to conjure words plays into your view that words give birth to ideas. Don't these ideas or meanings exist in your mind prior to coming up with a word to symbolize or identify it? I can see that Paul's letters and John's introduction indicate that the Logos is the means by which everything comes into existence. I don't pretend to understand it except insofar as the Logos represents existence without which anything couldn't possibly exist.
Your position seems to affirm the same theological views of both John and Paul. John doesn't begin his introduction with 'in the beginning was god", and Paul observes that God has an icon (Gr. 'ikon') which should never be confused with an idol. This presents a problem for those engaged in the debate over the divinity of Christ in that the Symbol, icon, Metaphor, image, Logos, etc. isn't what is symbolized or represented, yet if one feels the need to bow down and worship God, there really is no other way than to worship the image or icon itself. The image is what is immanently apparent and the only means by which one may transcend the need to interact with or worship images, masks, personas, etc. and only paradoxically by removing or denying them (e.g. "Deny yourself.")
Until a goodly number of humans fully understand that No government, No NGO, No Bully of any sort has any power at all except that which we foolishly out of fear, lies, or deception give to them. When we remove our consent, we remove any hint of legitimacy these pond scum cling to and hold over or heads.
Stop legitimizing their repugnant elections, their laws that apply to everyone except them, their Various ponzi schemes of fiat currency, passports, etc. Smokey bear said-" Only You Can Prevent forest fires" . It is up to every person to Just say NO! To anyone who wishes to control, tax, spy on you, or coerce you to fight their wars, take their toxic poisons, or subject your children to their prop-agendas, and propaganda. "Legitimate Government" has become the most dangerous Superstition Humanity has to fight. There is NO Such thing!! No matter who repeats that lie it will never be Truth.
Well, I just cancelled my column for next week. You just said everything I was thinking, and with much fewer words, I might add. In the world of dom/sub sex play, the first thing you learn is that the sub has the power. The dom has control only insofar as the sub consents to turning it over. The indoctrination runs deep, though.
"Rattling their pocket knives." LOL! That's a good one.
Data is our enemy and the pond scum's strength. We have to destroy the data and blind the Cyclops.
If you believe, as I do, that the Universe is created by information, then data cannot be destroyed...ever...but it can be rerouted and repurposed. My approach is to "spoof" as much of my personal data as I can. I try to use tools like VPNs, relays, multiple identities, and other tricks to create as much confusion about who, where and what I am across all points where data is collected. There is a certain amount of bother involved in doing this, since it requires extra steps and constant monitoring, and it reduces the convenience and precision of some services, but I find it worth the hassle. One project is an old mobile phone that I rooted, de-googled, and converted to a Unix-based OS. That phone is untraceable and the data tracks it leaves cannot be connected to me. Lots of tinkering, but a fun hobby project that has its benefits.
Your ability to spoof your data is admirable, but what happens when the powers that should not be decide to implement their next narrative which they've already gamed out which is to claim Korea, Russia, fill in the blank_____, just hacked into the techno-sphere and blew up either the internet or the whole banking system? They're going to make sure everyone and their IP address is vetted. No more pseudonyms will be allowed. The lawyers have already drawn up the bills which will be voted and approved immediately so we can all feel safe again.
Years ago, the Jakarta government instituted a 3-in-1 carpool rule in the city center. Rather than the intended effect of reducing traffic, it spawned a cottage industry of "jockeys" who lined the roads into town and were available as a 3rd body for a small fee.
There is one aspect of human nature on which I absolutely rely, and that is our boundless creativity in circumventing silly laws. I am equally certain there are individuals who devote their lives to poking holes in cyber walls, if for no other reason than sheer bloody-mindedness.
God bless the contrarians and grant them long life and boundless success!
Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe by Robert Lanza and Bob Berman
Excellent book!
My recommendation is based on the claims that it contains the contents of its predecessor, which I donated to a library after reading it. Since I'm already on board with its premise, there has been no need to read the successor. I'm waiting for it to become popular enough to cause widespread reports of theologian's heads exploding.
Rufus: I should have been more specific. I meant destroy the data collected by the State in its computer server farms.
During the French Revolution, the peasants burned down the Tax Bureau and all of its records on the Seine River. I think the Tax Bureau was on the Left Bank.
The rebels also guillotined every worker and bureaucrat at the Tax Bureau.
When Napoleon came to power he lamented that all the tax records had been destroyed and it made if very difficult for his French Empire to collect taxes.
When Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of the Earth, he was off by 10%, because he used the Egyptian stadium, which had been inflated by 10% to extract more property tax.
Unfortunately, gov't records are no longer site specific nor paper-based, so destroying that information would be problematic, and they might be useful from an historic point of view in any case. My approach is to screw with the accuracy, rather than the existence. For instance, on past census forms, I always selected "Other" and wrote in Irish-Texan for my race. A small but serviceable example of how small but significant changes in data accuracy can lead to great things -- or forced chipping, depending on your perspective of water volume in the glass.
Rufus: Aye, the government data is no longer on paper or site specific. So, like Samson, do we tear down the temple we are chained to with us in it?
We can change the data a little and send in an overflow of data, but the techo wizards working for the State will find algorithms to separate the wheat from the chaff.
I think the whole digital world has to go. And if we want liberty, it has to be in an analog world.
Maybe Ted Kaczynski was right.
I will grant one thing to digital -- I am able to have a library of tens of thousands of high-quality movies, books, albums, and audio books in a 3" x 5" box that I can copy without generational loss. My old analog library took up an entire room with a small fraction of the titles. That said, I am a dyed-in-the-wool analog boy from way back. There doesn't seem to be a happy middle ground in this case.
Of course, I use encryption with ridiculously convoluted keys for critical comms, so I feel reasonably safe in that regard. I do take precautions when prudent to minimize prying eyes. My rooted phone gives me most of the functions I need without leaving tracks in the snow. I know from working on the other side of the marketing wall just how little data I leave laying around, and most of what I do leave is by choice toward a specific end.
As for how to make it all go away, Sampson is about a good analogy as any. I've said many times that the only way forward is to bring it all down and start fresh, but to do that with some reasonable assurance of the outcome is much harder than it sounds.
Do you mean Samson?
Have you read James McCanney's book on calculating prime numbers, which he claims makes RSA useless?
Rufus: Well, hopefully no one will bring a magnet near your 3" x 5" box library. Hahaha. Then again, the Great Library in Alexandria burnt down.
I suppose humans are like sharks and have to keep moving forward but I'm not sure why or where "forward" is going.
I don't believe in "reasonable assurance". They cancelled my policies.
Most of the data in the world's data centers are present on multiple continents simultaneously for bulletproof backup.
Vonu: So, go for the cables and satellites. Send in the viruses to attack the software and corrupt the data. It's all just ones and zeroes.
Sounds easy, but with backups of backups, you have to hit everything all at once, or it's just a game a whack-a-mole.
Rufus: PS: The weakness in any system is always the people.
Rufus: I've read that the NSA data center is in Utah and it needs a ton of coolant a day or the servers overheat. Does the US government have a backup for all of the data at the NSA data center in Utah? Maybe the NSA data center in Utah is the backup.
Shut off the water supply and servers melt and data lost.
There's always a weakness in the Death Star.
I daresay there are off-world backups as well, most likely in geosynch satellites. Any data security expert will tell you to keep a backup physically separate from your main storage at a minimum, and on another continent in a location with completely different geo and weather risks. Beyond that, it gets much more complicated, and that's just what I know about corporate data security. I'm sure gov't efforts match if not exceed that.
The latency of geosynchronous satellites precludes their use as efficient backup platforms, even if they had had access to cheap flash memory to provide it. Starlink eliminates the need for off-planet backups by eliminating the latency, having a lower latency than transoceanic cables, due to its satellite to satellite relay system.
All true, though I suspect StarLink has little onboard storage capacity, given their sizes and need for transmission apparatus. However, the system does provide the capacity for near-real time mirroring to multiple sites in a sort of gigantic RAID array.
All the way back in Anno Domini 1804 the people of Haiti overthrew the terrible plantation owner filth of French aristocracy who were busy watching events in Europe at the time. The French have hated, and ranted, and throw little hissy fits about Haiti ever since. The French have deliberately arranged for the impoverishment of their former colony out of spite and revenge and bad manners and ill grace.
Then in 1831 a guy named Nat Turner began to put together a revolt of the slave population of Virginia. It didn't go well. But thereafter, slaves were regarded as dangerous in a way not felt in the years prior. So the slave carries a slave "pass" which is a document provided by their owner indicating who the slave is and giving the owner's approval for the slave to be out and about, off the plantation or reservation, as it were.
The sheriffs of America use a star patterned on those of the slave patrols of the old South, because they are slave patrols. They don't protect and serve the people, they protect and serve the owners. Which is why you can report a crime and still be waiting half an hour later for a cop to bother to show up.
They don't trust us. They have reasons to be afraid. They are parasites. They depend on us. We don't need them. And when we get rid of them, they will die, or adapt to new conditions. But they would rather destroy the entire world than have to work for a living.
A change is coming. Praise God. Amen.
The French are not known for their military prowess, which is how Napoleon blindsided Europe, but his Russian campaign did give us oleo margarine, and his efforts to keep his officers from wiping their mouths on their sleeves gave men's suit coats useless buttons on the cuffs.
As for police, ugh! Not only are they nothing more than prison guards keeping the inmates confined, they are vaguely disguised revenuers collecting tithes for the elite fisc via an ever-growing list of infractions of imaginary crimes against the public decorum. No love lost there.
The west's hubris prevents them form seeing that Russia has more patience than they deserve.
The incredible part is that Russia has used similar tactics over the last 300 years, and still the NUTO/Pentacon war colleges have just chucked history out the window and learned absolutely nothing from it.
Russia has had a multitude of governments over the last 300 years with little continuity.
Russia's SMO is a direct result of the US, the EU, and NATO disregarding many attempts by Russia to secure peace in a diplomatic process following the initiation of a CIA colour revolution in Kiev that the Ukraine participated in the negotiation of, but then refused to sign or honor it.
Russia has had a number of governments, but the Russian mind and spirit have not changed significantly in 300 years. All cultures have a consistent approach to strategic thinking, and Russia has generally pursued quid pro quo in military affairs, with attrition (last man standing) being the overarching long-term goal.
As for Russia's record of response to the situation in the Ukraine, I agree completely and point to my remarks in the previous paragraph.
Where is the Russian mind and spirit consolidated?
As with all cultures, in her products. There is a distinctive look and feel to Russian history, art and chess strategy.
Just as everything American was British.
And I look up in the sky and see an actual con-trail quickly disappearing behind a jet and think, perhaps there is hope. Silly me.
Never give up! Never surrender!
I little hope is good. Hopium is bad. Sounds like you are doing just fine.
It's called humidity or lack thereof. If humid, contrails will last much longer. If dry, they'll disappear much quicker. I've seen a couple times (here in Maine) when the atmosphere has been streaked with drier air and less dry air. Jets flew through those zones and they each (3 of them) had contrails that lasted - let's just say a fairly long time - while sections of their trails in the dry zones disappeared quickly. No, I don't think all three jets were turning off their "nozzles" at just the right time. Hey I get that they're playing with the atmosphere and trying to affect weather and all, but I don't go along with those that point to every contrail and say "chemtrails" with otherwise no proof. Someone I trust quite well says their effective rate of changing weather is in the 4% range. Too many seem to think that they can just change any weather at will. That kind of stuff doesn't help the cause of trying to shut it down, it just justifies their calling people 'conspiracy theorists.'
There are distinct differences between contrails and chemtrails. Contrails are formed when cold water droplets adhere to hot jet exhaust. They generally disappear within seconds to minutes and don't spread.
Chemtrails last for hours, spread across the sky, and the are often laid down in a patchwork pattern that does not follow any standard air traffic lanes. The cylindrical plumes usually have a cottony, roiling look as they spread, eventually evening out into a uniform mist over several hours. Many times, a "rainbow" effect can be seen in the trails as they spread.
Well, maybe I've never seen real chemtrails. Where I am in Maine, it's a reasonably traveled route. I'd assume most coming in from Europe to Boston or NY (or v.v). Sometimes the trails last until the wind takes them out of sight, sometimes they are gone within seconds of leaving the engine. I do know a few people who will point to any contrail and call it a chemtrail. Have a great day over there on the other side of the planet.
Chemtrails are quite easy to distinguish. Contrails will fade away, but chemtrails persist and spread. Chemtrails also tend to get laid down in a cross-hatch pattern, completely different from aviation routes/lanes. In any case, if you're not seeing them, count yourself lucky. I haven't seen any here in 16 years, which leads me to believe "they" are targeting specific regions.
Over here, it's the middle of Ramadhan and monsoon together, so there's a lot of soggy unhappy people around. Otherwise, just the usual pissin' and moanin' about new tax regimes -- like the recent import tax on all personal belongings brought into the country by travellers. We'll see how long that lasts, but my guess is the end of Ramadhan.
That is normal for contrails, not so much for chemtrails.
Indeed. Chemtrails will stretch across the sky and disperse in roiling oily clouds. If there are enough of them, the sky will turn light grey and your skin will start to itch within 24 hours. Sometimes, you can perceive a kerosine or diesel smell in the hours following heavy sprays.
Having seen it happen for many years, chemtrails require no clouds to disperse.
Jet fuel is essentially kerosine (sic) and no engine burns all the fuel it consumes.
Chemtrails do not require clouds, but they certainly make them, though I daresay those clouds contain little moisture.
As for my spelling, I often confuse kerosine and kerosene, the latter being more viscous with a higher flashpoint. I suppose one day I will clarify these terms in my head. I do the same thing with "tuju/tujuh" and "mura/murah" in Indonesian.
How do you define smoke?
Particulates formed by the combustion of some material that are generally (but not always) lighter than air and often contain carbon compounds.
Re: "Our personal identities have been merged with objects like forms, cards and booklets, so that we don’t officially exist without them." As bad as this may seem, it's significantly worse when one realizes that what "we" commonly refers to doesn't actually exist either. "We" choose to identify with a physical body to the point where we believe we are that physical body, but our language gives the game away. It cannot be both something we possess and who we are. To conflate the Verb to Be with the Genitive of Possession is grammatical blasphemy. It's also a popular and persistent delusion.
Then there's the alternative which places one in a position to identify instead with an abstract construction of the mind. As closely related as identification is to identity, identification is not identity. It's troubling to investigate the relationship between a physical body and an abstract construction of the mind to determine just where 'you' or 'I' fit in.
The person (from 'persona') is what objectively exists, but not subjectively who one is. Again, the definition of persona is "a mask; what is presented to the world". Who one is can only be determined when the mask is removed. It is the removal of one's self image. It manifests through self denial, i.e. not denying oneself of the luxuries of life, vices, etc., but the denial of the self itself which automatically strikes at the root cause of the problem and eliminates the selfish effects. Obviously easier said than done.
What you so perceptively present is a natural consequence or extension of this persistent delusion.
I may have to withdraw and grok with Spinoza for a time after this comment.
Indeed, the persona is the Self that we project, but it is not necessarily our True Self. The situation you describe is similar to asking someone, "What do you do?" and not expecting a list of verbs. The relationship of the individual with language is a rather fascinating topic, and one worth exploring further. Our perceptions of everything are founded on our ability to express them. Thus, the Bumbledicks are psychopathically focused on language, and particularly vocabulary and which words we may not use. Thanks for today's high-density ponder.
While I agree with your conclusion, I'm not sure why it would necessarily follow from "Our perceptions of everything are founded on our ability to express them." Perhaps it is because I seem much more perceptive or intelligent (especially to others) when I'm engaged in silent contemplation. Then again, I can see your point with regards to the differences in linguistic convention. When I broke my leg, my acquaintances in North America would ask, "How did you do that?", but those I know down in Mexico simply ask, "Porque?" which is a far more intelligent line of inquiry than being asked to provide instructions.
There is an fascinating YouBoob channel called NativLang. He did a series on how different languages del with time. For my own linguistic entertainment (I am fluent in 4 and conversant in another 5 or so), I focus on the way different languages use propositions and express emotions. Can we be said to know or experience something if we have no means of expressing it? In German, I can feel "gemuetlicheit," but I cannot in English. In Mayan, I can express the circular nature of time, but in English I cannot. In Indonesian, there are dozens of pronouns and honorifics that express not only gender but relationship that English cannot express. Many languages distinguish between "we" without you, and "we" with you. If "we" can't say something in our native tongue, can it be experienced in our daily lives?
This reminds me of the tribe having no word for "rape" and thus no ability to comprehend the act much less carry it out. If it doesn't enter into one's mind, it doesn't seem likely to manifest either.
However, Descartes assumed his thoughts proved his existence. He assumes that he is the one who thinks, but never proves that he is the one who is thinking. He doesn't have to if everyone accepts it as a Given.
The mystic, the poet, the seer, and the prophet will be the first to openly admit that the inspiration, musings, or revelations they receive are not of their own making. They neither created them, nor are they theirs to possess.
However, it does not then follow that we cannot create anything. In fact, the first thing we create actually follows from what all infants create. The mind forms an intellectual bowel movement in the form of its own identity.
From there, this intellectual turd simply assumes every idea that appears before it is of it's own making. It is all intellectual waste, and is incapable of inspiration of any kind.
The idea, the id, the identity are what is produced, and therefore can never be the source of inspiration.
By the same token, they can never be worthy of redemption. These silly ideas are destined, like Satan burned to ashes in an incinerating toilet; to a brief and harried life of flatulent ratiocination.
The field of consciousness is much more comprehensive than that of intelligibility. Intelligence is nothing more than consciousness covered by the veil of ignorance. Even though we may not understand it, the unintelligible not only exists, but is also something that we can be made aware of in our daily lives.
I am reminded on the whale improbably manifested several miles above a planet, which explores the meaning of "self" as it plunges toward its death, as humorously related by Douglas Adams. I am more like the bowl of petunias alongside the whale, "Oh no, not again."
Individuation is an interesting phenomenon, especially in our society's current framework of being apart from Universe itself. We conceptualize "unnatural" acts, when clearly there can be no such thing. Humanity's unique contribution may in fact, as George Carlin pointed out, be the invention of plastics.
In any case, few humans make it to the point of identifying our common assumptions, much less exploring their implications. The sheer volume of things we collectively take for granted is rather astounding, though we cannot take them for granted without first giving them a name. Thus, my proposal that something does not exist in our minds, except that we first give it a word, the Logos by which the Universe spoke itself into being.
I read the Hitchhiker's Guide, watched the movie, and as many episodes on tv as I could manage when I was a kid, but don't recall the whale story. It sounds like a potent commentary on the massive inertia, force and impact of the ego to establish its existence. He's one of my favorites of the sci/fi humor genre, up there with Kilgore Trout's "Venus on the Half Shell."
Contemplating the meaning of something in addition to the thing itself adds an additional layer of perplexity to the question of individuation. A separate individual is an oxymoron. Individual comes from the root indivisible. The double slit experiment should have put to rest the fact that the scientific observer cannot extricate himself from any of their experiments.
The reality of the whole is not the whole of reality. Reality and consciousness may not be identical, but it's difficult to separate them. The Whole (by definition) cannot "have" or "be" anything "outside" of itself but it may "have" or "be" many "things" "inside" itself not reached by consciousness. As the Tao says, "Once the Whole is divided, the parts need names." From this it would appear that this process of division takes place prior rather than after the creation of any identifying words.
I'm interested in how your ability to conjure words plays into your view that words give birth to ideas. Don't these ideas or meanings exist in your mind prior to coming up with a word to symbolize or identify it? I can see that Paul's letters and John's introduction indicate that the Logos is the means by which everything comes into existence. I don't pretend to understand it except insofar as the Logos represents existence without which anything couldn't possibly exist.
Your position seems to affirm the same theological views of both John and Paul. John doesn't begin his introduction with 'in the beginning was god", and Paul observes that God has an icon (Gr. 'ikon') which should never be confused with an idol. This presents a problem for those engaged in the debate over the divinity of Christ in that the Symbol, icon, Metaphor, image, Logos, etc. isn't what is symbolized or represented, yet if one feels the need to bow down and worship God, there really is no other way than to worship the image or icon itself. The image is what is immanently apparent and the only means by which one may transcend the need to interact with or worship images, masks, personas, etc. and only paradoxically by removing or denying them (e.g. "Deny yourself.")
Until a goodly number of humans fully understand that No government, No NGO, No Bully of any sort has any power at all except that which we foolishly out of fear, lies, or deception give to them. When we remove our consent, we remove any hint of legitimacy these pond scum cling to and hold over or heads.
Stop legitimizing their repugnant elections, their laws that apply to everyone except them, their Various ponzi schemes of fiat currency, passports, etc. Smokey bear said-" Only You Can Prevent forest fires" . It is up to every person to Just say NO! To anyone who wishes to control, tax, spy on you, or coerce you to fight their wars, take their toxic poisons, or subject your children to their prop-agendas, and propaganda. "Legitimate Government" has become the most dangerous Superstition Humanity has to fight. There is NO Such thing!! No matter who repeats that lie it will never be Truth.
Well, I just cancelled my column for next week. You just said everything I was thinking, and with much fewer words, I might add. In the world of dom/sub sex play, the first thing you learn is that the sub has the power. The dom has control only insofar as the sub consents to turning it over. The indoctrination runs deep, though.
Larken Rose (youtube) puts it much more succinct than I. The idea of self rule is very old. We have just lost our way over the last 2000 years.