"No Treason" intensifies!

People are not taught the things Lysander Spooner wrote in 1874 about how the constitution has either authorized the tyranny we have had or has been powerless to prevent it. Of course the pubic skoolz won't let his books in their libraries. It's a shame.

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Apr 24Liked by Radio Far Side

"The capitalist system was termed 'capitalism' not by a friend of the system, but by an individual who considered it to be the worst of all historical systems, the greatest evil that had ever befallen mankind. That man was Karl Marx. Nevertheless, there is no reason to reject Marx's term, because it describes clearly the source of the great social improvements brought about by capitalism. Those improvements are the result of capital accumulation; they are based on the fact that people, as a rule, do not consume everything they have produced. That they save, and invest, a part of it."

Ludwig von Mises

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Apr 24Liked by Radio Far Side

So, ultimately, all government is a Pyramid scheme. Yes?

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You are right, completely, and a vote for Trump will only hopefully delay the inevitable, but I'd like to eat steak & potatoes one more time before I croak.

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Rufus: I'll read later today when I get up but the potato chip comparison is weak. Pringles aren't even considered food. No one knows what Pringles are made of.

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Apr 25Liked by Radio Far Side

Excellent summation of Bubous Americanus .

Now if any Trump supporters are open minded enough to read a critique. https://www.lewrockwell.com/2024/04/david-stockman/the-myth-of-the-maga-economy/. I have no idea if the political construct of corporate personhood can be ended. It Should IMO. However I am convinced that every form of fascism, socialism, communism, mercantilism are all at the bottom of a Vertical scale from tyranny rising up to freedom of the individual. It's not left or right. It is wrong or right. A homogeneous world order will only be peaceful by extreme oppression of speech, thought, and action, with very dumbed down populations. Instead the decentralizing of control to the lowest denominator eg Individual or family with the single law of NoN Aggression, with free trade between consumer and provider. Perhaps future generations will do better If allowed to think, and grow.

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Apr 25Liked by Radio Far Side

You say you would vote for "the one calling for strengthening county, city and neighborhood bodies, until the smallest possible unit — the household — had all the power within the confines of private property." I heartily agree, this is the Catholic political philosophy called Subsidiarity: "the principle, formulated by the Catholic Church, that matters ought to be handled by the smallest, lowest, or least centralized competent authority rather than by a higher and more distant one, whenever possible." But then you once again return to: "Ultimately, the question before us is whether we support individuals or the collective. Those are the only real choices." I think a lot of people make the mistake of thinking of the individual as the basic unit of (a healthy) society when it is not. It is the family. That is why there is an all out war to destroy that institution and substitute the State and we all do become individuals at that point.

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Great article. I agree completely. It's depressing. Didn't corporations start with Queen Elizabeth I in England? It's a clever legal game to avoid personal liability and bankruptcy.

I made the potato jokes to lighten the mood a bit.

For me, the only answer is to opt out. i.e. No kids or grandkids. That's depressing, too.

Why do people like to congregate in groups? People tell me, ("experts"), that humans are social animals. Well, I'm not! I'm one of the "Men Who Don't Fit In" (Robert Service poem). I'd be happy with a cat, dog, brewery, garden, and a hut in the woods.

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Apr 24Liked by Radio Far Side

During Covid, Trump refused to maintain a national lockdown, insisting state Governors were better positioned to determine what was best for their state and should be allowed to do their jobs.

Currently, he accepts credit/blame for overturning Roe vs Wade saying " We returned it to the states, as it should be and they are doing a great job".

Those are just two examples of the many valid reasons people who realize there are no handsome prince-saviors riding in to save us, only Trump or China Joe choose Trump.

And the concept of Trump supporters being of substandard intelligence is beyond tired and in opposition to reality, as is absurdly claiming he ":didn't do anything".

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EVERYTHING revolves around the Central Banking Cabal and System.

The privately held Federal Reserve is merely one of many identical privately held entities sitting under the Bank of International Settlements.

They're ALL created and sponsored by the same ilk that brought us the Holodomor, the Bolshevik Revolution, both World Wars, 9-11, PYSOP-19, and so much more domestically as well as internationally.

Our last best chance to get out from under them was to allow "Too Big to Fail" to actually fail. But we chose and went with the opposite. For ignorance, few, nowhere near enough, recognized it at the time.

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