Rufus: Good article. Viruses are bullshit. I still don't have any hair on my palms and I haven't gone blind. I hope the cattle treated you well.

Cotton hulls and molasses is pretty much your standard fair at State Fairs. It's also served in nursing homes to the elderly. It's cheap.

You are an educated man. This means you are dangerous. Be careful.

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Apr 10Liked by Radio Far Side

The simple fact that everything living survived until medicine became industrial is proof positive that it was created to make money rather than to make anything healthier.

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Apr 10·edited Apr 10Liked by Radio Far Side

The virus genomes are 100% fake and COVID, AIDS and the Spanish Flu were globalist depopulation operations. However, it's possible some infectious viruses do exist, and we simply lack the definitive proof. (Dr. Suzanne Humphries, who wrote the seminal Dissolving Illusions book, still believes in them because she says toxins can't explain measles. )

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Apr 11Liked by Radio Far Side

"there are precisely zero images of viruses in actual cells. None. "

There are also precisely zero images of water molecules in actual cells. None. Does water therefore not exist in cells? And why stop there? There are zero images of sodium chloride dissolved in actual cells; is salt therefore not present? I could go on and on, but it should be obvious that the argument is silly.

Colds are different from hay fever in that you can catch a cold from someone else, but can't catch hay fever. Clearly there is SOME contagious element associated with colds but not hay fever. What is your explanation, if viruses are a fantasy?

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Kary Mullis.

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Apr 11Liked by Radio Far Side

Today was the first day I saw 'narradigm.' That's easily the best portmonteau since 'presstitute.'

That said, I have easy anecdotal evidence of transmissible illness. I have a fairly strong immune system. But once back in 2013, I visited a friend to watch the World Series. She mentioned her small child was ill, but was in the other room. The daycare had an outbreak of something. A couple days later I woke up with the runs -- I thought nothing of it, maybe I had overdone dairy (I've had to limit dairy somewhat since childhood -- not lactose intolerance, just a mild sensitivity). I figured "Oh, this will clear up" and had booked an online golf reservation for literally the first time ever. With my elderly father. Well I drove up and at his house I grew faint and dizzy and fell. Turns out I was super dehydrated. I awoke, had some water, and he gave me a ride to the local ER (urgent care centers were still uncommon here back then). Ended up puking on several doctors and myself when they tried to IV me. Eventually I got fluids and recovered.

Catch is I rode in a car with closed windows with dad, who a day or two later, ended up hospitalized with similar symptoms. His heart actually stopped a couple times. It was terrifying. Thankfully he recovered, but don't tell me things aren't transmissible between people. I've watched the chain reaction. The culprit was supposedly norovirus. And I didn't get sick anywhere near like that again for ~10 years, so I doubt it was 'mold' or a condition.

This does mean I did not buy into the Covid scare beyond a couple weeks -- I lived in one of the early "spread" states yet saw ZERO evidence of all the supposedly scary numbers. I had eyes, I had friends. Sadly, many bought in. A handful inexplicably *still* do although thankfully they are now just a minority of weirdos even here in Bluedoucheland. As for me, I just went hiking locally - the nice weather we had most days here gave me a good, healthy dose of Vitamin D and fresh air.

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Apr 10Liked by Radio Far Side

Excellent article. There are many many medical professionals that understand the entire Virus, and Germ Theory stories are B.S. . That the only viruses ever identified were created in a laboratory soup of various non human body parts. Absolutely never has a virus been isolated from a living or dead human host. Dr. Sam Bailey, Jon Rappapor, and others have debunked these myths and the PCR test as garbage science.https://open.substack.com/pub/barn0346/p/how-can-they-not-be-connecting-the?r=23gqk0&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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The first round didn’t kill very many people.

Neither did the clot shot.

I wonder if the next round will lead to more deaths.

If killing us is their game, they’re losing that game, so far.

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Here's my two cents. Cancer cells serve a purpose, i.e. to prevent cellular death due to oxygen deprivation. So how do cells become deprived of oxygen? By sitting around all day inside playing video games and munching highly processed high fructose, trans fat snacks. Cancer loves sugar, and the only way radioactive dye can ever accumulate around cancerous tumors or cells is by blending it with glucose. Here's proof positive of the connection between sugar and cancer, yet you'll never hear anything from the American Cancer Society, Big Pharma, or the AMA noting that reducing or eliminating sugar consumption might alleviate those pesky tumors. Big Pharma has opted instead to concoct pills that clog the tubules in cancer cells from gorging on blood sugar.

UVA and UVB rays have quite different properties and when it comes to how effective the beneficial rays are at getting to you versus the harmful rays, it's interesting to note that the beneficial rays cannot get through to your skin during the early morning or the last hour or so before sunset. Only the harmful rays can get through then. Only the harmful rays can penetrate windows. How often does one ever hear of a dermatologist pointing out this fact? Never. Instead, they will openly point out that it's best to limit one's exposure to the sun during the middle of the day and wear plenty of sunscreen. The more people listen to this advice, the more you're going to see dermatology office waiting rooms that look like triage centers.

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Apr 11Liked by Radio Far Side

"Remember how the cows got dead? Who’s to say the basids wouldn’t scale that up to herd us?"

Back in 2020 during the early days of the COVID scam there were multiple cases where VERY high percentages (over 50%) of patients in elder care facilities would die in a very short (under a week) period of time. I wondered at the time (and still do) whether the Greedy Evil Bast**ds simply poisoned the patients in order to increase the fear factor.

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Apr 11Liked by Radio Far Side

As a former lab technologist there has never been a virus isolated in a lab. I substitute the word toxin for virus. Dr's Mark and Sam Bailey from New Zealand have done extensive research on the subject and just released a book," Virus Mania." Through FOI requests the NIH, CDC, and the DHHS have admitted they have not isolated a Sars/Cov2 virus.

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