As usual, you have adroitly summed things up. I think you are right. 100%

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A good analogy goes a long way, I always say. :) Thanks for dropping by!

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"Forgive me Father, for I have spinned." LOL! That's a great joke.

I don't give a damn where the ship goes. I'm already in the life boat drinking whisky and rowing to shore.

Your conspiracy theory is as good as any. I feel very badly for Corey Comperadore who died in the shooting and the two others seriously wounded. The Punch & Judy Show isn't supposed to attack the audience. It is bad for business. That part pisses me off. I don't give a damn about Biden, Trump, or the poo-bahs.

Don't kill the peons. That's a rule. The Bumbledicks are getting sloppy.

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Sloppy Joe, indeed. The dead and wounded have been short-sheeted in this narradigm. What I get out of it is that there are real men left in the world who will give their lives to protect their families. Such is our lot in life. I was duly impressed with Comperadore's widow, too, who refused to take Sloppy Joe's call. Kudos to her. I don't think I've even seen the names of the other two wounded folks. The GeezerMedia is doing all they can to keep those three faces buried, so to speak. I do get a bit queasy watching the Trumpster bask in the glow, but I have to hand it to him with the fist pump moment. That was a genuine moment.

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Rufus, I agree. The three shooting victims are getting short shrift and forgotten. I also have not heard the names of the two seriously wounded. One was shot in the gut.

Sloppy Joe is a good nickname for Biden. I also was impressed by the Widow telling the White House she wouldn't talk to the senile old man in the basement.

Trump knows drama and his audience. The crazy lefties are saying that Trump or "someone" staged the whole event. When I bring up Corey Comperadore, they say he doesn't exist. I show them obituary in the Butler Eagle. They say it is a fake. Maybe these critics are bots.

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Bots are very likely doing as you say. I am continually amazed by the sophistication of the narradigm weavers. I've had long, hated conversations before I caught the bots, as it were. It's a crying shame tha the victims aren't given more attention, but then I guess it's a blessing for those families. The media would just grind them up and spit them out, and not care a wit about them beyond whatever revenues their stories would generate. It appears, in any case, that the GeezerMedia are quickly closing the gaps in the narradigm and generating the necessary doubt in the hive mind, so that people question what their own eyes saw. I've saved a few photos and videos from moments after, to see how the visual evidence is manipulated over time. I considered Trump staging the scene, but having worked with and helped design illusions, I can't think of a way to do this trick without someone getting killed, and I don't think Trump is so callous as to try it. I know a couple of ways to do the "bullet catch" illusion, and none of them use live rounds.

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Rufus, $4 million has been raised for the families of the 3 shooting victims. That will help with expenses.

You would know about how to rig an illusion like that in broad daylight. I think the shootings were real. One dead and two seriously injured prove it.

The latest theory is that there were two shooters. One was the patsy on the near roof who shot the three spectators. The other shooter was on the roof of the gymnasium 440 yards away, but with the same line of fire as the Patsy's.

This shooter on the far roof was a sniper who would have killed Trump had not Trump turned his head. One shot from the sniper and he was off the roof and gone leaving the patsy to be shot and branded as the Lone Gunman. It's a clever plan. But it was sloppy. A man is dead and two seriously wounded. I don't think that was part of the plan.

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I don't think there were 2 shooters. Too many variables in a plan that already had many. JFK was a turkey shoot with one person taking the fall. In this case, they all seem to have come from one direction - the roof. Occam's Razor says the solution that fits all the facts with the least number of assumptions is usually the correct one. I'm sticking with my replacement theory, that a real sniper was used while the kid was killed or abducted. The shooter's head was blown off according to witnesses, and we've seen exactly zero evidence that Crooks was actually the shooter (photos, fingerprints, socmed footprint, manifesto, etc.).

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Rufus, Your theory is as good as any. The bullets, which hopefully were all recovered, will tell the story of which gun(s) they came from.

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Classy Lady

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She reminds me of my mother.

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Lucky you

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Indeed! She inspired me to be both a writer and love the theatre, two defining aspects of my life.

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The mainstream media has always been the Engine Order Telegraph for the electorate.

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No doubt about it, which raises the Ultimate Question: Who is the bridge officer pulling the lever?

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Properly planned bridges don't need bridge offices or levers.

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There's always an officer on watch, even in the most automated wheelhouses. In any case, they don't have EOTs anymore, but the image is applicable.

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There's always an officer on duty with a lever in his hand, regardless of whether it in on the bridge, in the engine room, control room, pulpit, or in front of a camera.

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Keen as usual, RFS. Pieces like this are truly humbling as an aspiring writer. Please keep 'em coming!

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Thank you for the kind compliment. If I inspire fresh writers, I can do nothing better. I see you have stack, as well. I'll subscribe to enjoy your work, as well. Cheers!

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You hit the nail on the head! There was no reason for the Equity markets to jump the first 2 days of the week. The Lee Harvey clone was once in a Blackrock add for pension fund in education sector .

The parallels of JFK and Trump is quite eerie. JFK wanted to end Vietnam-Trump ends Ukraine. Next step. a Nuke on US or Nato territory and Marshall law!

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Lincoln>JFK parallels. JFK>Trump parallels. 9/11 markets>Trump markets. Nixon>Trump parallels. Some of this is historical cycles -- history doesn't repeat, but it often rhymes -- but a good deal of it reveals hidden hands manipulating events.

For myself, I think Crooks was nowhere near the venue. He was probably kidnapped and trafficked a long time ago, and a trained look-alike patsy was sent to do the dirty work. But what do I know? I'm just a conspiracy theorist. We'll never really know, because "Crooks" had his head blown off and the FBI is in charge of the "investigation". So here we are, trying to Sherlock this thing from our armchairs.

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You are singing my tune! My maiden name is Holmes. Yessiree...i gave up the pipe, though...didn't look ladylike...

All kidding aside, here we sit in our armchairs. Nothing makes sense, so far, except that it wasn't just happenstance. I like your analysis of the markets. Very telling, that. 👍

As a "survivor" of JFK, MLK and RFK assassinations, we folk tend to see the parallels to recent events. It gives us a perspective that the younger generations don't have.

I wear my PTSD as a badge of honor these days.

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My great aunt smoked a corn cob pipe, which I always found to be more refined than pre-rolled. In any case, smokers often seem to be thinkers and creators.

The markets tell the tale, I think. A friend of mine has been doing an analysis of crypto prices correlated to events last Saturday, and there's an eerie pattern emerging within minutes of the news. It suggests that someone knew in advance and was betting on the outcome, much like airline stocks before and after 9/11. We should never forget that the Rothschilds made their fortune in just 24 hours, by spreading the rumor that Napoleon had won at Waterloo, buying into the panic selling on London markets, then watching the price bounce back the next day when the real news arrived.

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Great comment...thanks! Thanks also for the history (his story) lesson.

Funny you should mention Rothschilds (Red Shield)...I was just watching documentary on Trump's history (his story) that shows that Rothschild empire (syndicate) bailed Trump out when he went bankrupt back in the '80's.

They own him to this day.

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If you eat enough pies, you'll find Rothschild fingers in most of them. One of the many reasons I don't trust Trump (besides his Uncle John), is that he is absolutely dependent on the banksters to maintain and grow his empire. There is no way around this central fact. When I heard rumors of Jamie Diamond being appointed Treasury Secretary, I knew the fix was in.

As for the his-story lesson, you can blame my father. My mother bequeathed my creative impulses, but my father (MA in history and politician) pounded the Long View into me.

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Hah! I'm watching Greg Manarino right now, and he's absolutely disgusted with Trump's possible appointment of JD. That was my reaction the moment I read the 'news'. The fix is in....to be sure.

same old, same old....nothin' new to see here folks...move along.

Here's the link to the video, if interested:


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The stock market is going to be goosed by the trillion dollar increase in the national debt every 100 days until it ends.

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The only problem with that idea is that markets have been acting like gasoline on a bonfire, in spite of national debts and bond inversions. There's some serious manipulation going on behind the scenes, luring suckers into the fray until they decide to pull the plug. I think the double-whammy of taking both Biden and Trump out of the running was supposed to pull the plug, now they are left trying to figure out what to do. Biden just "tested positive" for a non-existent virus, which put me on death watch. I assume that Trump isn't out of the woods by a long shot, if you'll pardon the pun.

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More importantly, Biden just came down with Covid again, shortly after getting a new booster to prevent such from happening. Trump figured this out when he was hospitalized, right after initiating Operation Warp Speed.

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