Jul 8Liked by Radio Far Side


Hi Rufus, The above link is to a video of the birthday party in LaConnor, WA for Tom Robbins on his 91st birthday.

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91?! Wow! Thanks for the link. I wish I could get an interview with him, though I may be a day late and a dollar short.

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Jul 3Liked by Radio Far Side

I'm so old they still taught logic, rhetoric, philosophy and languages in high school. Not to mention several different art and music classes. My grands learn more from me than they do in their schools. They do not even teach cursive writing. How will they read the original Constitution?

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I am a firm believer in the Liberal Arts and the Socratic method, as well as art and music classes. Sadly, that's all been jettisoned to wrap bananas with condoms. I am firmly convinced that they no long teach language skills because they don't want anyone having access to the old wisdom and logical reasoning. Without cursive writing, they can't even read old family letters, assuming anyone still collects those things. I know plenty of 30-somethings that have no idea what "thou, thee, thy, thine" is, or that English ever had a formal and informal "you". And without foreign language skills, they can't access other cultures, either. All of the "modern" indoctrination, er...schooling is precisely why I homeschooled, and fought CPS tooth and nail to do it. Now I'm starting to get hot under the collar. Better got get some rest for tomorrow.

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Jul 3Liked by Radio Far Side

Charlotte Iserbyt was on it 25 yrs ago. "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America"


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Charlotte was a jewel. I had the pleasure of meeting her on a couple of occasions, and her thinking influenced me quite a bit. In fact, she led me to choose homeschooling for my brood, and I am grateful for her insight in that regard.

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Jul 5Liked by Radio Far Side

That is wonderful!

Reading her book was a turning point for me so I watched every lecture/interview I could find.

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Indeed, and I highly recommend young parents to do the same. The most effective weapon we have right now against the Cultural Insurgency is to remove children from their "school" systems. It can be truly said that letting them run wild in the back yard would be a better education.

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Jul 6Liked by Radio Far Side

yes! I feel for parents who both have to work just to pay the overhead and have to use the public schools for daycare. PS has gotten so bad.

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Sadly, the more common question today seems to be, "Why would they want to bother reading the constitution?"

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Sigh, so true.

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Jul 2Liked by Radio Far Side

Mea Maxima Culpa. Good luck at the conference. As to your photo position on the poster, don't the Indonesians read right to left and back to front?

Ahh, Shakespeare... my wife is reading Judi Densch's new book "The Man Who Pays the Rent" (Shakespeare) about her acting career. It's a very good book.

I read three Shakespeare plays in high school: Romeo & Juliet, Macbeth, and The Merchant of Venice. I liked the Merchant of Venice the most. I also took Latin and of course, I had to learn some Latin as an altar boy.

Portuguese was a tough language to learn for me in Brazil. Some Americans on the film crew picked it up right away including the actor John Lithgow. He has a genius IQ.

I like how Rufus describes Indonesia. Fantastic!

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Birds of a feather. I vaguely remember the Tridentine Rite, but our parish was allowed to have one mass per week in Latin but with the new Vatican 2 rite. I was an altar boy there for 9 years.

Modern Indonesian uses the Roman alphabet and reads left-to-right and front to back. The old Java script, as far as I can tell, was also left-to-right. Chinese and Japanese are traditionally vertical, but modern usage reads L2R, as well. Off the top of my head, Arabic and Israeli are the only R2L scripts I know of. Being left handed, I'm better equipped for R2L, but if I twist myself up in a knot, I do fairly well with L2R. :)

I will look for Densch's book. I like her and the book sounds interesting. Theatre stories are usually interesting, if the raconteur is good enough.

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Jul 3Liked by Radio Far Side

Rufus, Vatican 2 happened after my altar boy days were over. I was never hassled by the priests, but many altar boys were. The Lincoln Diocese has been sued over priests sexually assaulting boys. This was going on during my altar boy days. Maybe I was too ugly for the priests.

The Catholic church across the street from our house, also had its priest sex scandals. The priests not only molested the girls and boys, but also stole a million dollars in parish money. One priest went to jail. One fled to Mexico and was never caught.

Yes, Arabic and Hebrew read right to left and back to front. That explains a lot in my opinion.

We are having a ten days or more heat wave of over 100F, yesterday it was 112F, in the SF Bay Area. This has never happened before in our 28 years living here. My friend in Scotland says it is cold and rainy there like January. Something is out of whack.

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Our parish never had any serious scandals while I was there, so I guess that's a good thing. I eventually migrated to the Irish Catholics, where priests are allowed to marry, and that always seemed far more reasonable to me. Celibacy combined with privileged positions is a recipe for disaster, as we have seen.

The heat/cold anomalies are caused by electro-magnetic fields similar to the sunspots. Outgoing magnetism creates pockets of low pressure which bring low temperatures, and vice versa. The current situation with Earth's field, which we're not allowed to know about, is causing these extreme weather events, exacerbated by solar activity (flares, CMEs, etc.). As I wrote about recently, climate change is real, but has exactly nothing to do with CO2 and human activity, nor is there a damn thing we can do about it without manipulating the galaxy itself. Good luck with that.

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Jul 6Liked by Radio Far Side

Rufus, Yes, the Earth's magnetic fields are out of whack and yes, we aren't allowed to know about it. That knowledge would expose the CO2 climate change hoax. There's no money in trying to change the Earth's magnetic fields. Solar activity is up this year? Is that right? Plus, the Solar System is traveling through a more energetic part of the Milky Way.

Americans don't know anything about space except maybe the sun and moon.

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Back when comet Kohoutek came through, I would sit on my porch for hours watching it through my field glasses. Many times, neighborhood kids would gather around and ask what I was looking at. Almost none of them actually looked up when I told them about the comet, and none asked to look through my glass. Poor education is what that is.

The whole "climate change" thing is naked theft, for anyone to see if they have "eyes". We are approaching Solar Maximum and activity is increasing well beyond the last cycle, but the other half of that equation is that relatively low-level activity is having an out-of-proportion effect on Earth because of the magnetic field decline. All of it is due to passing through the galactic plane. Merkins are so dumbed down, they can't conceive of the scales and scientific principles involved, nor do the bandits want anyone figuring it all out. Hell, even the "professional" Scientidiots can't see what's going on, or are being paid to obfuscate the issue.

Makes me just a little hot under the collar.

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Jul 6Liked by Radio Far Side

Rufus, Some say that Mars is a dead planet because it lost its molten core and then it's magnetic field and atmosphere. Maybe it is Earth's turn to do the same. Earth is bigger than Mars and closer to the sun. Maybe Earth's molten Iron core is going cold. That would explain the weakened magnetic field.

Other's say there is Uranium at Earth's core keeping the Iron hot. No one really knows, but we see the effects.

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Jul 2Liked by Radio Far Side

but I couldn’t even leave high school without being versed in Aristotle, Augustine and Aquinas (aliteration anyone?). Perhaps instead of allowing partisan politics to be too much with us, we should focus more on local school boards and curricula, to ensure more critical thinkers who treasure Tennison over TwiX, and Turgenev over TikTok.

Obviously, you had the privilege of going to school prior to the federal take over of education, and the all powerful department of education that controls all curriculum even down to the 1A level.

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True, but who allowed that to happen? Ah, that would be the local school boards and voters. It really is long past time to wrest control away from the self-appointed arbiters of all that is sacred, and return control to the local level. Power can only be taken when one gives it over.

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Jul 3Liked by Radio Far Side

I agree--we the people, while in search of the "American Dream" (nightmare) have let our government of the people ,by the people , for the people run amuck. Since the elections at the national level are nothing but kabuki theater, I recommend not participating at all, but those local elections--school board, county and city government are most important in saving what is left of our republic.

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The way the Marxists operate is by taking ANY public service job (dog catcher on up) and turning it into a platform from which to spread their errors. Since the general Merkin public is so busy chasing dreams, they pay little or no attention to the local, county and state functions, where the real take-over is occurring. The presidential elections are just distractions, making people think they can tick one box and fix everything. It's all the down-ballot boxes, however, that are doing the dirty work The president was never intended to be elected by the general public. That was a function of state legislatures, thus keeping power fractionalized by regional interests. Same with the Senate. Going back to the original system would go a long way to fixing things, but it wouldn't be a palliative.

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