Oct 2Liked by Radio Far Side

Did Goebbels ever read Bernays?

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Goebbels drew on Bernays' (and Freud's) ideas about influencing public perception and controlling mass opinion, especially through media. Goebbels was particularly interested in the concept of shaping public thought through repetition, symbols, and emotional appeals—core aspects of Bernays' strategies. Bernay's book "Propaganda" was printed in 1928, and Goebbels is known to have applied various theories from it.

There is no evidence that Bernays and Goebbels ever had any direct contact, but Bernays did express regret that his work had directly influenced Goebbels' techniques.

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If Bernays and/or Goebbels had been born a bit later, they might have been partners in a advertising agency, that being the subject matter of the former's book.

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Oct 2Liked by Radio Far Side

But I am an American rogue with a heart of gold. I was Bogie in Belem.

As for fear...Hahahahahaha! I got the shit scared out of me so many times in the Amazon that I lost my fear of fear. Fear became a constant companion. I quit taking fear seriously.

It's like someone exploding a balloon next to you. At first you jump, but after the fourth or fifth balloon explosion, you hardly notice it.

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Spot on. It's very hard to make me jump. Controlling the fear response is a very empowering feeling. Fear is tied to anticipation of pain. If you learn to accept pain as part of life, then fear disappears. In making "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom," the FX guys realized that the ore train sequence was far more frightening if the audience could see what was coming. It's the anxiety caused by worry over possible outcomes that causes fear. Control expectations, and you control your mind. Nothing is as bad, or good for that matter, as the expectation.

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Oct 2Liked by Radio Far Side

Rufus, Well, the sex in Belem exceeded my expectations. The kissing was so far beyond my expectations or previous experiences that it was like an alien existence.

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I have a very good buddy who's a life-long Brazilophile for the exact same reason.

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Oct 2Liked by Radio Far Side

Thanks, Rufus. Yes, you are right on with our comment. Oddly enough, the original British sound engineer on "At Play..." in Belem had worked on "Temple of Doom." He told me that Spielberg was a cheap asshole and the movie shoot was a horrible experience.

The British sound man took too much anti-malaria medicine and had to be evacuated by jet. His replacement, Danny, was from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. We became good friends. Danny had a huge parrot tattooed on his right calf. Danny operated the boom mike.

One Sunday, I bought a case of beer and brought it to Danny's room on the 14th floor of the Belem Hilton. We got drunk and started throwing our empty beer bottles onto the cobblestone street below.

The bottles hit with such force, that they turned to glass powder.

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I can see you fit right in with the crew. :) I've smashed a few beer glasses in my time with enthusiastic toasts, but the bottles were always saved for Molotov cocktails.

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Oct 3Liked by Radio Far Side

I am just watching Flightradar24live and see that the Indonesian AF is circling Jakarta.

What is up? Do you know? This seems so strange....

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Yes, they've been practicing for several days now. The military is holding a big parade to celebrate their 79th anniversary on Saturday:


Then on the 20th is the inauguration of the new president, Prabowo Subianto, and I'm sure they'll have fighters involved in that, as well. It's been rather noisy around here for the past week, with the jets and helicopters flying over the house practicing maneuvers. On Saturday, there will be over 100,000 troops, along with tanks, artillery, jets, and whatever else they can throw at it. Should be fun.

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Oct 3Liked by Radio Far Side

Now, even more hoopla going on over there,

Who pays for this and who sponsors this?

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Given how much I paid in taxes this year, I imagine I'm footing the bill alone, though I'm not being given any branding. The only reason I can figure for all the roll-out for an odd number like 79, is a show of power for [fill in the blank]. With the new prez coming in (a former general and son-in-law of Soeharto), I can only figure they are attempting to warm off China, the CIA and anyone else interested in local raw materials.

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Oct 3Liked by Radio Far Side

Phew! No war and regime change today for you.

Since we over here, get nada on what's happening over your way, you are my contact.

Thank You for replying so quickly.

I consider you and Mrs. Far Side and family my go-to for all SE Asian events and perspectives.


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Thank you for being a loyal reader. We are always happy to keep you informed. SEA is relatively quiet right now, but that's only in contrast to Europe and the Middle East. I will certainly keep everyone here up to date on any doings in these parts.

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3Liked by Radio Far Side

Riefenstahl's film [JFKjr's George clued me into it 20+yrs ago] changed my perception of every parade, every major sporting event, any collective expression supporting government.

George also turned me onto Thoreau's Walden, and the copy I picked up included OnCivilDisobedience-which also left it's mark on my soul.

FWIW, Bernays 2nd book, PublicRelations, was released ~2yrs before the US WarDepartment split into AirForce & Army Depts, later becoming the DoD...and the US Navy is "A Force for Good" according to recent commercial.

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"George" was a great magazine. Haven't thought about it years. That was back in the day when there were true liberals, and not the vicious Bumbledicks we see today.

After studying Riefenstahl and Bernays, I lost all interest in attending big public events, though I've worked on many, applying the principles I had learned with great success. They do work very well...frighteningly well.

Thoreau's "Civil Disobedience" was required reading in my high school literature class. It was one of the great writings that changed the course of my life. The letters between Thoreau and Emerson are amazing and should be required reading if schools today really educated anyone. I was fortunate to have enlightened teachers, and a mother who was an English teacher and very well read.

I wish everyone would read Bernays. I might just be the antidote to counteract the mass brainwashing. If folks knew what was going on and how it was being done, this might be a very different world, but alas and alack...

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