Brilliant ...overview, diagnosis, and presentation. This is why we need the wisdom and experience of "old timers" who have lived history, recall with clarity, and have the words and means to share. Take care, stay safe. Greetings from Texas ... Go Texit!

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Thank you, my fellow Texian! I have avoided thinking of myself as an old timer, but you make the appellation seem appealing, and in this case, I'll run with it. There is a Chinese proverb that goes, "To know the road ahead, ask those who are returning." Nothing navigates the future better than the past.

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While you are correct that we are "watching a show" ,it is less clear yet very true that millions, Billions of lives are being disrupted or ended by those forces of evil in DC and elsewhere. Unless good people stand up and fight by refusing to allow this charade to continue we are doomed. I don't mean voting. I mean utterly refusing to participate in the 'show', to become stoic in our rejection of all politics, stop supporting, instead withholding all financial and other support for what is now an illegitimate regime in DC in it'$ entirety. If Americans will not defend themselves from those who are looting , enslaving and dehumanizing them the battle is already lost. The choice is clear. Freedom from government of any stripe. By whatever means necessary. Working eithin their system has failed for 200 years. Stop legitimizing these criminal war mongers.

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Interestingly, my Wednesday post is directly to your point. Stay tuned!

Here's the problem: when people make decisions based on lies, the outcome will always be undesirable. We also have to keep in mind that it is not just the US, but the entire world that is under attack. From my perspective out here in the archipelago, the US is a focal point, but it is not the entire problem by a long shot. Folks in the US can have a huge impact, but there scope of work here is a bit overwhelming.

On Wednesday, I will present a means I think will radically change things, costs nothing, and will allow each person who pursues it to affect everyone they come in contact with. As more people get into it, the effect will force multiply, and will attack the enemy where it lives. I look forward to your thoughts.

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I could be wrong, but it appears that the powers that should not be want us to see that these are either blatant attempts to murder anyone who doesn't go along with the status quo or to spotlight how corrupt and ineffective government really is so they can implement their new and improved, ready out of the box, technocratic tyranny.

I cut the cable almost 25 years and am very selective about what I read online. Lew Rockwell, Elizabeth Nickson, you and a few others keeps me in good spirits. I just pulled half a dozen boxes full of books out from under the bed and am getting them organized into shelves so they're ready to be devoured when I'm too tired to work in the garden, or there's a hurricane like the one that just passed by us here in Florida.

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Ugh! I watched the hurricane situation and I'm very happy to hear you are unscathed. My friends and family in Houston weren't so lucky.

Cutting the cable is a vital first step. No matter how stalwart one thinks he is, looking at Medusa will invariably turn him to stone. I agree with your assessment of the situation, and only add that there are layers upon layers to this puzzle, and undermining faith in public institutions is a key outcome. Fear, anxiety and chaos are their principle weapons, and not allowing ourselves to get sucked up in the maelstrom is our best line of defense.

I'm thrilled to hear you've pulled the books out from under the bed. On the shelf, they provide inspiration just by their physical presence. My parents were big readers and our house was full of books when I was a punk kid. My wise mother ensured there was something to entice each of us to pull one off the shelf. Real physical books are as good as gold in my investment portfolio.

Thank you for putting my ramblings on your list of "safe" material. I shall endeavor not to let you down. Cheers!

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There's a fine line between not getting sucked up into the psy-op storm and becoming complacent. I think a lot of people see what's going on and their minds just pop. It's too easy to just stick one's head in the sand and ignore reality. We don't just have recreational drugs, but doctor prescribed sedatives, antidepressants, antipsychotics, increasingly addictive programming on television, and online as well as incredibly unhealthy byproducts that are repackaged with insane amounts of High Fructose Corn Syrup, sodium, seed oils and grease. This garbage is extremely addictive and conducive to zombie like behavior.

This is not an exaggeration. I can't count how many times I've been hanging out with someone who is stuffing their food hole with some processed greasy sugar coated chunk of lard while zoned out watching the boob tube, and after going to a commercial, they are incapable of remembering what they're watching.

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All by design. You are correct in every detail, and I flashed to the drug "soma" in "Brave New World" as I read your comment. I do not recommend withdrawing from reality, but rather rejoining it. The world that is being pumped into us is not real in any sense of the word. Wednesday's column addresses this head on with concrete and time-tested suggestions for how to fight the illusion and rejoin reality. It is not easy...easy is how we got here. The path of least resistance works for water, but not for humans. In the process of waking up (as opposed to going Woak), one feels anger, bitterness, resentment, and despair. This is the most dangerous time and the point where many folks retreat into soma. Those of us who made it through are honor-bound to help those coming through. Onward through the fog!

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Don’t withdraw from reality rather rejoin it-perfect!

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You sound like you're channeling Jordan Peterson, yet another one on my top shelf saved list of writers, speakers.

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I read lew also

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Great article, just subscribed! I’m also stocking my bookshelf. Just obtained a copy of the great books series and will be going through the classics as the MSM shitstorm accelerates. Physical books even smell good. I recently picked up a 1905 version of the history of nations, the volume on Turkey, and a couple of Greek translated to English texts from Xenophon and Thucydides. Not as quick to the table as most folks here, I cut cable 4 years back, and trying to take in information the slow way. Cheers! Looking forward to your next article!

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Welcome and thanks for subscribing! I try to publish at least 2x per week (Sun/Wed @7a CDT/7p WIB), so everyone has time to read and chime in, and I have time for my clients.

It sounds as if you are well on your way, and you've chosen some great books. The Great Books library is indispensable in any complete library, and Xenophon is an excellent choice. Pre-1920 publication dates are preferable, as well. I also have a full digital library on a flash disk in my rig, for those dark, quiet nights in the backwoods. Don't push it too hard...enjoy the ride.

And I agree, there is nothing quite like the smell of books. I feel smarter just inhaling it.

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If you can;t see the plan open your eyes, As in a race horsing, Biden was the cover to keep the cackling H lady out of harms way , to step in with a 100 day sprint to the finish line. To reinforce this theory, ABC debate of friendly soft prepared questions versus their rejection of Fox debate questions! The Kackler has refused to go on Fox for acertain reason.

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If I were Trump's stretegist, I would send JD Vance to the ABC debate. After all, the Veeps should debate each other and let the Big Boys go head-to-head. It's all a scam anyway, why not tweak it a bit?

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I note that at the convention, while being praised for bravery under fire, the camera cut to Trump, and he looked scared shitless.

I already wondered exactly what Biden said in his " very nice" phone call.

Why would Trump reenforce that old prick's fake nice guy image going into election season?

Maybe Biden convinced Trump they won't miss next time?

Selecting Deep State DeLuxe Vance only adds to my concerns.

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I spent some time analyzing the Trump thing and have concluded that the attempt was real. As I said, I believe nothing on face value at this time. Whoever Trump actually spoke with surely put the fear of God in him. When your own security detail is trying to toast you, I'm sure the paranoia factor is eating him alive. What makes it even worse is he has a rather nice and large family, and the Deepsters will not pull punches when it comes to bystanders. Witness the one dead and two injured at the rally. Sure, he's scared and I would be too in that situation. The bastids destroyed my family for much less than what Trump is doing.

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British election was on July 4th, a significant day in the USA .

American election, if you don’t know is a significant day in the UK.

Remember, remember, the 5th of November is when Guy Fawkes attempted to blow up Parliament.

We call it “fireworks night “ ;)

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Ha! Guy Fawkes Day! I completely missed that connection. Good call. This is an intriguing correlation and one worth pondering. The Magicians love their magic dates.

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Aug 4Edited

I'm happy I'm not the only person who refers to BillJeff's Comms boy as Snuffleupagus, but I think you spelled NutsAndYahoo wrong...

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Hmm...NutsAndYahoo...has a whole breakfast cereal thing to it. I'll take it for a spin, see how it feels.

As for spelling, it is the God-given right of English and French writers to mispeel everything.

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I have been using Nuttyahoo for more than a decade. I thought it a far more accurate spelling than the one used by media.

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Great scare piece, but if you REALLY understood that it’s all choreographed theater, you would also see the absurdity in believing the trillion to one shot to trumps ear wasn’t also a planned (with trump) farse of the highest order…

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I've spent my whole life in theatre, and I'm well aware of whether and how it could be done. I don't have any doubt that Trump would try something like this, as well. What I don't have is any solid proof that the "theatre" scenario is true, though I easily see through the "theatre" around it. In a world of plot twists, switch-backs and misdirection, it pays to remain completely skeptical of all narradigms, regardless of what side one supports.

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The USofT herd does need to be entertained...


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I had high hopes for "not making me pay you to leave a comment" you, but since the audience behind Trump obviously didn't believe actual bullets were being fired in their direction, the only reason I can figure that you espouse that there WERE, is that you are "in on it". So, so long and GLTA.

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Hmmm...interesting take. I'm just observing the facts as they can be known from 10,000 miles away. I know several ways for Trump to be bloodied, but none of them involve one man dying and two folks being hospitalized. There are many layers to this event, but outright denial seems to be one of the most curious, to me, not that I blame anyone for not trusting anything, but of course, that's one of the desired outcomes.

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You wrote: “As an aside, it is very curious — to me at least — that KaMAla Harris, Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, and JD Vance’s wife are all of Indian descent. I don’t know what this means, but it’s beyond coincidence.”

Remember back in 2019 or so, when Trump went to India, and he and Modi appeared onstage together in front of a huge Indian crowd in a stadium?

At that time, I sensed that some “invisible baton” had been passed.

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Excellent point! Yes, I remember it well, since the event reverberated all through SEAsia and the Indian expats here in Indonesia, as well. I had certainly forgotten about that and now I will have to go back and revisit it. It wasn't August 2023, that India started landing on the Moon, too. Very interesting...cheers!

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I'm getting worried about a mass extinction event is that plausible

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First, distinguish between possible, probable and plausible. The first is all things in the Universe, the second are those most likely to happen, an the third is means by which they happen.

That said, all things are possible. Is a mass extinction probable? They have happened a number of times in Earth's history, with an interesting pattern of 26 million years or so, and we are roughly half way from the last to the next with that metric. Our species has survived several global catastrophes in the past 2 million years, though it was by a whisker's breadth once or twice. There are a number of plausible scenarios that could lead to mass extinction, both random and man-made.

I would say the odds are in favor of one not happening in our lifettimes, though based on certain cycles we could experience a global catastrophe within the next few centuries. All things are possible.

As Ram Dass said, be here-now. There are plenty of existing threats all around us, without having to go fishing for more. The secret to inner peace is to not worry about the Universe, it will take care of itself. Rather, focus on those things immediately in front of us and do what we can to mitigate the threats.

My morning prayer is, Lord, today I haven't cussed, stolen, lied, nor shot no one. But in a minute I have to get out of bed, and then I'm really gonna need your help. Works for me. :)

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Write on target there Mr. Farside. I learned a long time ago that "Official Narrative" is always the opposite of the truth, and for the last 12 years or so haven't even polluted my thinker with any sort of MSM. But I do try and keep up with the latest just for situational awareness, and do appreciate bloggers like you (and several others) who help with that awareness.

Not very much gets to me anymore--the pace of life here on my little bit of heaven is predictable, and since I decided to withdraw my consent, the election circus is a non-event for the most part. But what does concern me a little is the fact that (as you point out) the man behind the curtain is feeling somewhat cornered, and as we all well know a cornered rat is a dangerous beast. The Ukraine thing can go on for quite a while yet--Russia is having a good time bleeding NATO/US dry. However the mess we have encouraged in the ME is a different can of worms. After years of being F**ked with by Israel and its lap dog USA, I think Iran has finally had it's fill. What happens there next is about as unpredictable as the weather 10 days out, but the obvious says that in a fair fight, Israel loses, and since that mad dog has "the bomb" what happens next just might have a big effect on the pace of life I have grown accustom to. If you drew a triangle covering the sac bases at San Angelo, and Abilene, and that big piece of real estate that once was call FT. Hood, Id be just about right in the middle. So just in-case, I've stashed a nice comfortable camp chair up on the highest nearby piece of ground so if the rockets do start flying, I'll have a front row seat for the show.

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Ah, you are smack in the middle of one of my favorite pieces of real estate. I love West Texas like a warm piece of Devil's Food cake topping with vanilla ice cream. Big Bend is the most magnificent place I have ever seen.

Misty eyes aside, the US has manipulated Iran since at least the days of the Shah, and it was the hostage crisis that propelled Reagan into office, while disgracing Carter. Deep inside, I suspect Iran and Iraq conceal ancient history that we are not allowed to know, and that plays an intricate part in the Middle East calculus. The fact that the WEF have taken over Gobekli Tepi and the Java Pyramid, plus the Iraq invasion and the decades-long low-level war on Iran leads me to think someone is hiding something devastating to a certain narradigm, and revealing it would undermine the covert power structure of the world. I sincerely hope we are on the verge of learning our true history.

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While I am able to post, I don't know if you can do anything about this, but on all my Stacks, they quit coming for almost a month and then re appeared but won't recognize me except the first time I try to post it says I need to re verify and use a link sent to my inbox.

After I post, if I get a reply and try to respond, I get a page to post my name, user name,and email.

After all that, it says my user name is taken. If I try a different user name, it claims that is also taken, even though I am pretty sure you don't really have another poster named Rumplestiltskin.

I am posting this in a note in the hope Substack will fix this glitch.

I have unanswered replies on all my Stacks now.

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I've been having issues with Substack for a while now. I received some paid subscriptions, but couldn't get paid out because Stripe is the only alternative, and it doesn't work in Indonesia. Since then, I can't post articles using Chrome or Opera browsers. Only Firefox continues to function correctly. I've gone round and round with Customer "Service," with them essentially pointing the finger at anyone but themselves. Anyway, I'll continue to complain, but I get the distinct feeling I am dealing with a Complaintbot. In any case, try Firefox is you are not using it right now, and ledge your complaint with the "I understand your problem" bots. Maybe we can raise enough hell to get something done.

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The Ukraine began collapsing when it chose to be a puppet regime for the world's largest terrorists.

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True, but now they're getting spanked for it.

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Who is? No one Elite, far as I can see it's a victimized citizenry getting slapped silly.

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The same people who gave rise to Germany's Dark Period are being pounded by Russia right now. Most of the Ukrainian people are victims of a sort, but the country's corruption and turpitude have been tolerated and a great many have participated in it. Complicity is endorsement. The pain is moving up the chain and cutting off resources and options at the top of the mound. This is part of the reason we are seeing an acceleration of timelines. The pushback is happening if you know where to look.

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They won't be spanked until they are radioactive.

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Be careful what you wish for...

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They have been repetitively warned that any invasion of Russia by NATO troops will invite WW3. All they had to do was keep their promise not to enlarge NATO.


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How is being subjected to a CIA color revolution choosing?

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Going along with it including deposing a legitimately elected president.

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The CIA cannot infiltrate without assistance from the inside. When the population chooses to go along with obvious corruption because they don't want to get involved, or can't be bothered, then they get the consequences.

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What part of the Bay of Pigs and Iraq were from the inside?

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Bay of Pigs was conceived, planned and executed by Cuban dissidents, with "help". Saddam was a "business associate" of the Bush and Cheney Crime Families. The entire war was revenge for getting jilted on a pipeline deal, and for embarrassing Big Daddy. Regardless of who "helps" from the outside, all revolutions require folks on the inside.

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The Bay of Pigs operation failed because they didn't take time zones into consideration in their planning and execution.

Saddam was working on installing a gold-backed currency that would have upended the petrodollar. Qaddafi was murdered for the same transgression.

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Yup, all part of the calculus of murder. And murders are typically motivated by money or love.

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Great article! I agree. I've pretty much tuned out the media for a long time, but now it's time to hit the Serious Ignore button. I'm buying more beer.

The women will vote for Kamalatoe, but I don't care. H. L. Mencken predicted this outcome of a narcissistic moron leader as the result of the idiots who vote.

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Originally, only male landowners could vote, and that's starting to seem like a wise decision on the parts of the Founders. Mencken, the world's greatest curmudgeon, was right about a lot o things, which is why he has a prominent place on my bookshelf. As for the beer, I'm way ahead of you, and I just put up a batch of mead today using mango honey and champagne yeast. Can't wait to try it out. I may even go all in, get a rig and start homebrewing again. One of the world's greatest hobbies and there's actually a good brew supply here. Fresh Saaz and Citra hops in stock and a variety of yeasts. Now I'm getting thirsty. Time to pop the Leffe Brune.

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Rufus, It would be okay if female landowners voted, too in my opinion.

I started brewing my own beer, Angle Heart Ale, in 2009. My wife, friend Patrick, and I designed the logo. I brewed over 60 five gallon batches of ale. Folks liked it very much. I made all different kinds. The people's choice was my Peach Ale made with locally grown peaches. I used Cascade hops mostly and various yeasts. I also used local wild honey and barley from Wisconsin.

After I broke my hip 20 months ago, I had to give up the brewing hobby. It was too hard for me, and dangerous, to move the heavy boiling wort off of the grill. I gave all my brewing gear away. I do miss it though.

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The landowner part is the key. Everyone else has a vested interest in taking the land away.

My best recipe was Blue Celt Pale Ale. I was part of a brewing club, of sorts, We all got together once a month to brew, while enjoying the previous results. I started the mead habit here because I didn't have a rig and until recently I didn't have a brew supply. I could make the mead with nothing but honey, water and regular baker's yeast. I have to be careful here. It's very easy to get infected with tropical microbes and end up dead from poisoning. That said, mead is a good option that doesn't require cooking or cooling - just mix and seal, and in 6 weeks, happy days! I'm also experimenting with various fruits in the fermentation process.

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Rufus, I had a friend who lived in a creek bed outside of town. He made mead. The guy was a 6' 8" Viking. I tried his mead once. Good lord! I drank it so as not to insult my host, but I didn't go back for more.

In the tropics, I'd be afraid not to boil the wort to kill the germs. You are a brave Viking.

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There is functional mead, and there's artisan mead. The honey is the key, and yes I've tasted some nasty brews in my time, but typically after the 2nd or 3rd slug I didn't care. BTW they make a drink here called "cap tikus," which I translate as "mouse piss". It is fermented coconut milk. I thought I had a hairy chest before I drank the stuff.

All good Vikings go to Valhalla!

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