Feb 25Liked by Radio Far Side

Methinks the death notices are a tad premature. First, there remain more patriots than Leftists in this country. The only problem is that most patriots have not been paying attention. With the combination of Jab related deaths accelerating, debt being unmanageable (and the economy heading towards a wall), the wokeness within society, an invasion, the weak/lame "leadership" in DC that only wants war and are behind these woes....there is a high likelihood that the "adults" will be forced to step in and regain control. Unfortunately, the return to anything normal is going to be painful and will take years to correct. As far as our enemies are concerned, they are worse off than we are. Russia has yet to take Ukraine out and runs the risk of outright war (aka a "major fail"); and China has its own internal problems that can upset its society. Iran and Israel are just a sideshow and no one really wants to become involved. Folks figure that this whole Gaza thing is Israel's problem. Thus, I submit to you that America will remain the least ugliest Troll and the world will be forced to keep it propped-up. Again, this doesn't mean we will ultimately relinquish dominance....just not today. In the interim I would suggest that people maintain their humanity and be part of the solution. Pax

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Feb 25Liked by Radio Far Side

What you see around you is

"The Times of the Gentiles" and the run up to Armegeddon.

Everything is developing in precise accord with Prophesy, from the precise fulfilment of Isaiah 66 on May 14, 1948 to the opening skirmishes of " Armegeddon" being fought today against the Prophesied background of China, Russia, and Iran drawing into alignment, and everything else in between.

Including for just one graphic example of the inevitable nature of Prophesy, the blessing we received of control of all the world's seagates, Suez Panama Gibraltar etc, which we did receive, on time, precisely as Prophesied, and did subsequently lose, also as Prophesied, for mass disobedience.

Don't let Chruchians turn you away.

They are full of contrariness and lead people astray

God is the original Real Thing, and things will continue to progress in precise accord with Prophesy.

There is no reason to go into the future blind.

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The USA as you describe it died in 1868. It has been zombified for a very long time.

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Feb 25Liked by Radio Far Side

A very Interesting and engaging view of history. It is unfortunate that as the US falls, those in power will most certainly create extraordinary hardship, death ,and destruction worldwide. When we build back, and we will build back. The hope is that new ideas of Individual freedom and Liberty will prevail over hierarchical controls. I doubt it as history proves the most ruthless power hungry usually rise to the top in the popularity contest we call " Free and Transparent "elections .

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PS: I think it is very civil, polite, and kind that RFS responds to comments on his substack. So many substackers don't.

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Great article. Empires are illusions of grandeur. People put up with them for peace and prosperity. The Empire is the drunken uncle at the family reunion. He's tolerated but not loved.

"I will not be ignored!" Screams the Uncle as he lurches back into his chair.

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