Wow. What a totally different view you have of the world! So much wider! You see the Forest, not just the Trees. Thank you for sharing that. It removes a lot of the fear, frustration that I don't know enough and I can't fix anything,.....I worry for my grandkid's future,....because what you are saying is not anything I can fix, correct or make better,....even if I try.
When you talk about a group even above the Royals,....are you speaking about an Alien Race that may be they are all working for? Are they just the Shepherds of this Planet for someone else?
Do you know if Trump has some link to a royal family? I have heard that lately. Some people are even saying he wasn't born to the people who raised him,....he is actually a hybrid between alien and human. I know it sounds crazy, but Clif is certain that at least one alien race is about to show themselves very soon.
I wonder what the point was though of letting us Play House for a few hundred years. Why let us try to make a "democracy" really a Constitutional Republic, why did they do that? Just to prove to us that it wouldn't work? Of course, if the freaking Khazarians got out of the way,.....and stopped controlling everything for their own gain only, maybe it could work.
From what I can find, Trump has possible (though not confirmed) links to Edward III of England (1300s), and possibly Scottish nobility. In any case, it doesn't seem to be recent or very deep.
As for the aliens, my jury is still out on that. I rather think there are descendants of pre-deluvian humans, who might have had a multi-planetary civilization that blew itself apart thousands of years ago. They would be the pyramids builders, and the ones for whom the 3 portals (see discussion with Richard Cassaro) are a symbol. I suspect they are also the ones who genetically modified us to be their slave class using the hominids (Neaderthals, Yeti, Sasquatch, etc.). As Wild Ass Guesses go, this seems more likely than aliens, but that information is hidden from us -- for now.
As for "democracy," we peons threw off the monarchies 300 years ago, so it would make sense tha they just sit back and let us drive ourselves to ruin, so we cry out for them to return. If we voluntarily make ourselves subjects, then we can't really complain. They are likely "helping" things come crashing down to push us back toward monarchies. It's a highly complex issue with lots of reading and digging to find the connections.
There's plenty all of us can do to stop it, but it requires the vast majority to educate themselves. A republic only works when the citizens are highly educated, which is why the school systems are a prime target for attack by the Bumbledicks. Most people are not autodidacts. They learn only enough to make a living in some craft or profession, and stop educating themselves as soon as the diploma is in their hands.
The best thing to do for the grandkids is give them the Great Books of Western Civilization and encourage them to read the entire library. It is a far better education than anything found in schools. Create an environment where studying for the sake of studying is a fun and exciting hobby, not some drole laborious task to fill in the right bubbles on a standardized test. If everyone did that, we would never have arrived at this point in history.
Gates is not really Teutonic or Prussian, in fact Gates is a name often adopted by Jewish people. Bill Gates is a Chabad Lubavitcher creature, as can very clearly be seen without the slightest possible doubt in the photo in the article link below;
What is being intended is not a second Reich or indeed a fourth Reich, but Jewish world domination, plain and simple.
Jewish agent John Dee treacherously recommended to Queen Elizabeth the First that she should advise English nobility to intermarry with Jews, and then to start an empire. Obviously, the Jews were wishing to hijack the English Gentile nobility blood lines, and dominate them while putting a white face on actually then Jewish agents appearing as English nobility who would then really be Jewish souls purposely incarnated within such interbred bodies. This was done so that actual English people would not be able to see the racial differences so much if at all any longer between the white English and the sallow-skinned Jewish invaders now really controlling them for their own selfish parasitic purposes, and more easily be fooled into accepting these invaders as their own English people. Also, it must be said, it follows that whatever such 'white' 'nobility' has done since has not really been done by white Gentile English people, but by Jewish souls using the unsuspected occult process of consciously controlled reincarnation into white bodies to continue to build up their money magic pyramid scheme and political power in the false guise of white people.
The Jewish occult practice of conscious astral projection throughout their lives, together with that of gilgul (reincarnation) is used by Jews to consciously reincarnate wherever they choose after each birth, of course as far as possible then always in positions to further consolidate on previous efforts and achievements towards Jewish empire-building in their past lives, so they never allow a Gentile soul to incarnate, say, in a Rothschild bloodline.
England has essentially been hijacked since 1066 by these invaders. The so-called 'Catholic' French Norman King William the Conqueror defeated the English army at Hastings in 1066 and then brought over another army, one of Jewish usurious bankers, through which to truly subjugate and enslave the English people permanently. The deal was that 50% of the takings from criminal usury would go to King William, and the other 50% of the takings would go to the Jews themselves, allowing the Jews to further consolidate on their rapidly growing power in England.
But William himself cannot have been a true Gentile, as he changed English law so that in any court hearing over which a JUdge presided, along with 12 JUry, under the new JUdicial system, if any Jew was ever on trial in England for any type of crime, no fewer than 12 Gentile witnesses must also be provided to enable the judge and jury to convict any Jew in any English court as the word of a mere Gentile was not held in such high esteem legally as that of any 'superior' Jew, and it was not the case if any Gentile was on trial that 12 witnesses were then also needed, which essentially gave Jews a get out of jail free card for just about any crime. Obviously, no real Gentile king would legislate like that, King William must very likely have been a crypto-Jew, occupied by a body-snatching Jewish soul, just like King Charles III surely is today, who is now the official Governor General of the demonic Church of England.
King Edward rightly expelled most of these usurpers and parasites in 1290, then the treacherous Oliver Cromwell allowed Jews back into England in 1657, though many Jews would surely have managed to stay in England all those years in between unsuspected after craftily pretending to convert to Christianity well beforehand, hidden amongst the Christian population as sleeper agents having anticipated their likely future expulsion. England has thus more or less constantly been effectively under Jewish rule or heavily influenced by Jews since 1066.
Jewish people have been expelled multiple times throughout history from several cities and nations, a staggering 1031 times, so they have always known exactly what is likely to come sooner or later, so to entrench themselves more deeply in any nation and among any race, they adopt various guises at will and can incarnate like 'spiritual commandos to conquer this world' as Rabbi Laitman calls them, into any body they wish to use in any nation, particularly among the powerful and wealthy Gentiles to secure power for the Jews over any Gentile people, as Jewish souls alone will then be occupying the bodies of those 'Gentile' families from then on, and any empires created will in fact be Jewish empires.
Look at the obviously sallow Jewish facial complexion and semitic hook nose of Prince William, married to the Jewess Kate Middleton, and their three Jewish children, and the curious predominantly Jewish choice of friends of the royals in the form of Jeffrey Epstein and the Jewish-named Jimmy Savile, who actually stated that he was more Jewish than most Jews, and then consider the black Jewess Meghan Markle married to Prince Harry, and then consider that Queen Victoria said she was descended from the Israelite Biblical King David, and how King Charles III is almost the photographic double of Vlad the Impaler, who he says he is descended from (more like reincarnated from), but Vlad the Impaler was actually a Jew. The dirty deed proposed by agent Dee has been done, we have a hollow royalty and hollow political leaders highly infected with hostile foreign power military occupation government souls who are here to do no good at all, despite their silly superficial so-called philanthropic gestures in public. We can see how they very deliberately openly invite nuclear destruction of England by Russia, when the British people have not got the slightest means of protection, not a single nuclear shelter, they are criminally insane, and King Charles III does legally hold the ultimate power of veto over any decisions made in the House of Commons and House of Lords, he can approve or block any decision made by them.
King Charles supporting the Jewish WEF/UN agenda of getting rid of 7.5 billion people off this planet is precisely the same Talmudic agenda proposed by the Rothschild third cousin Karl Marx, who published the following words in 1849, "The chief mission of all other races and peoples, large and small, is to perish in the revolutionary holocaust", these words of course carry precisely the same meaning as the following words from the Zohar;
Happy will be the lost of Israel, whom the Holy One, blessed be He, has chosen from amongst the Goyim, of whom the Scriptures say: "Their work is but vanity, it is an illusion at which we must laugh; they will all perish when God visits them in His wrath." At the moment when the Holy One, blessed be He, will exterminate all the Goyim of the world, Israel alone will subsist, even as it is written: "The Lord alone will appear great on that day!...
We can also go back Four Hundred Years, when John Dee, the original “007” on whom the James Bond movies are based, and who was the head of security for Queen Elizabeth I, convinced the Queen that the Jews (of which John Dee was one) and the British monarchy could together take over the world. Thus was born the Imperialism of Great Britain and the intermarriage of the Jews with the monarchies of Europe.
Nice try. Elizabeth I continued the ban on Jews. Her "spies" were set up to infiltrate Roman Catholic plots to re-take the throne. Guy Fawkes, was involved in the failed Catholic Gunpowder Plot of 1605 to displace Protestant James I/VI. It was the psychopathic Puritans, who are technically not Christians, and bought off by the (((Amsterdam bankers))) who allowed them back in. James II had secretly married a Catholic and proposed lessening of religious restrictions. It was viewed as a Catholic plot to retake the throne, and once again the (((Amsterdam bankers))) provided a solution - William of Orange, who along with James' daughter Mary, gave Royal assent to turning the Exchequer/Treasury into a private bank. It should be noted that since Cromwell's regicide, the Monarchy has been stripped of all of its decision making authority. The same is true in other European countries. The German government pre-WWI, was probably the best government Germany ever had. While Russia's Tsar Nicholas was less than perfect, many reforms had taken place. The reality is that it is the Jews who were behind every overthrow of a monarchy, including that of Spain in the 1930s. The Puritan curse is alive and well in the US.
I avoid using the term "Jew," because it is a hot term that implies to most folks' minds that the people labelling themselves with it are Semitic people with even the vaguest ties to an ancient - and extinct - tribe called Hebrews. In fact, most of the people hiding behind the term "Jew" are nothing more than common thieves and grifters who found a way to wrap themselves in theological/racial sheep skins and use it to deflect deflect criticism while hiding their true origins - primarily in the Ukraine, by the way.. The scam has been so successful that it even allowed them to lay a fake ancestral claim to some beach-front property in the Levant, which has provided them with a base of operations under diplomatic sovereignty by doing nothing more than poking the world with a sharp stick and yelping anti-Semitism when the world bites back. In fact, they are the central banksters, who have allied themselves to throne and altar, and have milked the West for four centuries.
Exactly. DNA testing found a paltry few were of Hebrew descent. It is the Palestinians who had a much, much higher percentage of Hebrew blood. The children Cain always impersonate their victims. That's what Satanists do. Everything is a game of opposites to them. Drunk on the illusion of duality they play games.
One must stand in awe that the world has been duped into terror of being called anti-Semitic by a group of people who aren't even remotely Semitic. In fact, this group constantly attacks Semitic people, while accusing others with great success. Quite the flim-flam game.
Agreed. And it's nothing new really. They're running the same old scams today that they did in ancient Babylon. The masses never learn. Only it seems a small percentage pay attention. The majority are too distracted with bread and circuses and good old fashion BS. Too busy watching the left hand. I think only when our main concern becomes the truth do we begin to see through the illusions in life.
The People of the Wisdom School of the Goddess Sophia saw the very beginning of this "jewish" insanity, way before they were even called "Jews"....they saw it very well,....but they were powerless to stop it. They tried to reason with them,....and tried to warn others about the Insanity,.....but few listened, much like today. The fake "Jews" have absolutely no compassion or ethics or empathy,....they don't even really have it for their own Children! They break their souls so that they can be used to commit atrocities and feel nothing.
Because of that they can do things no sane human can do. They suffer no GUILT! They are right now committing atrocities all over the middle east,.....things no normal Human could live with!
In my opinion, they are narcissistic Sociopaths and Megalomaniacs. They have no souls/spirits at all. In the book "Not in HIS Image" by John Lash, he talks about the Demiurge who uses Archons to influence men with empty souls to do their evil deeds. In my mind, those are the "Jews", really Khazarian Mafia from Ukraine.
There isn't even any way to Reason with them! They are insane.
Despite the paradoxical claims about all this by Eran Elhaik, associate professor of bioinformatics at Lund University in Sweden, Dr Karl Skorecki has performed other genetic studies on this issue and came to an entirely opposite conclusion.
Indeed, Jerusalem University itself has stated that the alleged mass conversion of Khazarian nobility to Jews (which would only have been of around 700 people at the time if it really had ever occurred anyway) is now established as a mere myth that never took place, and while one might argue 'they' would say that wouldn't they?, I believe that the very succinct study by Dr Karl Skorecki sheds additional light, while I find the work of Elhaik to be highly pretentious and incomprehensible pseudo-mathematical gobbledygook.
I do not think the original people of the Torah were good or spiritual, with them practicing an absolutely godless demonic creed like Deuteronomy 20:16, and consider that any intended criminal group intent on hiding discreetly amongst people of a different identity would surely never have decided to pose as Jews, a major crime group themselves, as if they had really done so, they might just as well have painted a bull's eye on their backs.
Just as the Jewish psy-op fictional 'Jesus' (Yeshua) talked of fake Jews or Israelites or whatever term some may say is truly appropriate, so a modern day additional version of this same dodge was created and furthered by Arthur Koestler and several Jews before him, and it has been said that eventually Koestler admitted that his work The Thirteenth Tribe had indeed been a deception intended on drawing suspicion away from the Jewish people.
They all seem to live together, these 'fake' and 'real' Jews, and they all seem to defend each other and their shared Israel passionately, while to us simple goyim outside Israel, they sell this myth that there is a bunch of criminals calling themselves Jews who are just fakes, they use this ploy to confuse the Gentiles. Jews have been sussed out and thrown out of places a long time before the alleged mass conversion of people in Khazaria, the area that is today's Ukraine. You won't find any so-called 'real' Jews protesting about the demonic Israeli Samson Option or the Jewish Leo Szilard inventions of the explosive mechanism for the atom that he patented in London in 1934, or his 1950 US patent for the cobalt nuclear dirty bomb that he said would permanently exterminate all forms of life on this entire planet (Deuteronomy 20:16?), if just 400 such devices are detonated. You won't find 'real' Jews criticizing his work there, or attempting to out him as a 'fake' Jew.
Despite saying that all Jews are genuine Jews, I am no supporter of the Jewish death cult and it's Samson Option today, or of the criminal terrorist state of Israel, which is merely a deliberately created safe haven for international swindlers and crooks of all kinds.
"Maimonides also admits that Christianity made the world familiar with the Old Testament, i.e. with Torah, but adds that its interpretation was erroneous and that the errors will be evident at the arrival of Jewry's political Messiah who, as leader of Jewry's armed power, will subjugate the non-Jewish nations of the world and will exterminate, together with their women and children, all those who refuse to accept the laws of Noah. (Jewry and Christianity, by Canon Lipot Huber, p. 141)
Look at the canannites of Palestine today... A third Temple...😁
I assume you are referring to the Ukrainian Khazars, who usurped a religious identity commonly referred to as "Jew," a word derived from "Judah," and who have not one Semitic gene in their bodies, and who have been manipulating European history and culture since the 17th century. These "Jews" are commonly referred to as Ashkenazim, and have Teutonic and Slavic surnames. They are about as Jewish as my toenail clippings.
I believe the (((Amsterdam bankers))) were some of the ones who fled Spain after the re-Conquista and Inquisition. Spain, at one time controlled the Netherlands, which included Belgium. The Dutch became rebellious in the mid 1500s eventually freeing themselves in 1648. (((They))) were funding the Dutch rebellion as well. That is not to say that the other branch of the tribe, whose name must not be mentioned, were not part of it, or most of it.
Queen Victoria's mother was the Princess of Leiningen (also my surname)
Kaiser Wilhelm I was the second son of Louise Queen (consort) of Prussia, a granddaughter of Marie Louise Albertine De Leiningen, while her sister Frederica, was Queen of Hanover and another sister the first princess of Thurn and Taxis.
All 4 grandparents of the murdered Romanov sisters were descendants of this family .
By the way, I'm glad you brought up Thurn and Taxis and their symbol. That will be discussed in upcoming posts. It also puts me in mind of Thomas Pynchon's fantastic book, "The Crying of Lot 49".
Your Majesty! Excellent points and one of the things I clued in on with Charles III standing under a fleur-de-lis with a ring of stars at its base. The Saxe-Coberg-Gotha line is the most powerful sitting monarch in Europe, with branches that reach into the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Russia, and the Slavic states. The British throne is my pick to exert claim to power over at least Europe. All of this might also explain Turkey's recent issues with the EU, and certainly explains the situation in the Ukraine, as well. In the end, though, all of it leads back to the Roman and Orthodox Churches, since without them, no royal could claim legitimacy, even in modern times. Where do all roads lead?
Wow. What a totally different view you have of the world! So much wider! You see the Forest, not just the Trees. Thank you for sharing that. It removes a lot of the fear, frustration that I don't know enough and I can't fix anything,.....I worry for my grandkid's future,....because what you are saying is not anything I can fix, correct or make better,....even if I try.
When you talk about a group even above the Royals,....are you speaking about an Alien Race that may be they are all working for? Are they just the Shepherds of this Planet for someone else?
Do you know if Trump has some link to a royal family? I have heard that lately. Some people are even saying he wasn't born to the people who raised him,....he is actually a hybrid between alien and human. I know it sounds crazy, but Clif is certain that at least one alien race is about to show themselves very soon.
I wonder what the point was though of letting us Play House for a few hundred years. Why let us try to make a "democracy" really a Constitutional Republic, why did they do that? Just to prove to us that it wouldn't work? Of course, if the freaking Khazarians got out of the way,.....and stopped controlling everything for their own gain only, maybe it could work.
From what I can find, Trump has possible (though not confirmed) links to Edward III of England (1300s), and possibly Scottish nobility. In any case, it doesn't seem to be recent or very deep.
As for the aliens, my jury is still out on that. I rather think there are descendants of pre-deluvian humans, who might have had a multi-planetary civilization that blew itself apart thousands of years ago. They would be the pyramids builders, and the ones for whom the 3 portals (see discussion with Richard Cassaro) are a symbol. I suspect they are also the ones who genetically modified us to be their slave class using the hominids (Neaderthals, Yeti, Sasquatch, etc.). As Wild Ass Guesses go, this seems more likely than aliens, but that information is hidden from us -- for now.
As for "democracy," we peons threw off the monarchies 300 years ago, so it would make sense tha they just sit back and let us drive ourselves to ruin, so we cry out for them to return. If we voluntarily make ourselves subjects, then we can't really complain. They are likely "helping" things come crashing down to push us back toward monarchies. It's a highly complex issue with lots of reading and digging to find the connections.
There's plenty all of us can do to stop it, but it requires the vast majority to educate themselves. A republic only works when the citizens are highly educated, which is why the school systems are a prime target for attack by the Bumbledicks. Most people are not autodidacts. They learn only enough to make a living in some craft or profession, and stop educating themselves as soon as the diploma is in their hands.
The best thing to do for the grandkids is give them the Great Books of Western Civilization and encourage them to read the entire library. It is a far better education than anything found in schools. Create an environment where studying for the sake of studying is a fun and exciting hobby, not some drole laborious task to fill in the right bubbles on a standardized test. If everyone did that, we would never have arrived at this point in history.
Gates is not really Teutonic or Prussian, in fact Gates is a name often adopted by Jewish people. Bill Gates is a Chabad Lubavitcher creature, as can very clearly be seen without the slightest possible doubt in the photo in the article link below;
What is being intended is not a second Reich or indeed a fourth Reich, but Jewish world domination, plain and simple.
Jewish agent John Dee treacherously recommended to Queen Elizabeth the First that she should advise English nobility to intermarry with Jews, and then to start an empire. Obviously, the Jews were wishing to hijack the English Gentile nobility blood lines, and dominate them while putting a white face on actually then Jewish agents appearing as English nobility who would then really be Jewish souls purposely incarnated within such interbred bodies. This was done so that actual English people would not be able to see the racial differences so much if at all any longer between the white English and the sallow-skinned Jewish invaders now really controlling them for their own selfish parasitic purposes, and more easily be fooled into accepting these invaders as their own English people. Also, it must be said, it follows that whatever such 'white' 'nobility' has done since has not really been done by white Gentile English people, but by Jewish souls using the unsuspected occult process of consciously controlled reincarnation into white bodies to continue to build up their money magic pyramid scheme and political power in the false guise of white people.
The Jewish occult practice of conscious astral projection throughout their lives, together with that of gilgul (reincarnation) is used by Jews to consciously reincarnate wherever they choose after each birth, of course as far as possible then always in positions to further consolidate on previous efforts and achievements towards Jewish empire-building in their past lives, so they never allow a Gentile soul to incarnate, say, in a Rothschild bloodline.
England has essentially been hijacked since 1066 by these invaders. The so-called 'Catholic' French Norman King William the Conqueror defeated the English army at Hastings in 1066 and then brought over another army, one of Jewish usurious bankers, through which to truly subjugate and enslave the English people permanently. The deal was that 50% of the takings from criminal usury would go to King William, and the other 50% of the takings would go to the Jews themselves, allowing the Jews to further consolidate on their rapidly growing power in England.
But William himself cannot have been a true Gentile, as he changed English law so that in any court hearing over which a JUdge presided, along with 12 JUry, under the new JUdicial system, if any Jew was ever on trial in England for any type of crime, no fewer than 12 Gentile witnesses must also be provided to enable the judge and jury to convict any Jew in any English court as the word of a mere Gentile was not held in such high esteem legally as that of any 'superior' Jew, and it was not the case if any Gentile was on trial that 12 witnesses were then also needed, which essentially gave Jews a get out of jail free card for just about any crime. Obviously, no real Gentile king would legislate like that, King William must very likely have been a crypto-Jew, occupied by a body-snatching Jewish soul, just like King Charles III surely is today, who is now the official Governor General of the demonic Church of England.
King Edward rightly expelled most of these usurpers and parasites in 1290, then the treacherous Oliver Cromwell allowed Jews back into England in 1657, though many Jews would surely have managed to stay in England all those years in between unsuspected after craftily pretending to convert to Christianity well beforehand, hidden amongst the Christian population as sleeper agents having anticipated their likely future expulsion. England has thus more or less constantly been effectively under Jewish rule or heavily influenced by Jews since 1066.
Jewish people have been expelled multiple times throughout history from several cities and nations, a staggering 1031 times, so they have always known exactly what is likely to come sooner or later, so to entrench themselves more deeply in any nation and among any race, they adopt various guises at will and can incarnate like 'spiritual commandos to conquer this world' as Rabbi Laitman calls them, into any body they wish to use in any nation, particularly among the powerful and wealthy Gentiles to secure power for the Jews over any Gentile people, as Jewish souls alone will then be occupying the bodies of those 'Gentile' families from then on, and any empires created will in fact be Jewish empires.
Look at the obviously sallow Jewish facial complexion and semitic hook nose of Prince William, married to the Jewess Kate Middleton, and their three Jewish children, and the curious predominantly Jewish choice of friends of the royals in the form of Jeffrey Epstein and the Jewish-named Jimmy Savile, who actually stated that he was more Jewish than most Jews, and then consider the black Jewess Meghan Markle married to Prince Harry, and then consider that Queen Victoria said she was descended from the Israelite Biblical King David, and how King Charles III is almost the photographic double of Vlad the Impaler, who he says he is descended from (more like reincarnated from), but Vlad the Impaler was actually a Jew. The dirty deed proposed by agent Dee has been done, we have a hollow royalty and hollow political leaders highly infected with hostile foreign power military occupation government souls who are here to do no good at all, despite their silly superficial so-called philanthropic gestures in public. We can see how they very deliberately openly invite nuclear destruction of England by Russia, when the British people have not got the slightest means of protection, not a single nuclear shelter, they are criminally insane, and King Charles III does legally hold the ultimate power of veto over any decisions made in the House of Commons and House of Lords, he can approve or block any decision made by them.
King Charles supporting the Jewish WEF/UN agenda of getting rid of 7.5 billion people off this planet is precisely the same Talmudic agenda proposed by the Rothschild third cousin Karl Marx, who published the following words in 1849, "The chief mission of all other races and peoples, large and small, is to perish in the revolutionary holocaust", these words of course carry precisely the same meaning as the following words from the Zohar;
Happy will be the lost of Israel, whom the Holy One, blessed be He, has chosen from amongst the Goyim, of whom the Scriptures say: "Their work is but vanity, it is an illusion at which we must laugh; they will all perish when God visits them in His wrath." At the moment when the Holy One, blessed be He, will exterminate all the Goyim of the world, Israel alone will subsist, even as it is written: "The Lord alone will appear great on that day!...
Zohar, Vayshlah 177b
We can also go back Four Hundred Years, when John Dee, the original “007” on whom the James Bond movies are based, and who was the head of security for Queen Elizabeth I, convinced the Queen that the Jews (of which John Dee was one) and the British monarchy could together take over the world. Thus was born the Imperialism of Great Britain and the intermarriage of the Jews with the monarchies of Europe.
Judaism, Zionism and Freemasonry
Nice try. Elizabeth I continued the ban on Jews. Her "spies" were set up to infiltrate Roman Catholic plots to re-take the throne. Guy Fawkes, was involved in the failed Catholic Gunpowder Plot of 1605 to displace Protestant James I/VI. It was the psychopathic Puritans, who are technically not Christians, and bought off by the (((Amsterdam bankers))) who allowed them back in. James II had secretly married a Catholic and proposed lessening of religious restrictions. It was viewed as a Catholic plot to retake the throne, and once again the (((Amsterdam bankers))) provided a solution - William of Orange, who along with James' daughter Mary, gave Royal assent to turning the Exchequer/Treasury into a private bank. It should be noted that since Cromwell's regicide, the Monarchy has been stripped of all of its decision making authority. The same is true in other European countries. The German government pre-WWI, was probably the best government Germany ever had. While Russia's Tsar Nicholas was less than perfect, many reforms had taken place. The reality is that it is the Jews who were behind every overthrow of a monarchy, including that of Spain in the 1930s. The Puritan curse is alive and well in the US.
I avoid using the term "Jew," because it is a hot term that implies to most folks' minds that the people labelling themselves with it are Semitic people with even the vaguest ties to an ancient - and extinct - tribe called Hebrews. In fact, most of the people hiding behind the term "Jew" are nothing more than common thieves and grifters who found a way to wrap themselves in theological/racial sheep skins and use it to deflect deflect criticism while hiding their true origins - primarily in the Ukraine, by the way.. The scam has been so successful that it even allowed them to lay a fake ancestral claim to some beach-front property in the Levant, which has provided them with a base of operations under diplomatic sovereignty by doing nothing more than poking the world with a sharp stick and yelping anti-Semitism when the world bites back. In fact, they are the central banksters, who have allied themselves to throne and altar, and have milked the West for four centuries.
Exactly. DNA testing found a paltry few were of Hebrew descent. It is the Palestinians who had a much, much higher percentage of Hebrew blood. The children Cain always impersonate their victims. That's what Satanists do. Everything is a game of opposites to them. Drunk on the illusion of duality they play games.
One must stand in awe that the world has been duped into terror of being called anti-Semitic by a group of people who aren't even remotely Semitic. In fact, this group constantly attacks Semitic people, while accusing others with great success. Quite the flim-flam game.
Agreed. And it's nothing new really. They're running the same old scams today that they did in ancient Babylon. The masses never learn. Only it seems a small percentage pay attention. The majority are too distracted with bread and circuses and good old fashion BS. Too busy watching the left hand. I think only when our main concern becomes the truth do we begin to see through the illusions in life.
The People of the Wisdom School of the Goddess Sophia saw the very beginning of this "jewish" insanity, way before they were even called "Jews"....they saw it very well,....but they were powerless to stop it. They tried to reason with them,....and tried to warn others about the Insanity,.....but few listened, much like today. The fake "Jews" have absolutely no compassion or ethics or empathy,....they don't even really have it for their own Children! They break their souls so that they can be used to commit atrocities and feel nothing.
Because of that they can do things no sane human can do. They suffer no GUILT! They are right now committing atrocities all over the middle east,.....things no normal Human could live with!
In my opinion, they are narcissistic Sociopaths and Megalomaniacs. They have no souls/spirits at all. In the book "Not in HIS Image" by John Lash, he talks about the Demiurge who uses Archons to influence men with empty souls to do their evil deeds. In my mind, those are the "Jews", really Khazarian Mafia from Ukraine.
There isn't even any way to Reason with them! They are insane.
Despite the paradoxical claims about all this by Eran Elhaik, associate professor of bioinformatics at Lund University in Sweden, Dr Karl Skorecki has performed other genetic studies on this issue and came to an entirely opposite conclusion.
Food for thought;
Indeed, Jerusalem University itself has stated that the alleged mass conversion of Khazarian nobility to Jews (which would only have been of around 700 people at the time if it really had ever occurred anyway) is now established as a mere myth that never took place, and while one might argue 'they' would say that wouldn't they?, I believe that the very succinct study by Dr Karl Skorecki sheds additional light, while I find the work of Elhaik to be highly pretentious and incomprehensible pseudo-mathematical gobbledygook.
I do not think the original people of the Torah were good or spiritual, with them practicing an absolutely godless demonic creed like Deuteronomy 20:16, and consider that any intended criminal group intent on hiding discreetly amongst people of a different identity would surely never have decided to pose as Jews, a major crime group themselves, as if they had really done so, they might just as well have painted a bull's eye on their backs.
Just as the Jewish psy-op fictional 'Jesus' (Yeshua) talked of fake Jews or Israelites or whatever term some may say is truly appropriate, so a modern day additional version of this same dodge was created and furthered by Arthur Koestler and several Jews before him, and it has been said that eventually Koestler admitted that his work The Thirteenth Tribe had indeed been a deception intended on drawing suspicion away from the Jewish people.
They all seem to live together, these 'fake' and 'real' Jews, and they all seem to defend each other and their shared Israel passionately, while to us simple goyim outside Israel, they sell this myth that there is a bunch of criminals calling themselves Jews who are just fakes, they use this ploy to confuse the Gentiles. Jews have been sussed out and thrown out of places a long time before the alleged mass conversion of people in Khazaria, the area that is today's Ukraine. You won't find any so-called 'real' Jews protesting about the demonic Israeli Samson Option or the Jewish Leo Szilard inventions of the explosive mechanism for the atom that he patented in London in 1934, or his 1950 US patent for the cobalt nuclear dirty bomb that he said would permanently exterminate all forms of life on this entire planet (Deuteronomy 20:16?), if just 400 such devices are detonated. You won't find 'real' Jews criticizing his work there, or attempting to out him as a 'fake' Jew.
Despite saying that all Jews are genuine Jews, I am no supporter of the Jewish death cult and it's Samson Option today, or of the criminal terrorist state of Israel, which is merely a deliberately created safe haven for international swindlers and crooks of all kinds.
Mayhaps as smart as you believe you are, and I not so much...
Can We Trust the King James Bible?
I believe all Christianity is Jewish mindF.ckery.
These canaanite PHALLIC worshipers, pedophiles and murderers
Krowed years ago:
"Maimonides also admits that Christianity made the world familiar with the Old Testament, i.e. with Torah, but adds that its interpretation was erroneous and that the errors will be evident at the arrival of Jewry's political Messiah who, as leader of Jewry's armed power, will subjugate the non-Jewish nations of the world and will exterminate, together with their women and children, all those who refuse to accept the laws of Noah. (Jewry and Christianity, by Canon Lipot Huber, p. 141)
Look at the canannites of Palestine today... A third Temple...😁
When it comes to texts, I find Mauro Biglino and Paul Willis to be informative.
Ah, the Black Adder.
I assume you are referring to the Ukrainian Khazars, who usurped a religious identity commonly referred to as "Jew," a word derived from "Judah," and who have not one Semitic gene in their bodies, and who have been manipulating European history and culture since the 17th century. These "Jews" are commonly referred to as Ashkenazim, and have Teutonic and Slavic surnames. They are about as Jewish as my toenail clippings.
I believe the (((Amsterdam bankers))) were some of the ones who fled Spain after the re-Conquista and Inquisition. Spain, at one time controlled the Netherlands, which included Belgium. The Dutch became rebellious in the mid 1500s eventually freeing themselves in 1648. (((They))) were funding the Dutch rebellion as well. That is not to say that the other branch of the tribe, whose name must not be mentioned, were not part of it, or most of it.
Queen Victoria's mother was the Princess of Leiningen (also my surname)
Kaiser Wilhelm I was the second son of Louise Queen (consort) of Prussia, a granddaughter of Marie Louise Albertine De Leiningen, while her sister Frederica, was Queen of Hanover and another sister the first princess of Thurn and Taxis.
All 4 grandparents of the murdered Romanov sisters were descendants of this family .
By the way, I'm glad you brought up Thurn and Taxis and their symbol. That will be discussed in upcoming posts. It also puts me in mind of Thomas Pynchon's fantastic book, "The Crying of Lot 49".
Your Majesty! Excellent points and one of the things I clued in on with Charles III standing under a fleur-de-lis with a ring of stars at its base. The Saxe-Coberg-Gotha line is the most powerful sitting monarch in Europe, with branches that reach into the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Russia, and the Slavic states. The British throne is my pick to exert claim to power over at least Europe. All of this might also explain Turkey's recent issues with the EU, and certainly explains the situation in the Ukraine, as well. In the end, though, all of it leads back to the Roman and Orthodox Churches, since without them, no royal could claim legitimacy, even in modern times. Where do all roads lead?
Here is a good lesson.