This is fantastic, thankyou so much. Articulates much of what I've been ruminating on for the last few months. Your analysis of the east-west divide and its origins is great food for thought and makes perfect sense to me.

If I wanted to read further into this thesis, where best to go other than your book?

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Joseph Farrell (GizaDeathStar.com) holds some similar views, though probably more informed with his doctorate in patristics and next-level grasp of history. I haven't found many published works along these lines. A lot of my understanding comes from friendships and deep conversations with theologians and clergy in both the East and West traditions. Augustine and Aquinas are definitive sources for Western philosophical foundations, while the Philokalia provides tremendous insight into the Eastern mind.

A comment by Christopher Hitchens started me down this path, when he said that Western Christianity views the individual as born sick, and commands him to be well. This may have come from Dawkins, but not sure.

In addition to Thomas Merton's later works, you might also try:

F.S.C. Northrop – "The Meeting of East and West" (1946) explores the cultural and philosophical distinctions between Eastern and Western thought.

Huston Smith – "The World's Religions" offers comparative insights on the major philosophical and religious systems.

Alan Watts – "Writings on Zen Buddhism and Taoism" bridge Eastern and Western perspectives.

Nicolas Berdyaev – "The Russian Idea" addresses theological differences between Eastern Orthodoxy and Western Christianity.

"The Clash of Civilizations" by Samuel Huntington touches on the philosophical divide between the West and other cultural spheres. This one is probably a good starting point.

This may be overload, but my view of global events spans a lifetime of thinking about the roots of things, inspired by the way Daniel Boorstin traces cultural and historical developments through time and space, linking one thing to another.

Hope that helps more than frightens. :) It's a fascinating journey once begun.

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I love Alan Watts! It's a very interesting way to look at what's going on. I think we get too caught up in the minutia and then we don't see the bigger picture. I like your LEO view!

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Oh, and here's curly question that's been troubling me:

Is it the secular powers that manipulate the religious, or the other way around?

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I think they are ONE. The Roman Empire never fell, it simply became the Holy Roman Church. It was easier to rule through carrots and sticks, than it was through swords and battles.

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All secular power, in the West at least, are derived from religious institutions, though it's disguised in our modern secular society. In America, look at the power wielded by the televangelists to see how religions sway public thinking, which in turn pushes political currents.

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Thankyou so much :-) Yet more rabbit holes to navigate!

A comment though - both branches of the original Christian church to my mind are still the 'west', but maybe more or less eastern in their outlook. To me the true 'east' really is a different beast - reading LaoZi in particular, I find that thought very much rooted in 'mother nature' than 'father god'. At best, 'father god' just kicked it into motion then went off to play golf or whatever.

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Christianity and buddhism/Taoism are related in many fundamental ways, though Far Easten thought does not really put a gender on Universe. It simply is, and we either flow with it or not. Humans manifest gender as two aspects of the same thing. In my opinion, Jesus blended Buddhism with Judaism in an effort to shift away from bloody sacrifice and the Yahweh character (Luke 8:44). I am guilty of oversimplifying the theology and Dr. Farrell has taken me to task. We will likely record a discussion of the fundamentals of Roman and Orthodox views in the very near future.

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I havent put the music to it yet. I play a keyboard with bagpipe and pipes. Love Celtic music. Do you have a way to receive docs? Ill send you the lyrics-Title of somg is Radio far side

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Please do! You can send to my email: luap.jkt @ gmail . com. I'm not much of a composer, but I hear music in words. I just have no practical experience notating it. I know just enough music theory to sound ridiculous to real professionals. Perhaps we can collaborate on a Far Side Anthem for the ages.

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With a pen as a weapon, he'll sketch the world anew/ More lies of the annoited rulers crumble under truth/ Voices rise from thunder -from the depths of despair/ In the rhythm of dissent we'll celebrate the scent of fresh air


Turn up the volumn-let the revoloution ride

On the Radio far side is where the rebels collide

Turn up the volumn-let the reveloution ride

The radio far side is where the truth doesn't hide

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I like it! You're on to something here. I hear the rhythm section like Blackwatch without the infernal bagpipes in 7/8 time. Perhaps Uilleann pipes with heavy reverb to give them a haunting, distant sound. Melody is carried by 12-string guitar backed by acoustic bass. Dorian or phrydian mode. Tom Waits vocals with female backup.

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Great article, but... if Rome wants to defeat the Saracens, why does the Pope support Muslim immigration into Europe? It makes no sense. None of this makes sense. Liberty and free markets with sound money and peace, make us all prosperous. Why doesn't that happen?

I think humans are nuts. Birth rates are cratering. The aristocrats will wake up one day and see that the serfs are gone.

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Thanks, mate!

When society becomes unlivable, the people will cry out for return to all-powerful monarchs, or so my thinking goes. Notice the Saracens are not being allowed to invade the Holy Land and are being purged from their traditional homelands. It makes sense if you look at it from manipulation of large populations.

The cratering birth rates are caused by vaccines, and as the Georgia Guide Stones noted, good supervision of the planet requires reducing humanity to about 500,000 head. This falls under the Unam Sanctam purview of holding the Earth in escrow for the return of Christ.

As for humans being nuts, I can't deny that.

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Have you all read Albert Pikes Letter to the Jews (not really jews). It was all about the 3 World Wars. The 3rd world war is meant to cause such horrors, misery and chaos that Humanity will BEG to be saved from it by the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.

Here I'll post a link. All 3 World Wars were planned out,....the 3rd one is no different. Take a look. It's all right there.


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Rufus, So the Vatican believes in the "Holy Land"? I've never been to the Levant, but from what I've seen on video and read, the place is a shithole. California is 100 times better than the "Holy Land" for human existence.

If Jesus does come back, he'll come back in Santa Barbara.

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That is one stratospherically inspired article. Awesome! My view is perhaps from a different level. Beneath the surface perhaps. I deleted some of my comment. It seems that I am reverting into poetry. I don't need you thinking I'm writing you poems, even though I think I love you. I do have an idea what people think of poets, so I should probably stick with prose. Maybe I'll save the poetry for my own sight. Maybe not. As long as the message gets where it needs to go, I say, keep up the great work. And don't let the britches get up in a wad, dude.

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You could do much worse than be a poet. Poets are the perfection of language, the distillation to pure ethanol. I count Dylan, cummiings, Eliot, Yeats, Byron, Shakespeare, Goethe, Paz, and Dante among my favorite writers of all time. You walk in honorable company.

To inspire poetry, to stand in the shoes of the muse, is a profoundly humbling experience. Thank you most kindly, and I should like very much to read anything you care to share. Cheers!

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You guys are making me Tear Up! Isn't it wonderful to have Sensai in this massive Change of Civilization? Clif High says that Universe always provides Wise Men to help us over the HUMPS. You help a lot!

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This discussion will outlast us.

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Well, it certainly outlasted the Council of Nicea, so there's precedent.

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TheWest is playing chess, complete with hierarchy and established patterns, while theEast is playing go/weiqi/baduk using the established patterns and hierarchy of theWest?

One has a king and subjects, the other closer to democracy?

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Everyone had their kings, but the West had the good sense to stumble into the Enlightenment, which gave us the Illuminati, which everyone proceeded to blame for everything because they kinda liked the kings. They tried to make Washington a king, but he settled for a naked painting of himself becoming a god on the dome of the capitol.

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I think theWest is trying to dominate/subjugate more countries it doesn’t understand, while disclosing it’s methods that are then used against the citizenry.

Was COVID a CCP PsychOp? MarkCrispinMiller has an opinion.

Was Stuxnet a cyber attack against Iran? Gibney’s Zer0Day claims yes, and it spurred the Iranians to start a cyber warfare division.

I don’t believe theWest knows WTF it’s doing, but still acts…with Americans emulating the ‘something-must-be-done’ reactionary approach-government as a god/model has led the baseless into a blindness they would rather ignore, much like those in government are realizing they have created/perpetuated.

A moment of truth in a spin zone so vast, few ever ask about it and so dangerous everyone should pay more attention.

And kings are for cowards who enjoy being clueless.

My nickel, so to speak.

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Will be sending, my email hydroternegy@yahoo.com. I look forward to collabarating with you

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Very interesting article,.....funny how the threads of Universe meet up and separate,.....I wouldn't have even had a chance to understand what you were saying though if I wasn't in the middle of John Lamb Lash's book "Not in HIS Image". The world was very different before the "Salvationists" with their insanity took over! I sure hope we don't end up there again. But it's hard when all the choices you have are Zionists!

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A very interesting book. Good choice. To my eyes, there is clearly a major element pushing global events that is trying to fulfill the most common interpretation of John the Divine's revelation. The resurrection of Israel, the forever war in hopes of destroying the Dome of the Rock so the Third Temple can be rebuilt (in the wrong place), the breeding of red heifers for bloody sacrifice can be reinstituted, the march toward global governance and a single World King...all these pieces fit into the false narrative of End Times, in an effort to get all the Yahwists in line (2nd Coming, Meshiach, 12th Imam). It all has a Blue Beamy feel to it.

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Interesting perspective, and there may be something to it, however one must consider the role that the Jewish faction is playing in both Ukraine and Palestine (the Greater Israel Project), as well as the role that this faction plays in controlling the USA through AIPAC and other Jewish NGOs, and the influence this faction exerts in Australia, Canada and other European countries. There is even a term for this situation... ZOG, or Zionist Occupied Governments.

Of course, this doesn't negate the basic premise of your theory, however, it does raise questions regarding which faction among the ruling class is dominant at this time. And note that Zionism was developed by Ashkenazi Jews who immigrated to Palestine from Eastern Europe (primarily from Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Hungary and Lithuania) and whose ancestors, for the most part, do not seem to have originated in the Levant.

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You bring up a complex issue with Zionism. The modern "Jews" are not Semitic Judeans. After the sacking of Jerusalem in AD 77, the Judeans scattered and eventually became the Muslims. The Judeans themselves were former Babylonian slaves, who blended several ancient traditions, including Babylonian and Hebrew texts. The Hebrews themselves were exterminated by Egypt 3,000 years ago. The Hebrew language was dead for more than 1,200 years, until it was revived in its modern form in the 1800s, by Eastern Europeans selected by the Vatican as a bulwark against the advancement of Orthoxy along the East-West divide (Poland, Ukaine, Hungary, etc.). They were further used to invade and occupy the Holy Land, to take it back from the Saracens without the appearance that the Vatican was behind it, and using ancient territorial claims rather than force of arms to do it. Essentially, the "Jews" are an extension of the Crusades, funded and directed by the Vatican to re-occupy the Holy Land.

The Big Question is whether the "Jews" are still following orders, or whether (like the Templars) they've gone rogue. The answer to this question, I suspect, will shed gnosis on the entire global situation.

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So, maybe then, this Election of Trump will not be the Nail in our Coffin I have been afraid of. Trump bringing in the NWO for the Khazarians. Perhaps, he and his backers don't like where the Khazarian Mafia is taking the world either and they really are fighting back. I'm afraid to hope,.....everything is so uncertain these days. But I guess time will tell.

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Yes, that's why I pointed out that Zionism was founded by Ashkenazi Jews whose ancestors don't seem to be from the Levant. Ironically, there are some Israeli geneticists studying ancient DNA who have suggested that the Palestinians may be the closest living relatives to the ancient Hebrews.

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In the concrete jungle where the shadows hide/ I tune in the static of a world gone wild/With pages of history torn and frayed /I'm howling at the moon where my dreams get laid/For the Radios far side is playing songs for the brave!

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Hark! The breath of the warrior poet

Casting gems before porcine minds.

Heady essences tease leaden senses,

Awaken! goes out the silent cry.

Seek Psyche in her darkest hour,

Find metamorphosis in the verdant bower.

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It was atibute to the King!

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Its amazing how the "connectivity" of the Kabuki theatre gets tossed around to the spirit. I have a song I wrote called "How many vessels: that speaks volumns for your closing line. Its on www.soundcloud/hydroternegy/how-many-vessels-2. Cheers to Radio far side! another great masterpiece .

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On my way...

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Wow it'll take a while to get my head around this one. Btw love the Farrell vid.

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Take it bite sizes. Don't smooth out your brain, or you'll end up a Bumbledick. Glad you found something to chew on, and yes Dr. Farrell is scary smart about these things. Cheers!

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Your interesting film selection talks about the threat since at least Anno Domini 1717 of the perverts and demon worshippers of the freemason cult. Your view from on high neglects important matters. The Vatican was deliberately corrupted by the Jesuits and the Fabian socialists on behalf of the freemasons to put the devil on the throne of St Peter. The Vatican is now fully corrupt and its evil synod is disgusting to the laity.

The WEF are certainly fat ugly European aristocrats of the same order mocked by Gilbert Gottried and others in the comedy routine of the same name. Why then, if they want imperial troops, are they seeking to slaughter 7 billion people?

The West is far from unified. And the east is not the enemy of mankind - that was a ruse so the Hanover family could restore their opium monopoly. You are not in low earth orbit and the way things are going, none of us will be living and reproducing on another planet during this century. Nuts.

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Certainly good points, but the root, as I see it, lies in Augustine and compounded by Boniface. Taking a wrong turn right from the start has led to a trail of tears over the millennia, and created the environment that gave rise to the Freemasons and Jesuits. Now we can say that similar events would have arisen in any case, but that is speculative, while we can trace direct philosophical lines to Augustine and Boniface.

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Rufus, Original Sin is one of the stupidest tenets of the Catholic Church. Even as a kid, I knew the dogma was dog shit.

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There are plenty of Orthodox who agree with you. when you ponder the implications on our current governments and legal systems, it's astounding the damage it has done. Declaring Human Nature is evil and corrupt from conception impacts nearly every aspect of our culture and society. The deeper you go, the worse it gets.

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The world Its still an extension of Babylon empire-There is a criminal element that is behind the "ownership' of property and the illusion of freedom. Netflix has an incredible good series titled the Mechanism-it paints the picture of reality of world conflicts. War is a cancer to protect "property" and the zeal of British empire . which is controlling war industry efforts to keep US dollar as reserve currency. All these wars are directed by globalists against countries leaving the US fiat dollar ponzt scheme to the BRICS . Gaza is the new Ben Gurion canal to compete with the suez canal (Eygpt/BRICS) , energy ariffs to Europe. Its funny, the elite "owners" of fuedal Europe titled themselves Lord! The Rothschild formula for world control-Conrtol food supply (People), conrol energy ( Nations) control money supply(The world)! If youare not familiar with the Protocol's of the elders of Zion, it is a good reference of the agenda.

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And when you boil it all down to the roux, it's a clash of weltanschauungs. The fundamental view of the Universe and Human Nature is at the root of everything. That's why I had to go into orbit to catch a glimpse of the Really Big Picture. When you take a good whiff of it, it really just ridiculous wrangling over claims that are impossible to prove either way. Amazing how many lifes have been destroyed to prove a point.

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The word "Lord" is derived from the Old English "hlaford", which is a contraction of the Old English "hlafweard". The meaning of the former is "master of the household" while the latter means "guardian of the loaves". The first known use of the English "lord" to refer to God may have been in the seventeenth century.

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The word "tuhan" has a similar meaning in Old Javanese and modern Indonesian. It is primarily used by Christians today to refer to the Christ I can't find any references beyond the Javanese, implying that it simply appeared out of thin air, but I doubt that. It probably shares a common Indo-European root with "lord" (or "laird" in Scottish). In all cases, it originally referred the "master of the house," and evolved larger meanings up to dieties.

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How interesting! I've always found etymology to be fascinating.

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I need to tell you thanks for the generous tip, too. I deeply appreciate it, since it keeps Mrs. FarSide off my case. :)

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