Feb 29Liked by Radio Far Side

Great post.

It's possible dinosaurs are a globalist hoax- apparently only fossil fragments exist and the "fossils" we see in museums are elaborate reconstructions. I don't agree with the biblical fundamentalism, but this blogger has lots of good material:


Apparently, the elite are aware of a cyclic disaster every 12,000 years, and they are already well prepared for what's coming:


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Feb 29Liked by Radio Far Side

Hi, I recently discovered this Stack. Love the topic. I recently read a book by Robert Schoch called Forgotten Civilizations and he is a big proponent of the idea that the earth experienced a major plasma event +/- 12000 years ago which destroyed Civilization at the time but was also recorded in petroglyph. See also Anthony Peratt on petroglyph and plasma events. Schoch also mentions something called galactic superwaves which sounds a lot like what you're saying above. I'm in an airport getting ready to board and will dig into your post later!

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Feb 29Liked by Radio Far Side

You're being a bad boy! I think you know subduction theory is the accepted mainstream theory. PBS tells me its proven beyond question. But you dare blaspheme it with expansion talk? Well stop making so much sense. Your plaster example is astute, and note that when you deflate the plaster balloon you not only get techtonic plates , but also the Rocky Mountains and the Himalayas. The universe operates on many timescales longer than we can comprehend. We know the universe is expanding and theres more than sufficient evidence that the Earth also experiences such cycles. Some have theorized that the moon was ejected from the Earth during a particularly violent expansion phase. This also supports the idea of a larger Earth at some point in the past. Science has done little more than make observations and classify them. Somewhere along the way the classification system became the science itself and I don't think that works at all. We need to think in the terms of the things we are dealing with and fit the facts to reality, not the classification system. Keep telling this tale. The classification system is wrong about everything. Subduction Theory is some of the dumbest shit intellectuals ever came up with. And that's saying something...

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Feb 29Liked by Radio Far Side

"If we assume that their bones, muscles and connective tissues were analogous to current vertebrates, they would have crumbled into a heap of quivering meat on land."

So what you are saying is: "I don't understand how dinosaurs could grow that large, so physics must be wrong". Maybe physics isn't wrong. Maybe you just don't understand dinosaurs.

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Feb 29Liked by Radio Far Side

Perhaps the Earth was spinning faster and is slowing down in it`s rotational speed after these 60 million years. That was my first thought.

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Feb 29Liked by Radio Far Side

Nice to see articles trying to wake people up to the larger picture. Some can look at it as dooms dayish, but I just find it interesting knowing more truth which is so obviously and purposely hidden from us. One aspect of Ben's work (that we've recently and briefly mentioned) is the multitude of connections between ancient so-called myths and "modern" day science catching up to finally be able to explain these "myths" as likely actual events. That coming together of myth and science has fascinated me for years. If you are ever so inclined, I'd love to read an article along those lines. Thank-you.

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Here is truly enlightened science that explains our ignorance:

The Secret Of Light By Walter Russell (Unabridged Illustrated Audiobook) - YouTube


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No one has ever explained to me how the astronauts going to the moon survived the trip through the Van Allen Belt. The astronauts don't answer the question.

We are stuck here on Earth. We'll go extinct (I'm pretty close).

That's the Universe we live in.

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Okay, I subscribed at the founding level. RFS is interesting. I've known about the solar system entering the energetic part of the Milky Way for years. All of the planets are heating up.

The purple background is irritating but it's RFS' substack.

I'm still counting on Planet X to show up.

Some of my in-laws seem too large to exist in the Earth's current gravity.

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Feb 28Liked by Radio Far Side

I don't think it's quite so dire, as these shifts probably take place extremely slowly from a human perspective.

That said, I think these Strange Energies from Space will also have other effects, as they are part of the 24,000 year Yuga cycle, as the Earth oscillates above and below the galactic plane, allowing for more direct exposure to emanations from the galactic center.

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Indeed, the essence of Walter's knowledge represents an entirely new education system based on knowledge of the Divine. In other words, Truth founded on the fact that we are characters within the Divine Mind; that the Universe is the screen for the Exploration-Investigation-Discovery of 'What I Am' - One Mind exploring its endless possibilities in cause-and-effect. Magnificence, Beauty and Goodness beyond all the complex ramblings of 'science, religion and philosophy' founded on anti-life engineered ignorance and hubris. Small wonder it's been ignored' whilst high time to present the truth in numerous form s of digital and other multimedia; especially to our children who will understand so easily, once we get it right!

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Earth is flat water does not bend space is fake. As above so below.

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