For those familiar with Greek myths, you may recognize Notus as the personification of the South Wind, bringer of scorching heat and drought. I suggest the current gaggle of moustache twirlers and their foolish minions, who fancy themselves our rulers, are in fact a Notus Cult. They preach fire and brimstone from their bully pulpits, converting the gullible and weak-minded to their gospel of death and destruction.
We know that there is a death cult, because everything they espouse — from Net Zero to grievously mislabelled vaccines — is specifically anti-life. There can be no life without carbon, and the fantasy of Net Zero is literally an impossible goal, since even eliminating every breathing creature would not stop volcanoes and the very rocks themselves from belching out carbon dioxide.
At 437 parts per million (ppm), atmospheric carbon dioxide is at its lowest level in millions of years. The Earth’s plant life is on the verge of starvation. NASA imagery clearly shows the Earth greening as CO2 levels have crept up 0.002 ppm over the past century. Any attempt at Net Zero is clearly attempted genocide against the vegetable world, and if our plant friends die off, all the remaining life on the planet will soon follow.
The reconstructed global atmospheric data, taken from rocks, ice and trees, clearly shows that atmospheric CO2 follows temperature swings, not the other way around. We can easily note the massive spike in CO2 that coincided with the Cambrian Explosion, when life on Earth went absolutely nonlinear. We can also appreciate that fact that ice ages precede significant drops in atmospheric CO2. Clearly, CO2 is not only beneficial to the expansion of life, but is not a “greenhouse” gas.
Well, ahem, it IS a greenhouse gas in the sense that commercial greenhouses pump CO2 in to facilitate plant growth and yield. Better yet, the greenhouses frequently burn propane to generate both CO2 and heat for the plants. Stick THAT in your eye, death cult!
One other bit of sanity involves the respiratory cycle of plants. They create sucrose out of atmospheric CO2 and water during the day, exhaling oxygen as a by-product of the process. However, at night plants exhale excess CO2 from cellular respiration, which is created by the use of the sucrose to power the growth cycle. Note that plants give off oxygen only during the day, but exhale CO2 constantly.
Anyone who espouses the “climate change” narradigm and the pseudoscience of “fossil fuels” should be disallowed from voting and holding public office. They are clearly irrational and incapable of discerning fact from full-on fiction. These people act purely and strictly on emotion, letting their hormones run rampant over their prefrontal cortex.
They are also card-carrying members of the Notus Death Cult.
Somewhere along the way, humanity veered off from religions of light, abundance and life, to cults of darkness, death and scarcity. We are, here in the 21st century, little advanced from the Aztec body snatchers, or the Hebrew cow disembowelers. What tortured though process does it take to believe that mass death is the only way to preserve life?
Thus, let it be known far and wide, that in addition to Bumbledicks, GeezerMedia and Scientidiots, we FarSiders shall henceforth refer to the Greta Thunbergs and art defilers as the Notus Cult, and by their fetid fruits shall we know them. So it is ordained and so shall it be.
We live in a limitless Universe, with limitless raw materials to do limitless things. The only boundary we find is that of our own imaginations and credulity.
There was a time when the best minds on the planet believed with intense fervor that the Earth stood still and the firmament swirled around it. There was a time when extant science held that the world was a disc balanced on the backs of elephants, who stood on the shell of a tortoise. All of it was supported by plainly obvious phenomena, and sat at the foundation of religious mythologies. The Notus Cult is no different, except that it is overrunning our current civilization. Pious superstition, but superstition nonetheless.
We humans keep creating societies on the foundation of limits — limits in law, limits in economies, limits in imagination — and like the mythical phoenix, we keep crashing and burning and rebuilding to repeat it all again. About the only thing Albert Einstein ever (reportedly) said of any value to anyone was, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results.”
Perhaps it’s time to reject the Notus Cult, stop thinking in limits and boundaries, and open our minds to the endless possibilities (with the multiverse bunk, of course). Every problem has a solution that doesn’t require the wholesale slaughter of all life on Earth.
One thing is absolutely certain: we need to get the Notus Cult members out of public office and away from civil society before they start the bloody sacrifices in earnest.
Unshackle humanity on the Far Side:
E-book: Paper Golem: Corporate Personhood & the Legal Fiction
Contact Bernard Grover at luap.jkt @ gmail . com
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As far back as human history can tell their were those who would slaughter others wholesale to achieve some long forgotten goal of power. Today we see the same behaviors hidden behind Religion. Religion is the mask that allows fools to believe their evil is okay because some how, some GOD told them it was okay to slaughter others in his name. As we watch two of the three supposed Abrahamic religions (jew, Christian /catholic) commit Genocide, resource theft, Ethnic cleansing all in the name of their adopted god against the third Abrahamic religion ( Shia islam)and those of Russia (christian). All while forcing the agenda of climate alteration and their decidedly Not green, green agenda on the remaining 90 % of the world population. To those Notus cult criminals, I say Not us, they have made it existential to 7 Billion people. It's time to end their cult.
"Oh,no! It's Not Us killing you." Notus Cult.