Apr 14Liked by Radio Far Side

As far back as human history can tell their were those who would slaughter others wholesale to achieve some long forgotten goal of power. Today we see the same behaviors hidden behind Religion. Religion is the mask that allows fools to believe their evil is okay because some how, some GOD told them it was okay to slaughter others in his name. As we watch two of the three supposed Abrahamic religions (jew, Christian /catholic) commit Genocide, resource theft, Ethnic cleansing all in the name of their adopted god against the third Abrahamic religion ( Shia islam)and those of Russia (christian). All while forcing the agenda of climate alteration and their decidedly Not green, green agenda on the remaining 90 % of the world population. To those Notus cult criminals, I say Not us, they have made it existential to 7 Billion people. It's time to end their cult.

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"Oh,no! It's Not Us killing you." Notus Cult.

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