Jul 7Liked by Radio Far Side

A tour de force! Well done!

For me, the play has become repetitive and boring. It is like the last "Jaws" sequel, unwatchable. This play is like a comedy sit-com that has run out of script ideas. Even the Court Jester's actions and words are reruns.

Thanks for the laughs.

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I must have done something right to get a chuckle out of you. Cheers! Glad you enjoyed it. Yes, the situation has become a tired plot, and in typical Hollywood form, they're swapping characters around and running the same scenes over and over. I have to admit, though, it is comedy of the highest order to watch the antagonists wailing and gnashing their teeth over something that was so plainly obvious to any reasonably conscious organism. I really hope the finale will be worth the years of waiting, and not just another "Return of the Jedi".

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Jul 7Liked by Radio Far Side

Rufus, What? You wouldn't like to see a bikini clad beauty choke a fat monster politician to death with a chain? Imagine Tulsi Gabbard using a chain around Dick Cheney's neck as his eyes bulge out and that fake heart of his finally quits.

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Be careful, you are bordering on porn here. Though derivative, if it's done well we can call it an homage. All pols eventually get run over by the train they rode in on. It's the nature of the beast. That in no way lessens the cathartic value, of course, but it does make the plot somewhat predicable.

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Jul 8Liked by Radio Far Side

Rufus, Let me know when the politicians and bureaucrats start meeting their fates. I've been waiting all my life for that to happen. LBJ and Nixon being forced from office wasn't enough for me. Haha. Kissinger lived to be over 100.

As for Cheney, how about if his fly fishing line gets caught in the mouth of a huge trout. The trout flies out of the water and the fishing line wraps around Cheney's neck, strangling him.

Now that is unpredictable and fishermen everywhere will be laughing about that trout and Cheney in the bars forever.

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That would be poetic justice for Harry Whittington, who got Dicked in the face hunting quail in the Bushes. Your mouth to Allah's ears

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Absobloodylutely the ultimate showstopper! Maybe even TEOTWAWKI ultimate grand finale. What's more - actually way less - it doesn't end with a bang , but a suck. So, welcome to the show, sucker. Yeah, i know, we paid our money to see the show, and now we're going to pay way more to get you to go. Oh, by the way, you didn't list the sponsors and shareholders (probably just as well if'n you wanna keep on keeping on).

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You'll find the sponsors listed in the Playbill. In fact, half the book is filled with advertisements so the show can be staged, because corporate largesse is the only way to get anything done these days. Don't get fooled by the clap-trap, though. There's much more to come.

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Jul 7Liked by Radio Far Side

Hear, hear!

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Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it.

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Jul 7Liked by Radio Far Side

Very good, thank you for it.

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Nothing makes me happier than a satisfied reader. Much appreciated!

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Jul 7Liked by Radio Far Side

Good one mate!

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Welcome! And thank you for the encouragement. I am pleased it had an impact.

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