Some points to ponder:

- Iceland's Althing was created in 930 - more than 700 years before the US Revolution - and lasted about 300 years before Denmark invaded.

- If Stalin was funded to `rule Asia, why did he create the world`s largest invasion force, complete with specialized tanks to travel on Germany`s Autobahn.?

- If Hitler was funded to ``rule`" Europe and Africa, why did the World Jewish Congress declare "war" on Germany less than 6 weeks after he was appointed Chancellor and had a minority government?

- How would Hitler have "ruled" Europe and Africa when all of his peace offers, prior to the spread of the war, included offers to protect the (((British ))) Empire?

- How is it that Hitler and Stalin weren`t in on the Plans for them?

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Your points are well taken. I did note early on that I was by necessity painting in very broad strokes, since volumes have been written about the details.

We cannot deny that even the most elaborate of plans are subject to the whims and choices of every actor involved. When a corporation selects a manager, it does so as much with deliberation and intent, as it does with a wing and a prayer.. Each actor in this pageant had a script, but was also prone to improv and personal motivations. Regardless of the minutae, the results were more or less as noted, with blocs such as the EU, ASEAN and NAFTA the results.

As with every well-planned project of any complexity, personnel change, dates slip and budgets swell. No one can plan for every variable in a dynamic system. However, even the largest herd can be driven to market with just a handful of cowboys.

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"When a corporation selects a manager, it does so as much with deliberation and intent, as it does with a wing and a prayer.. "

I worked in HR for over 30 years. There is an old union saying - "They hire what they see in the mirror."

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