Jun 29Liked by Radio Far Side

I didn't waste any time watching a debate between two candidates that I will never vote for.

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Neither will I vote for them, but the sheer insanity of the spectacle was worth every penny of the free admission, especially the panel of apologists that followed. What it lacked in raw action and special effects, it made up for with farce and slapstick.

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Jun 30Liked by Radio Far Side

I'd rather watch Monty Python's Flying Circus, which was both more enlightening and entertaining.

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No doubt about that. I have 45 episodes on my phone for emergencies. In spite of that, I'm enjoying watching everyone's jaws hit the floor despite Jurassic Joe's condition having been obvious for years. It's the Emperor's New Clothes brought to glorious life.

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"That rug just got pulled and like the cartoon coyote, they are momentarily suspended in mid-air over a vast and deep chasm holding an anvil."

I'd love to help. Let me know if they need another anvil.

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I'm fresh out of anvils, but I'm tossing lead fishing weights. Cheaper and easier to throw.

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It's a good analysis, but does it even matter. By "it" I mean the Dog & Pony Show. Most Americans don't trust the government or institutions in general, even the military is losing favor.

The audience for the Dog & Pony Show is gone (both in reality, there was no audience at the debate. Trump needs an audience.) and out there in TV Land where most folks watched something else on their screens.

I've predicted for some time that the voter turnout in November will be one of the lowest in history. People are waking up. Voting is the Dog & Pony Show. Elections are a farce.

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I don't really consider the electorate the audience for this spectacle. The real audience are the pundits who sit around rolling dung in little balls while pretending they have any influence hhatsoever. The real entertainment is watching their paychecks evaporate before their very eyes. We'll see what happens, but my prediction is that the election will be blatantly fraudulent and for the first time in centuries, the Merkin people will drop the pizza and go to the window and yell, "I'm mad as hell, and I can't remember the rest of this line or what movie I saw it in!"

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Rufus, LOL. Americans never drop their pizza. They just change the channel.

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Silly me. Maybe I just saw the topping fall off, which is bad enough.

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Rufus, If the topping falls off, the dog is elated.

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I don't know how YOU eat pizza, but I hold the box under my chin to catch everuy stray morsel. If the topping slides off, it simply makes the next piece I shovel in all the more delectable, with twice the allotment of MSG.

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Rufus, The pizza box under your chin. LOL! That's an image for the ages.

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I watched it on RFK jr's X feed, which gave it an ironic contrast, but might watch the golf match between them on CNN. That could be entertaining even though I'm bored by golf. Watching them stumble and waddle towards the American flag holes.

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Yaknow, I might even shell out for Pay-Per-View to see that. Especially if they carry their own bags!

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Jun 29Liked by Radio Far Side

Excellent analysis. They pull the rug now because no matter how much election fraud they drum up, it is obvious that no one will believe that Biden actually won.

A replacement would allow the previous plans to continue uninterrupted. He/She’s winning (fake polls), He/She’s Brilliant (fake analysis).

The vast majority of the current brainwashed leftists have been expertly conditioned to believe these things, without question.

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The one saving grace I see in all this is that the majority nnow see the gaslighting clearly and unambiguously. Perhaps the New Improved Ticket will not be so readily accepted, since the Great Unwashed now know it's all a game and they are the pieces.

There's always room for hope.

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Jun 28Liked by Radio Far Side

The discussion of this cartoon special is more than the cartoon itself. As we can expect, the MSM is the electoral candidate, and we will not even notice anything happened because, the MSM will stop talking about it - along with all the Alternative Media people who are only rising to the fight, cos some one said there was a fight, which is over, so everyone will go back to the supermarket and buy some thing and maybe tune back into some 1950’s football replay.

We know the deal. If the MSM is not talking about whatever, then there is no conversation. And the consumer, the entrained and respected voter, who ever that is, will wait for the next prompt to tell them what’s happening, which out of nothing generally becomes nothing.

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I disagree. That shrill harping you hear is the GeezerMedia and loyal opposition (alt media) desperately trying to be relevant again. As we saw in the recent Bolivian coup attempt, the Deepsters have lost their grip. Their old tricks no longer captivate and amaze. They belong to a different era and the world has moved on. The post-debate lamentations are proof that they no longer control the discourse. Stay tuned. This is going to be fun!

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Jun 29Liked by Radio Far Side

But what alI I see is some difficult to handle worn sock puppets, parroting a script that doesn't come out right when written to bamboozle and amaze. The electorate are entrained by years of obedient “Don’t Touch That Dial” and have less to do than sit and watch the only free colour light and movement available, convinced they are not part of it. An absent audience became canned laughter, and now a canned audience - manufactured by the same producers as the show itself. Staying Tuned is the honoured directive when nothing is happening. It is all made up, and look, we are all convinced and talking about it.

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There you go thinking again. If you don't stop, you'll go blind! The thing about hypnotized subjects is that they can be snapped out of it. The question remains whether the "debate" [sic] was sufficient to do that. I've always found it more entertaining to watch the audience than to be the audience.

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Rufus, Yes. The government is good at a few things, blowing shit up, stealing money, and propaganda. Last night was a propaganda fiasco.

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And it was glorious in its failure. The gov't and the mafia are the same thing, just on different scales. It's all a protection racket and swindle based on fear and intimidation.

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Rufus, But why did the propaganda fail? Are the wheels finally falling off in the government? Will DC and the feds just disappear like the Soviet Union?

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Propaganda only works when it doesn't conflict with unambiguous personal knowledge. I do note that the spook-backed coups are failing worldwide, and that once-stalwart US allies are starting to leave the party. The Merkin juju is losing its mojo, because the world is fundamentally changing and the spooks are fighting a war that ended a long time ago.

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Rufus, How is the world "fundamentally changing"? Maybe you could write an article about it.

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