The spring flower called the Narcissis (Daffodil) and named after the vain mythological guy, Narcissis, is said to be represented by that Fleur de Lis symbol and Charles certainly fills the bill for vanity. And look how he wormed his long-time girlfriend onto the throne. First they fornicated together. Then they adulterated together. Then his mommy let him marry her. Then she became a consort. And now he, himself, is making her a queen. The camel's nose.

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Has anybody watched the Lady C videos? Lady C was very briefly married to Lord Colin Campbell and though they divorced about a year after marrying she continues to call herself Lady Campbell. She was born in Jamaica and may be Lebanese. She presents herself as royalty and her job appears to be to promote the British royals. She does her videos from her home, Castle Goring ,and appears to have untold fawning fans who watch/listen to her praise the UK royals and also bad-mouth Prince Harry and his Duchess who have now become America's royals. Gee, I thought we did not have a royal family in America but it seems we do. She has written several books about the British royals. Her videos are like gossip fests but she always heaps every praise on horrid Charles , his parents and his heir and the rest of them there. It sure seems to me her job is to do PR for the royal parasites and cause even her American audience to applaud them.

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Makes sense. There definitely has been a general dumbing down for decades via "education", and attacks on health, until the Plandemic genocide of white Europeans/Christians, have been primarily constrained to creating illness (poor diet, "vaccines" poisoning, in order to sell the "treatment". Symbolism lives loud within these self annointed "elites". While very successful at paganizing masses of dumbed down, "entertained" people, the accompanying narcissism might make acceptance of the required subjugation and privation difficult. I guess this is why the murder of billions and mutilation/sterilization of children is now perversely promoted by this "elite" (ha!) class as a healthy thing. Envy, covetousness, avarice, enjoyment of cruelty. That is all I see coming from these "leaders", who apparently consider wealth the arbiter of who is to rule and who is to be ruled/killed. WEF-arch minion Harari's breathtaking assertion that "we" don't "need" this many people speaks for itself.

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Wealth as symbol of Divine Favor is a Calvinist concept gone wild. Hard to deny that this view has infiltrated and consumed the mass mind. Even the televangelists say their wealth is a sign that God favors their ministries...and they get away with it.

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Looks interesting. I will definitely check out some of the titles. Cheers!

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See what this symbol of power really represents, an ancient physical weapon, the vajra, or dorje used by the 'gods' in various ancient cultures. 'The Vajra: Powerful Ancient Weapon Of The Gods' Youtube.

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Interesting! I hadn't previously come across this information. I do note, however, that adding this to our exploration does not preclude the origin of the shape with sprites and elves. In face, I would go so far as to propose that a great number of symbols and "signs from God/the gods" are related to electro-magnetic phenomena in the skies.

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For sure, a number of phenomena occurring in nature are attributed to the 'gods', and I think that is indeed a reality in many cases. The Dorje or Vajra weapon occurring in several ancient 'mythologies' is certainly extremely similar to the fleur de lis though and seems very likely as a symbol of power.

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And what would be more powerful than massive light shows in the sky? Anthony Peratt has done a remarkable job correlating plasma formations with ancient rock carvings. We may be heading into another period of energetic discharges as the polarization of local space changes as the Sun moves through a galactic flare

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