As for snakes shedding skin... 42 years ago I was climbing Mt. McGregor in the North Cascade Mountains in Washington State. The trail was a foot wide, maybe. A sheer cliff went up to to my left and down to my right. The rock in the cliff was crumbling off in my hand. Not a confidence builder.

As I climbed the cliff trail I came up to a nook in the cliff at eye level. On this nook was a rattlesnake. I damn near fell off the cliff.

Then I looked closer and some bastard comedian had coiled a shed rattlesnake skin and put it there. Of course, I left the snake skin there for the next Happy Hiker.

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May 24Liked by Radio Far Side

Sometimes things aren't as scary as they first appear. Sometimes.

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And sometimes, choosing to look at things a different way can remove paralyzing fear and provide fresh perspectives.

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Just sayn: And sometimes things appear safe and end up being scarier than shit in your bran flakes.

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May 24Liked by Radio Far Side

I've been there! We made it through with stories to tell instead of a Darwin Award.

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Think of how many fairy tales are fear tactics to warn young women against predatory males (little red riding hood, etc.)

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May 24Liked by Radio Far Side

I see/ hear far to much fear propaganda about foreigners, when for Americans our biggest threat is our own government. They are the wolves in sheep clothing.

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What folks seem not to realize is that the true foreign threat is the capital city, not human beings. Anyone/thing that refers to us humans as economic units (consumer, taxpayer, etc.) is the true and abiding enemy at the gate.

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Rufus: Nowadays parents just have their kids watch the TV show "Law & Order SVU (sexual victims unit)". All the shows are based upon real cases of sexual predation and abuse. It's a scary show set in NYC.

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ANY show set in NYC is scary. I feel for kids raised on TeeVee mythology. Sadly, it's the norm anymore.

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May 24Liked by Radio Far Side

Hi Bernard, that was beautiful.....I've had Corn Snakes and watched them shed,....even helped when they needed it. Very nice Analogy. I very much hope you are right!

Clif said "Did you feel it?" too. So are a lot of others,.....Jean Claude, from Beyond Mystic,.....Janine reading the Tarot.

But clif's new post about TIME DWELLERS really made me look differently at what's been going on now for the last 8 years....at least. And it sure looks like the elites are still firmly in control to me!

I think they are the ones creating the Psyop that makes Trump into a Savior of Humanity.

I watch all the people cheering Trump as he arrives to give his Pep Talk in the Bronx,.....I think the elite have intentionally destroyed the Country (using old Biden) to drive everyone towards Trump. To make him look really, really good.

First they let him win in 2016,......they let him make America great for 4 years,.....we even had something they called "Energy Independence" for the first time in our nation's history. Why? I don't know. We have always had plenty of OIL. (not a fossil fuel by the way,.....a self renewing ABIOTIC).

They persecuted him for 4 years to make him into a Martyr. "The poor man. It's no wonder he didn't drain the SWAMP or FIX Health care,.....he was so busy being attacked! He didn't have time!" We all felt sorry for him,.....we made excuses for his failures. We were proud of him for nothing throwing in the towel and just walking away from all the Persecutions.

But that isn't working for me now, when the shots are killing millions and disabling Billions, he is still bragging about the shots? It makes no sense. Just like his allowing FAUCI to refuse to let any one have HCQ which Trump knew very well worked fine, because Dr. Zelenko put him on it! He talked for 8 minutes about how well it had worked for him and that everyone should have the chance to try it. He even wrote up an EO for it! Which FAUCI vetoed immediately. Of course. The FDA would not give him a EUA for FAUCI's Bioweapon with HCQ able to cure someone in 2 weeks! I know it works because I took the Horse Paste myself! It was amazing, I was so sick,....just sitting staring into space,....and after the first dose I was like a new human! 12 hours and I was almost back to normal. Ivermectin works very well on any cold or flu.

If Trump had STOOD up to Fauci, 600,000 people might still be alive, the Economy would be fine and he would have been President again in 2020. Why did he choose that path? The path to Destruction and INVASION of our Nation?

He is a Zionist? He works for Israel? He certainly supports Israel despite the insane Genocide they are doing in Palestine. He agreed that we should send $95 Billion of our MONEY to Israel and Ukraine (New Jerusalem).

What happened? Did they threaten him and his family? Did they tell him they'd assassinate him if he didn't play along? I don't get it!

WHY? Why would he have not stood firm and told FAUCI to STAND DOWN. He was the President!

I think he is just another Psyop for the people on the Right, the conservatives and Patriots. Just like Biden is the Psyop for people on the left, the commies and trannies and Kennedy is the Psyop for people in the middle. All controlled by the Top Psyop run by the very top of the Cabal of elites. The 1% who already own everything and still want to take the last scraps from the 99%!

Trump is going to win in 2024,....because the global elite Mafia want him to. He will be the Gentle Monarch,......I think that he is just working for them to bring in a kinder and more gentle New World Order. And ok, that's not so horrible,.....I suppose. We all live is this PSYOP any way....but why destroy our Country first?

Is that just about covering the crashing the globalists Debt/TAX banking Scheme?

Why do you think Trump chose the Path he did?????????? Is he really FOR the PEOPLE? OR is he just a different part of the Psyop that's the elite are using to put their Global DOMINION into place?

I blame all these thought on Clif,.....if he hadn't talked about Longer Lived folks.....and how different their perspective might be,.....I wouldn't be here!

Mandy in Michigan.

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In my opinion, you are spot on, though I think the elites are in charge of the old skin, and we humans are slowly wriggling out of it. I wrote 36 articles and did dozens of interviews with Rense and others warning about the Q Phenomenon and the clear (to me) marketing operation to "Create Trump, God Emperor". Remember the float in NYC that depicted him as Caesar? Americans especially love underdogs and outlaws, and Trump has been carefully positioned to appeal to the Merkin Mythos. One need only look at how Ron Paul was blanked in order to see the lavish attention bestowed on Trump to attract the disenfranchised and disaffected. My guess is that it is all designed to ultimately crush the spirit of any opposition.

We shall see how this unfolds. Folks need to realize that the Swamp can't be drained. It IS the government. They need to walk away en masses and never look back. The Swamp only has power because folks give it to them.

BTW I raised ball pythons, and my daughter used to wear the hatchlings like jewelry. Feeding time was a greatly anticipated entertainment in our house.

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May 24Liked by Radio Far Side

Thank you for your reply,.....I wish it hadn't gone this way. Now there are MILLIONS of American stuck in another Psyop! OH well. I'm old. I won't be here to see the new SKIN,....but I hope my Grand Children will! Goodnight and thank you again.

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Amen! Everyone has a role to play in the eternal process of Becoming. I sure want my kids and grandkids to see a better world than we got handed. Remember that the new skin will one day be shed, as well. The trick, I think, is not to focus on the end of old things, but the beginning of new ones. We can't change what's past, but we can sure influence where we're going.

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DoF: As far as I'm concerned, the East Coasters can go back to Europe... tonight! Secession is the future I see for the uSA. The system in place right now is ridiculous and everyone outside of the DC Beltway knows it. Fuck all of them Yankees!

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May 24Liked by Radio Far Side

It's amazing the mindset difference between people that live within the commuting distance of DC. I cannot wait to move out of the region.

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Holy swine slop! Sorry to hear you live anywhere near that seething cesspool. I hope you escape soon to save your sanity!

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May 27Liked by Radio Far Side

Believe me, I've been waiting for the ability to leave for years. It finally appears that we're on the cusp.

Having said that, watch, the next cataclysmic contrived event will happen and prevent me from doing so. LOL

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If it's not one thing, it's another. That's pretty much the rule of life. You save up for something and some emergency comes along and wipes out the savings. There's the school of thought I used to adhere to as a younger man - damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead. I've had mixed results with that approach.

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May 24·edited May 24Liked by Radio Far Side

"At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, we started outgrowing our old skin. We had grown beyond the limits of the old civilization and global wars broke out as we reached the culmination of our socio-economic systems. " Rufus.

Rufus, I disagree with you on this paragraph. There was no need for the Progressive Movement, which was definitely anti-individual. People were a lot freer in 1910 than they are today. There was no income tax, Federal Reserve, money was backed by gold and silver. There was very little government interference in Americans' lives.

The Progressives were and are Communists, the Spawn of Satan. Their philosophy is based upon envy and theft. They have killed 100 million people so far and are just getting started.

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More like 200 million dead, if you add up Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro, and throw in Hitler and Mussolini since there's little difference between Socialism and Fascism.

I am of the opinion that the Progressives were/are a defensive movement that anticipated the collapse of collective society begun in the Enlightenment Period. Though the "shedding" is muti-generational by the metric of a lifespan, in historic terms, a century or two to work off the skin is nothing.

Within the Age of the Great Deception, it is difficult to make out the patterns. That will be the work of our distant progeny. We are too close to the tapestry to see the image.

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Rufus: Good points and 200 million is probably the right number of dead. As for "distant progeny"... more and more people are opting out of having progeny. Maybe soon enough, all that will be left of us are those old skins slowly fading away.

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Opting out, or being opted out? Probably both. In any case, there doesn't seem to be a breeding issue on this side of the world, save for Japan and China. India and SEA are proceeding apace, as are the Global South. I wonder, though, how much of the panic over declining birth rates is attributable to the artificial baby boom of the 40s and 50s? I also question the population numbers, since the organizations who publish them are clearly untrustworthy in any other regard. I believe a time is coming when all that we "know" will be revised -- be it "science," history, sociology, etc.

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Rufus: The only numbers the governments can't lie about are births and deaths. The body is there or it isn't there. As for breeding in various places, results my vary.

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We can't trust ANY numbers about tANYTHING released by ANY "official" source.

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Rufus: One thing slave owners don't lie about is how many slaves they have.

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May 24Liked by Radio Far Side

The VAX is sterilizing our young people and our babies. Babies testicles are shriveling up and little girls ovaries are full of lipid nano particles. We may need Alien intervention again,....if they keep this up, to save us from extinction!

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On the other hand, folks who are too smart to juice their kids will be the ones who become the human race. I like to think of it as natural selection for less gullible, more paranoid progeny.

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DoF: And why do we need saving from extinction? If you were an alien and looked at humans today across the world, would you save them or let them die out?

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Once again, well said. I'm just glad I'm able to see the Forest better now instead of just the trees. Less disappointment and surprise later.

Clif High says we are in for a very, very hard next few years....including FAMINES. Certainly the globalists are doing their best to cause famine, depression, WW3, civil war,.....and million of dead people from the VAX. I think this winter is going to be really really bad. I hope you are all preparing for it. Get out of the Big Cities!

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May 24Liked by Radio Far Side

I wouldn't listen to much that Cliff High says. I listened to some of his stuff a couple of years ago, he was so wrong so often that I finally quit listening.

What's interesting is that many that were critical of the contrived "Covid" turned out to be wolves in sheep's clothing.

Remember, part of their program of control is moving the barriers back so that a little bit is exposed, then having the majority dwell on that for years while the next parts of their plan are quietly rolled out.

Unless someone understands the big picture, and I've met so precious few that do, we're playing their game.

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I find clif to be highly entertaining (pun intended). His ALTA reports have proven scary accurate in many things. I like listening to him because he's willing to say things most people wouldn't dare, and it makes good food for thought. I do generally follow up on his more outrageous comments and try to triangulate them with other sources, both out in the woo and closer to accepted normalcy. I enjoy being challenged.

You make a good analogy that the deepsters like to shift the rocks just a little and give everyone a good look at the creepy crawlies underneath. It's a way of conditioning us to normalize their filth, like when you see a Tijuana dog and pony show for the first time, it's shocking, but it slowly loses its power with every bachelor party.

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May 27Liked by Radio Far Side

LOL, well put.

As to Cliff High, I used to watch him and heed his predictions. But then I noticed that they were not coming to pass, quite the opposite in fact. Not sure what ALTA reports are, presumably something having to do with Alt-Media, where I'd be quick to check to see who's behind them, but otherwise, there was a huge one a year or two back that simply didn't even approach occurring. That's pretty much when I threw the towel in on him.

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In terms of clif's ALTA reports, a lot of his predictions are based on his interpretation and particular viewpoint. I found it more useful to take the terms in brackets and parentheses and try to come up with alternative interpretations. In any case, he had some major hits that cannot be explained in any other way than his webbots having value as forecasting tech. His system seems to be a form of trend hyperanalysis and apparently an early form of AI. Credit where credit is due, and it does seem as if certain gov't and corporate interests are using similar tech.

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May 24Liked by Radio Far Side

How can a VPN fix Substack's coding incompetence?

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-Curious that out of entire article, this would be the issue you'd focus on, but there are reports of an undersea transmission line having been cut by anchor dragging somewhere off Taiwan. By rerouting through a Tor bridge, it solved a specific problem with Substack editor not accessing the cloud. There are similar issues with cloud access to Microsoft, Meta and Goofle services.

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May 25Liked by Radio Far Side

Since Substack can't return to the thread, I can't defend my unviewable and forgotten post.

LEO and geostationary satellites have always been used for data communications where latency was irrelevant and transatlantic cables are bested by Starlink's LEO's because they pass data between themselves, saving up and down link slowdowns. Since TOR is software, I don't see any relevance to a discussion about datacom. The vast majority of datacenter to datacenter communications are via fiber optics these days and transatlantic cables gave up copper as soon as fiber was invented.

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The constellation, whether LEO or geosynch, are limited as is transponder time. The birds are generally used for big hops (transocean) while fiber networks carry most of the ground traffic. Ross Perot made his fortune creating the F3 network by running cable through decommissioned gas pipelines, and F3 (or whatever it's called now) carries most of the traffic you watch on TeeVee or hear on your phone. Same in Asia. Ground stations in Taiwan, Australia, Singapore, etc. pull down the signals from above, then distribute them via a vast undersea network. There's at least one cable-cut per year when someone anchors in the wrong place.

As for TOR, it allows me to reroute my stream through different private nets to access other backbones.

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Shaken, not Mixed Metaphors.

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Hold the rocks

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Although we are in for some rocky times.

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I daresay we've been up to our necks in them since 1913, but the rocks are sure getting bigger and sharper.

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The only thing is that if the corporate structure of western civilization survives, it still leaves those that own Big-Corp, namely the Central Banking Cabal.

Obviously any discussion is incredibly complex, but at the core, if that doesn't happen it's still a loss for humanity.

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