I love the artwork at the beginning of the article. How did Rufus know that we have rats in our orange tree eating the oranges? The man is clairvoyant. He can do that long distance imaging thing that the CIA is looking for. Rufus may be recruited by the government tomorrow for intelligence work. It's amazing!

I read the book "Salt" years ago about the history of salt mining. Salzburg, Austria is named after salt. Salt was golden in the old days. Everyone needs salt. Our blood is a copy of salt water.

Gandhi used salt to overthrow the British Empire in India.

I'm at the point now that I ignore the UN poo-bahs. They are like those kids in their clubhouse coming up with rules for us kids on the block. We shot them with squirt guns.

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The UN is a flatulent rat warren, but that said, it is dangerous. As the leading QGO, it is a primary funding source for the legion of NGOs eating out national sovereignty and human dignity. The "Pact" is an outline that will direct the NGOs into the future and creates the outline for all the legislation they shove down our throats through their lackies in what remains of de jure governance. Reading the "Pact" will tell you exactly what kinds of "laws" we can expect to see in the very near future.

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Sep 29Liked by Radio Far Side

It is still a shame that the UN building didn't suffer the same fate as the World Trade Center towers, preferably during a full General Assembly.

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Vonu, The UN Building and the diplomats in it are abominations on New York City's east side. The diplomats never pay their parking tickets and act like gods. They are immune from prosecution. It's an ugly building, too.

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Sep 30Liked by Radio Far Side

The UN building sits on sovereign ground, just like the embassy that Israel attacked in Damascus. Are you willing to give up centuries of diplomatic history because of parking tickets? Kindly cite the law that makes it illegal to be ugly.

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Vonu, You jump to more conclusions than my in-laws. Did diplomats two hundred years ago not pay their parking tickets? If it was illegal to be ugly, most Americans would be in jail.

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Sep 30Liked by Radio Far Side

What required a parking place two hundred years ago?

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It is impossible to jump to facts, which can only be cited.

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I have posted this whole commentary on X.....paragraph by paragraph. I did change the Bumbledicks to the Global Mafia though, I wasn't sure Bumbledicks would get past the Censors. I don't suppose it's likely any one will even read it,...no one 'reads' any more. But none the less it's there with links to this page. I suppose I'd better post the "Pact" too, see if I can wake up a few more Normies. Although I've pretty much given up on any chance of "Winning" this global WAR. Survival seems to be all we can really do any more. I feel very sorry for my Grand Children. But maybe they won't even notice the changes, since they'll grow up with this indoctrination, as we did with ours. Thank you again for writing this.

Better to be ready than not ready. :) Although I'd sleep better if I didn't "know" any of this!

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Bumbledicks is a fine word. It's been trending lately as a hashtag. I chose it both because the censors didn't know it, and it's beautifully descriptive. In any case, bless you for the effort. We need to slap folks around and let them know they are sleeping through the apocalypse.

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Rufus, People like to sleep through tragedies. As the Titanic sank, where would you go? I'd go to the bar and get inebriated to the point of blacking out. When you can't change the outcome, unconsciousness is an option.

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Alright!!! Next time, Bumbledicks it is! :)

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Shhhh! I've been dodging CIA recruiters my whole life. I prefer to use my superpowers for good and the benefit of all humanity.

Salt is an amazing story for those "worth their weight in salt." Austria has a number of Stone Age salt mines (Halstatt being a famous one), and Salzburg literally means "salt mountain". The Wieliczka Salt Mine in Poland is an incredible sight and a bucket-list kind of thing.

King Arthurs's Round Table was a significant symbol. The knights and the kind were all equally distant from the salt cellar, which made a loud political statement. The long rectangular tables of the "elites" were designed to purposely keep the salt under the control of the most senior plutocrat at the table.

In the days before refrigeration, salt was the primary means of preserving food through desiccation, a valuable skill to have these days, in addition to its health and flavor benefits.

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Rufus, The places and facts you mention are in the "Salt" book. It makes a fascinating read. There are also huge salt deposits and caves in Louisiana (Tabasco and Crystal pepper sauce come from there mostly for the salty water used. They grow the tomatoes and peppers in the Caribbean and Central America).

Does Indonesia have major salt deposits or do they distill seawater?

Remote viewing would have come in handy as a horny teenager.

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I had forgotten about Louisiana, and East Texas has significant salt deposits, though production has dropped way off. Indonesia primarily produces sea salt, and mostly from Java, Madura, and NTT islands. It doesn't meet demand however, and a lot is imported from around the region. China is the world's largest producer of both rock and sea salt, and India has significant output, as well.

I should read "Salt". It never occurred to me that such a book would exist.

Back in those randy teen years, didn't need remote viewing. We had x-ray glasses from the backs of comic books.

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Rufus, LOL at X-Ray glasses.

I grew up in Lincoln, Nebraska. It was founded because of Salt Creek and a salt lake. There were salt springs on the creek flowing into Salt Creek. The salty water would come boiling up through the sand in the creek bottom. This was near the buffalo pen at Pioneer's Park. I'd hike up this hidden creek and get up close to bison. That was fun. I never told anyone about the creek.

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Interesting that it never got exploited as a spa. Most salt springs do. Karlovy Vary in the Czech Republic has 12 springs, each with different temps and mineral compositions. Doctors used to prescribe regimens of certain springs at certain times, plus mineral baths. There's also the "13 spring," a liqueur made from anise seed called Becherovka, often served as a cocktail with tonic water (quinine) called a Beton.

Some of my best childhood adventures started by following a creek.

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Rufus, I can't stand anise. Ouzo makes me gag. The idea of a spa in Lincoln is very humorous. I'll admit that the Salt Creek mud/ooze is good for nettle stings and mosquito bites.

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And I have Celtic Salt on Autoship and am stock piling it!

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Sep 29Liked by Radio Far Side

You may wish to reconsider that choice of salt. I use Diamond Crystal Kosher Salt (not iodized).


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I want the 92 Minerals that come in Celtic Salt. But thank you.

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Pink salt offers more or less the same, without being processed with iodine. If you intend to do food preservation, the processed salts are not a good choice.

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Sep 30Liked by Radio Far Side

Pink salt contains natural iodine.

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Agree. Non-iodized is desirable for food preservation. I use Dolphin Sea Salt, and Kosher salt is also a good choice.

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Sep 30Liked by Radio Far Side

Using iodized salt for food preservation is a good way to overdose on iodine.

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Sep 29Liked by Radio Far Side

So if no one votes, who is president then??? I realize that the powers that be are hoping for a "hail Mary" as their intentions are being met with much resistance --particularly in the global south where most of the worlds people reside.. Just read that a couple of the BRICS ++ heavy weights are loudly protesting the UN's unwillingness to change--that is adapt to the new realities taking root most everywhere but the hollowed grounds of the UN / DC/ Brussels/ London etc. etc. etc. That is everywhere but that little click of western countries that don't realize that they are rapidly becoming irrelevant. Just read that John Kerry wants legislation to smash the 1st amendment, because it has become increasingly difficult to rule when the subjects can get information from other sources than those officially approved. Don't you people know that if it isn't the official narrative, it must be misinformation.

In 2050, I'll be a spry young 104 YO, and I intend to still be here (Lord willing, and the nukes don't fly) living outside the walls of the dystopian city the current crop of self appointed "leaders" want to see. Hope that there are many more like minded folk out here with me, enjoying a life of freedom apart from those who chose otherwise.. I believe there will.

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30Author

Lord willing, and the nukes don't fly. Love it, want to use it.

What has happened is that the Global South has realized they have all the raw materials, and thanks to outsourcing, they have all the factories. All the North has to offer is overconsumption and overly complex (and dying) financial systems. The panic is palpable. If the world can catch up to Enlightenment principles and Adam Smith economics, who needs the superiority complex?

By the way, I put the video of Kerry at the WEF up on the Telegram channel. Chilling.

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Thanks for that link RFS! Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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Ah, a fellow pure blood! We're all about culture around here, so welcome to the fray!

Bernardus the Viking from Houston, Dublin, London, Barcelona, and Munich, now living in Jakarta

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Thanks RFS, I'm glad to be regarded as a 'Member'. I have a wider family of 13 who are also clear of mRNA poison because they also investigated the dangers before capitulating like lemmings. Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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Obviously, wisdom runs in your family. Even before I dug into the Frankenvaxxx, just the fact that governments, media and corporate interests were herding everyone toward their potions was a massive red flag. As Mark Twain rightly said, when you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect. The herd is always wrong.

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30Liked by Radio Far Side

We, the people, rejected the idiotic "Pact for the Future" as being a farce organised by cretins who do not warrant acknowledgement. The Pact is DEAD!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll live longer without CORRUPT medical intervention!

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The problem arises when corrupt NGOs buy corrupt lawmakers, and institute their policies and agendas without The People ever having a say. As the great Warren Zevon song says, "Send lawyers, guns and money."

We would all live much longer, happier lives without any overlords of any kind mucking with us 25/8.

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16 hrs ago·edited 16 hrs agoLiked by Radio Far Side

Thanks RFS, not sure i know the song, but take your sentiment on board and agree entirely. Mick.

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Sep 29Liked by Radio Far Side

Thanks for this excellent essay. I was sitting at supper last night and thought about composing an essay on this very same topic. So, today, I have done. But I read your essay first, so it wasn't necessary for me to repeat all the good things you've said. My essay is called "whirled gooferment doesn't matter" and you might enjoy it.

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Thank you for the kind remarks. I saw your post in email right after the notification for this comment, so I will get to it shortly. There can't be enough awareness of this travesty. Even as we speak, the NGOs are rolling out enabling laws through their lapdog national gummints, so it behooves us to know what's coming and prepare to dash it upon the rocks of liberty.

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You’re welcome. God bless you and your family, brother. Amen.

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Sep 29Liked by Radio Far Side

It was launched. It is very unlikely to be instituted comprehensively with the world's population waking up.

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Doesn't matter now. The NGOs have bottomless pockets and will bribe and cajole the politicians, who will pass enabling legislation, and POOF. Not one nation voted FOR it, it just passed because no one objected, and so we meander into oblivion.

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We can only hope that the armed resistance will get serious before they die.

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