A leading from the Holy Spirit: Your dream means you are going to be creating important things. You should focus on the work of creating and not on being accepted. Your creations will speak for you about who you really are.

What do you care what other people think? Can you even be sure that they do think? In the country of the blind, the one eyed man sees more than most.

🎶 I'm up on the tight wire

One side's ice and one is fire

It's a circus game with you and me

I'm up on the tight rope

One side's hate and one is hope

But the top-hat on my head is all you see

And the wire seems to be

The only place for me

A comedy of errors and I'm falling

Like a rubber-neck giraffe

You look into my past

Well maybe you're just too blind to see

I'm up in the spotlight

Oh does it feel right

Oh altitude seems to get to me

I'm up on the tight wire

Flanked by life and the funeral pyre

Putting on a show for you to see

Like a rubber-neck giraffe

You look into my past

Well maybe you're just too blind to see...


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One of my favorite songs...

I have never really cared what others think, They generally catch up after a while. As for creating things, I am compelled to do it regardless of any other factors. As for the dreams, I am in the role of an observer, though not entirely disengaged. All creation occurs within a context, and the context is integral to the creation. They have been interesting dreams and I expect they will continue in this vein until whatever it is comes to pass.

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